Well I want to start this off with how a lot of end game players complain how end game content is so little and even then you are unable to repeat things for money without hitting the anti-farm code. In this topic I will talk about some things that can be added to increase the amount of things that a player can do to make money/get rare items/have fun.
Solo or Party Instances
1. Instances will range from defend this outpost from bandits, capture the bandit camp and release the hostages, etc.
2. Instances are scaled depending on group size just like normal events but are solo friendly as well.
3. These can have a cool-down period like events but are only started when you start your instance.
4. They can have a reward with each instance having a equipment set that can only be obtained as drops (not tokens etc).
e.g. Bandits Set – Medium Armour that has space for Runes however it also has a set bonus so 1 piece = 0 bonus 2 pieces = + 50 precision etc.
5. Rewards can also include rare crafting materials depending on their difficulty so the easiest instances can give tier 1 materials where as harder ones can give higher tiers of materials. There can also be a Hard-Mode version of all instances for a real challenge.
More Titles
1. The titles from the original Guild Wars worked very well due to the fact that they had incremental stages and also because there were a very high amount of titles which did not require a lot of gold. e.g. Sunspear, Lightbringer, Luxon, Kurzick, etc.
2. This will motivate players to do more things in lower level areas as there is a reward which can make up for the fact that the drops are worse.
3. The incremental titles will make the final target much more achievable as every long term achievement is just a collection of short time goals. Legendary weapons are an example of how long term aims with no intermediate achievements can become boring very fast
Guild vs Guild PvE
1. These will have a particular boss (which can be randomly chosen) given to each guild of a particular size. e.g. only 5, 10, 15 or 20 people can join if one guild has less people then the guild with more people has to reduce the size of their group
2. The bosses can include Champions from events, Legendaries from fractals, Guild Mission targets, etc.
3. The guild who defeats their target first will receive a large prize and the guild who lost will win a small prize.
4. This will improve teamwork and the community as all guilds will get involved so show their superiority.
1. This can also be solo’d or done as a group.
2. The arena will have stages which get incrementally harder.
3. The each stage will consist of either a boss or a hoard of enemies. Higher level stages can involve more than one boss, a boss and a hoard, or a boss with area affects like the goblin fractal boss’ “The floor is lava” affect.
4. Each stage will have a reward which can start at 2 silver and rise as the stages continue.
5. You will have to pay to enter and therefore it will only be truly worth it if you are able to pay for an amount of stages which you are able to complete.
Heroes in dungeons
1. They worked very well in GW as they removed the requirement to find other players, though having other players does mean a stronger party.
2. They allow casual players to have a team who moves at their own speed.
3. They are really fun to customize.
4. They can cost in gems so that NCSoft can make a profit from making peoples time in GW2 easier and a lot more enjoyable.
I will continue to add more ideas as they come to me.
All feedback is appreciated!
(edited by whomedude.2073)