Solution to the 'no dynamic feel'
I actually really like this idea, and it was something I imagined from the very beginning. Like, nobody’s watching this fort over here, so it gets taken… while people are retaking it, something else falls under attack, and if you don’t watch it, the invasion might spread. It might be tough to do without interfering with progression in a personal story, but then again, the game wants you to level 2-5 times in between personal story missions, so having to counterattack an army of centaurs and push them back to their camps in Kessex might be a really fun EXP trek/DE, especially now that it matters to quest availability and overall world appearance.
On top of that, I’d love to see warring armies. like if the Centaurs start taking land from Charr, you might see some battles or skirmishes going on along the territorial border.
Just a broad thought.