Somewhere to display the ideas I have...
there is a looking for group interface though it is not very good at the moment.
it just shows that someone wants to look for a group.
i guess anet wants u to talk to them yourself.
@Deimos — I’m pretty sure there will be no detriment to adding more robust utility to the function, don’t you think? As with much of their game, maybe they can address it in their own unique way, which will turn out better than expected. I don’t see a loss in finding out, but I’m sure it will be far down the list right now.
Suggestion #4 — I would like to bring back couple features from Guild Wars that might find their home again in Guild Wars 2. Elite skill capping of bosses and unique boss weapon drops. Elite boss skills might occupy a Tier 3 spot. Boss items would be something uncraftable (or perhaps an alternative or comparable to legendaries, maybe a scale or two lesser, depending on situation). These suggestions would bring people to explore areas, other than jumping puzzles and such. The balance will need to be checked between this method of randomness and already-established ways of power structures.
For #2, if you type “dye” in the search field without even going to filters, you get all the dye listings and can then click the top bar to sort by name or price as you wish.
@Donari — True and I do use that method, although there is some random items thrown in there sometimes which happen to have “dye” in the name somewhere. Not a big deal; just trying to be neat and tidy. Although, it would be nice to sort it by hue or whatnot, like how you can sort them when you are coloring armor in the Hero screen.
Suggestion #5 — Other Trading Post filters that might help smooth out searches, such as sorting items by statistics. Of course, the name of the item gives a clue as to their set of stat bonuses, such as “Mighty” or “Malign.” It might make indexing and tracking of items harder, but it may or may not be a useful feature to get to the item you really want or need as specifically as possible, without referencing several different filters to the same effect.
Suggestion #6 — Trading Post again! Maybe options for details displayed directly on the list may allow a customized way for people to view data they find relevant to their needs. Like the various views one can switch among to view files in folders on your computer. A list view, a stat-block view, a detail view, etc.
Why does the Trading Post have you page through rather than scroll? It also cannot be resized. Why not?
Suggestion #7 — Another multi-suggestion suggestion: I wish /wiki brought up in-game windows, so you don’t need to flip to browser and back. Perhaps even other web functions with forums and the like. Are there going to be phone apps?
Suggest #8 — Bring back elite skill caps and unique item drops associated with particular named foes. Maybe Tier 3 elites? Not sure how to reconcile unique drops from making legendaries. I would imagine it would take some balancing between unique drops and legendaries in terms of difficulties.
Suggestion #9 — “Soulbound to another character” in a weapon description should say to which character it is soulbound. Perhaps even a color-code effect to the item icon itself, denoting soulbound, account bound, and unbound.
Suggestion #10 — Mousing over inventory bags should be consistent in what type it is and what its effect is. Some are obvious, like “craftsman” or “equipment,” while a few aren’t quite so, such as “invisible” or “oiled” or whatever.
Suggestion #11 — Bank sections with customizing name options. Personalized bank section labels. When depositing, a means to automate the destination section by name of label and per character. So, any double-click to deposit it could go right to the appropriately labeled area linked to the name of the character doing the deposits.
Suggestion #12 — Dyes for weapons.
Suggestion #13 — Customize colors for spell effects and such.
Suggestion #14 — A utility on- or offline to check if a name is taken. It would save the trouble of laboring over character creation and then have to spend the next hour trying to find that name availability, dropping ever farther into ridiculousness. It may also reduce the frantic scrambling through sites and things like Wikipedia,, Google translate, and those baby name places. I admit I’ve learned some interesting things doing that research, but I just wanna find a name I can accept and play sooner, without the anguish of getting an identity.
Suggestion #15 — I’m not sure just how vastly difficult this may be, but an integrated voice chat system would probably be good. It can have levels like “whisper” or “party” or “guild” or “team/squad.” Hands-free from chat can save you. I want ArenaNet to care about that, so I can stop whining. And, hey, who wouldn’t want to trash-talk opponents in PVP?
Suggestion #16 — Item locking in inventory. I get annoyed when I send minis in my inventory to collectibles deposit. Seems silly to send a mini which you have there on purpose, and send with stuff you wish deposit to.
ok suggestion#1 I think is already in game….not on the mini map but on the main map “M” button where you see the title of the territory that you want to know about your map completion. If you mouse over the gold words for that area, I am pretty sure it shows what you have done on that toon.
your suggest #8 is your suggestion #4 btw. Not sure where i saw it discussed, I am sure it was a dev, something about weapon coloring not being worth it, since the parts you color on some would be so small they wouldn’t really show. I think is how they explained it. But a lot of your items I like.
I hope I don’t repeat myself again here; sorry about that. I have a couple ideas, but not sure if they have been mentioned or discussed yet. If so, feel free to direct me to that information.
Suggestion #17 — Somewhere in the personal story scene it would be nice to have cinematics you encounter, such as story mode dungeon parts, personal story parts, and so on, so you may replay them later. It’s unfortunate that members of a party are stuck if even one person doesn’t skip it. It might get rid of that kind of impatience problem, I think. If the intentions for this were to be sure that a person watches for pertinent development or even to showcase some of the nifty stuff they put in, it only bogs it down. People that don’t care to watch it at all shouldn’t be made to, but for those that want to later, myself being one of those willing and wanting to, that would only be entirely beneficial.
Suggestion #18 — Did I mention some new inventory and/or bank tabs for upgrades and consumables? If I haven’t, I guess I just did. I still want it though. I have for a while.