Some (5) ingame suggestions

Some (5) ingame suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Savroula.4803


1. Dungeon Experience Indicator (In a total amount per Account)

As we all know, there is a variety in the skill and experience amongst player. Would have been nice if there was something like a link-able, evergrowing, counting achievement for everytime someone did a dungeon. Most will say it is undermining new ppl and not getting them in groups. Personally I always ask whether there are newbies and if there are indeed I explain, not kick them. Most of the time, many lie about their experience and get the whole group wiped cuz of their arrogance. But this is my prespective on this.

2. Dungeon Group Finder (With role statements)

Well, most of this work is being held at and I guess it is unofficial or something? Why not get an in-game dungeon group finder? Plus, having a role and profession statement will make it easy for players to decide whether to get in a group or not. (and if the experience counter is added to this, the group will have an idea about its potential)

3. Dungeon penalty for abbandoning the group

So many times I have been in rare dungeons’ groups that I spent 3 hours searching for ppl and when we got in, someone just left to go fractals or to another dungeon, being kitteny. There should be implemented a dungeon deserter debuff that will prohibity you from entering another one if you leave in the middle, without completing it. (But only when leaving, cuz if you are kicked, you will probably be kicked from the next group also xD)

4. The painful WvW issue

So, I am not against anyone here. I love the game and play it whether I am losing or winning. Both ways are fun. *Even three ways are fun (as far as it concerns WvW battles)!* :P But I cannot stop wonder about different time zones. So there legally covered ppl who can play from NA in European servers? How is this STILL loophole open? Why don’t you either make American players play at NA servers exclusively or not restrict them at all to play in European server or even merge NA and EU servers. I am mentioning this because the WvW population is very unbalanced as far as it concerns this issue, and kinda rips the fun out of it. And I am pointing out the word “Population”.

(PS to commenters: Please spare this post with comments like “You say this because you are losing” or “You suck at PvP” or anything like this. Keep a profile. FYI, even if I was in the Top server, I would be dissappointed because there would be no fun having no challenge at all. Fun is when you have to put your mind to it and actually have a challenge to do something, not just facerolling, ayto-attacking or taking a ride along a zerg and “yay! I got a Tower! They are noobs! They were 5 and we were 80 on every map at 5 a.m. GMT”

5. sPvP

sPvP has become very dull lately and I am more o a PvPer that PvEer. You get the 2 points (structures), you defend, you win. Up until lvl 80. This, the most balanced PvP out of all the MMO out there is becoming boring and that is not good!!! Implement some “CTF (Capture the flag)” or even some TOTAL teamplay skirmish that depend more on kills than on structures. Something like “Last man standing”. Or even a 3-way sPvP. Make guild sPvP and sPvP teams and Rankings for teams and players and restrict matchups according to their total team ranking.

Sivaas Sil @Desolation
~ /LookingForLootbags ~

(edited by Savroula.4803)