Sort option for discovery window

Sort option for discovery window

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tziankarisch.9237


Now that all current and future usable items show in the discovery window regardless of whether they are in your inventory or bank, this window can get rather crowded

I think a sort option to show/hide ones that are above your current craft level, or even just move the ones that are too high to the bottom would be a great help

Yes you can manually move them down so that its easier to see what your using etc, but if you have to change to the craft tab to make something when you come back to the discovery tab they are all mixed up again

thanks for reading

Sort option for discovery window

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lewzephyr.5281


yeah I can see this being useful.

Maybe, when you add an item to the discovery window, instead of graying out all that can not be used.. it applies a filter and hides them and collapses the inventory list.

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