Something to fix gw2 vertical progression

Something to fix gw2 vertical progression

in Suggestions

Posted by: CoRtex.2157


To start of, vertical progression causes you to never go back to old content/zones.
So something that would fix this is, (because there is down-scaling) making the mining/tree/plant nodes type randomized in every area. So even in level 1-10 you have mithril/gold/silver/… But there has to be a level requirement for the nodes so you can’t take mithril from level 1. You will have less copper between 1-10, but you’ll still find copper between 10-80. And on level 80 you can still go to low level areas and get mithril or orichalcum. The logic thing because there is down-scaling is that mobs drop items with the same value at level 80 (so drops based on your level).

Anet is talking about making you go back to old zones and have the same experience, well this is how you do it.

Something to fix gw2 vertical progression

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mejo.3198


Good idea! Can’t come up with anything negative about it at the moment…!

Something to fix gw2 vertical progression

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zahld.4956


How about have high level bosses occasionally go to low level areas also?

Something to fix gw2 vertical progression

in Suggestions

Posted by: CoRtex.2157


How about have high level bosses occasionally go to low level areas also?

That’s an awesome idea. It reminds me of another game. How it was there, every x hours a boss would show up, everyone in that area got a message in their chat saying that the boss spawned, the only thing is, the boss spawn on a random place. Everyone goes running around looking for that boss, it’s freaking epic When he got killed, the server would send a message to all players from that server, saying: <guy with most dmg on boss> has slain <boss name>! .. good times

Something to fix gw2 vertical progression

in Suggestions

Posted by: Reverielle.3972


It’s an interesting idea.
However one problem is that for newer players it becomes then significantly harder to get the resources required for crafting when they’re beginning, e.g. copper.

Maybe another idea is that we (as higher-level characters) have a chance of finding iron, platinum, mithril, and orichalcum relative to our own level when mining from lode tier nodes. For instance in a starter zone when mining, if you’re level 80, you have a chance of finding any just listed, but if your character’s level 60 you only have a chance of iron and/or platinum when mining a copper lode. Something like that wouldn’t impact on the new players experience at all, whilst providing some incentive for high-levels to return. Of course one might foresee that higher-level players then just return to these maps to harvest and don’t partake in any other activity/event there still.

I love that people are thinking of ideas how to make the lower level areas more enticing for higher-leveled players.

I think tweaking the way we’re down-scaled in level for such zones (Which Anet said they’re looking into), continually improving/adding content, and maybe also tweaking the drop mechanism would help a lot too.

Something to fix gw2 vertical progression

in Suggestions

Posted by: CoRtex.2157


@Tarn, yeah, you are kinda right on the fact that they will lack copper for crafting this way. but i wouldn’t do the thing where you have a chance to get something high tier from low tier node, because than you could just go to high tier areas and stay there and get more from them. The areas have to be the same in getting loot/rewards.

I think i better idea would be, if you are under 15, all nodes are copper, if under lvl30 all nodes are either copper or iron/sivler, if under 55, nodes are copper/iron/silver/gold/plat. and so on.. And with crafting you can take lower lvl tiers and transmutate them into a higher tier (2-3 for 1). So early crafting will be easy, and the higher level you become the harder it is to find the materials you need, making it harder to craft. This makes sure that gathering on low level is important, but also helps you level. Also it makes higher tiers more expensive and crafting harder the higher your tier is.

It’s actually a simpel idea, but i think i made a bit complex in my explenation

(edited by CoRtex.2157)