Some skill icons are unpleasant

Some skill icons are unpleasant

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ash Flamerazor.8243

Ash Flamerazor.8243

Heartseeker and deathblossom for example, some players don’t like to see gory things all the time, in the same way that some people don’t like to see blood, it also doesn’t match with my cute character. Currently the only way to replace the icons is to use texmod ( now called umod ) but this causes performance issues, especially when in a large battle.

Therefore I would like some way of having custom skill icons built into the game,
or redesign the icons ( some players won’t like that though ).

Some skill icons are unpleasant

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ent.1026


some method of altering icons would be nice, but barring that, simply replacing the gore ones with something a bit less graphic would be very appreciated >.<