Something I think would be useful.

Something I think would be useful.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Diabolos.5493


I really wanted to start a thread about what the players of Guild Wars 2 find to be the thing they love the most about the game, while also asking what the players of Guild Wars 2 find to be the most disappointing. I think this information would be helpful to all those reading this topic as well as any Dev’s who happen to skim through it. This isn’t a thread for QQ or arguments. Help inform what is popular in Guild Wars 2 and what is not.

To start I find my favorite part of Guild Wars 2 is the jump puzzles. I have no idea why since rarely do jump puzzles treat me well (haha) but I can’t help going back to them over and over again. The thing I am most disappointed about in Guild Wars 2 is the final fight against Zhaitan. So many things can be done to improve the epicness of this fight. The easiest off the top of my head is to add in some epic music, the fight is FAR to quiet for a final big boss show down.