Some WvWvW ideas!!!

Some WvWvW ideas!!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dainank.1308


I was on holiday, and was thinking of some WvWvW improvements and ideas!

Here is a list:

> There should be towns and villages in WvWvW. They should have a weak defense but villages should also give you high buffs and lots of WvWvW points for server (not for yourself)!
> Secondly the keeps should be more different and have be more creative. For example, keeps should have more corridors traps e.t.c!
> Thirdly more siege weapons should be available. Such as a big tower which 1 person can steer and 10 can be inside. This tower would move to a keep and drop the 10 people onto the keep walls! This will make battles more dynamic. They should maybe also include ladders which could be used to climb up a keep wall but are very dangerous to use if there are a lot of defenders on the keep!

So there you go here are my ideas!

Thank you!

From Guild, ‘The Grand Alliance’ :
By Dainank.1308

Guild: LF Aurora Glade – PvE Guild
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Some WvWvW ideas!!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cameirus.8407


Racial keeps would be great.

Why is it all human architecture?

Why no sylvari tree castles? Asura floating keeps? Char mechanised fortresses? Or norn longhouse style forta?

Some WvWvW ideas!!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dainank.1308


Those ideas are also pretty good especially the following: ‘Why no sylvari tree castles? Asura floating keeps? Char mechanised fortresses? Or norn longhouse style fort?’
I hope that the staff notice this!

Guild: LF Aurora Glade – PvE Guild
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Some WvWvW ideas!!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pantsdragon.5703


> There should be towns and villages in WvWvW. They should have a weak defense but villages should also give you high buffs and lots of WvWvW points for server (not for yourself)!

- I don’t see the point in putting out a low risk / high reward capture point. It’s like making a camp grant 35 points. Besides, why would a village or a town be in the middle of a Mists war zone? The place is literally an eternal battleground.

> Secondly the keeps should be more different and have be more creative. For example, keeps should have more corridors traps e.t.c!

- Could be interesting, but I don’t see how they aren’t creative to begin with. Besides the fact that the three borderlands are copy-pasted, much of the keep designs are already unique in layout and design as it is, and require a different attack/defense strategy.

> Thirdly more siege weapons should be available. Such as a big tower which 1 person can steer and 10 can be inside. This tower would move to a keep and drop the 10 people onto the keep walls! This will make battles more dynamic. They should maybe also include ladders which could be used to climb up a keep wall but are very dangerous to use if there are a lot of defenders on the keep!

- Those are not siege weapons, and they would defeat the point of using siege weapons. I don’t see how making capture points easier to breech would ever make it dynamic or fun.

However, the idea of upgrading keeps into more racial buildings is interesting.

Some WvWvW ideas!!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dainank.1308


Yeah I have to agree on that one more than my own idea’s!

Guild: LF Aurora Glade – PvE Guild
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Some WvWvW ideas!!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: paladini.7823


Caimerus and Dainank, incredible that you read my mind.
I posted exactly such issue at my suggestion topic too.

Far from rogueing your post

But the ideas follow same as mine.

Paladini – Sanctum Of Rall

Some WvWvW ideas!!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dondagora.9645


I agree with most of what is on there, but I don’t think siege towers will be implemented due to it being too cheap to the defenses. I think ladders would be better, but should be easily burned/dropped so that players making there way up can be damaged if an enemy finds it, along with a penalty like, let’s say, temporary Daze or Confusion. This would make it so people can’t just all try to invade a Keep by huddling around the tower and getting in by the tens. It should also take at least 5 to 10 seconds to get up. I think this would be better than towers, making ladders more of the Infiltrator’s siege.

Traps would also be good as counter-infiltrator tools, helping to either stun them, giving NPCs time to find them, creating sparks or a sound that NPCs will casually investigate, or even a hidden portal that lands them in a cell where they die and can’t be revived. Just an idea.

Some WvWvW ideas!!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: ArcturusWolf.1205


I like the idea of towns/villages – would add a proper warfare supply chain issue.

What bugs me currently is that somehow we’re transforming raw supply into useful building materials without additional processing. Orchard fruits → stone walls/siege weapons…?

I think a way we could go about this is to have say, Supply Camp → Tower → Town → Tower → Keep for each dolyak. Supply camps still allow pickups of supply for the usual 10 supply; but Towns process received supply into refined supply, which are easier to carry; you can take 20 supply from these. They don’t, however, produce supply on their own, so supply camps are still necessary.

More traps are definitely needed for WvW. I wouldn’t mind seeing Charr Landmines at 10 supply each, at a limited number per keep/tower/supplycamp that doesn’t count towards the normal siege limit.

Sylverinia | [TS] TimeShift | Eredon Terrace

Some WvWvW ideas!!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fxncy.2398


I think towns and/or villages would be awesome! Check out my recent idea for a private WvW arena in another topic I created! I would also like to see some new WvW maps later on.

Kae – Maguuma
Brorannosaurus [Rekz] & Less Talkin More [Sekz]

Some WvWvW ideas!!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: brianmk.8495


I like your idea of racial keeps, anet should add a final expensive upgrade to keeps that converts them to a race, with racial keeps being a little better than the normal version.

Some WvWvW ideas!!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dean Calaway.9718

Dean Calaway.9718

Could be interesting, but I don’t see how they aren’t creative to begin with. Besides the fact that the three borderlands are copy-pasted, much of the keep designs are already unique in layout and design as it is, and require a different attack/defense strategy.

I believe that was done (to a certain point anyway) to keep it “fair” so no one map would have an advantage over the other, much in the same way some FPSs have their MP maps mirrored.

That said, different skins on the borderlands (keeping the geometry and so keeping it with no advantage to any server on a particular one) would make a difference, why not instead of lush green/snow field, an Autumn Ascalonian/volcanic region?

Victoria Cross [VC] – Desolation [EU]

Some WvWvW ideas!!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dainank.1308


The funny thing is that traps have just been released…

Guild: LF Aurora Glade – PvE Guild
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