if dps and speed of kills is all thats important Im assuming everyone complaining about MF are 100b warriors?
If not then just like MF you need to be forced to change because DPS = everything yes?!
And as is normal with these threads, somehow the supporters of the selfish stat come to the conclusion that anti-MF want dps only.
Let me put it simply: You will, no matter what you do, be better in combat with Berserker’s or Knight’s rather than Explorer’s. It may not be the best idea to be dps, but if you’re going to use a dps set, you can and will do better with Berserker’s.
Every other stat combination has some conceivable combat advantage over another combination, making them sidegrades to each other to some degree. But Explorer’s is strictly worse than Knight’s or Berserker’s.Again with the lack of ability to realize just cause there is better stats doesn’t mean that someone can’t be successful, just because they don’t kill something 30 seconds faster, oh my what will you do.
Do your self a favor realize one thing
These Paranoia threads have been going since MF has been released, and yet Arena Net keeps putting MF in the game. If it was truly a problem we would see a thread with over 250k people yelling about how it is affecting their game. Yet there isn’t, yet Arena Net has yet to pull it out of the game, when it becomes an problem… and a true problem not a problem to elitist players like your self it will be removed. Sure players that use it are selfish, but players like you are just as selfish for trying to get players to play the way you want, when the solution is simple
- go to gw2lfg.com
- put in your lfg – GLF2M no MF all 80 in all exotic knights or serker gear, all gear must be pinged before we start are we kick you from group.
- go play have fun
No instead of playing the way you want you are trying to force others to conform to your play style. How Necrotic can you be? LOL enjoy your long waits for dungeons, while us people that don’t care about MF be it less efficient than your party will still finish with no issues.
When did I ever say that you can’t be successful without maxed out stats?
I said that you are irrefutably better when you’re using irrefutably better stats.
And when no one in the group benefits from the intentionally lowered stat but the person with the lowered stats, then this person is making their party weaker for purely selfish reasons.Also you don’t seem to understand that if something is a terrible idea but no one points it out to devs they aren’t going to fix their terrible idea. So, making noise about terrible ideas until it’s fixed may actually accomplish something.
You did you might not out right say it but you did.
Who cares if your finishing the dungeon that is all that matters, and that is all that should matter to you. It shouldn’t matter what gear he is in, follow my suggestion, you don’t think the Dev’s know about your puny QQ about MF it has been going on from the same players for the past 3 months. They obviously don’t care, get over it make your specialized groups end of story nothing more to say