Spawns ruin the experience

Spawns ruin the experience

in Suggestions

Posted by: shizniticus.7864


… of an otherwise awesomely fun fight.

It’s not very fun to fight your way through some mobs, get to a veteran, have a great fight thats very close only to have some spawn pop-up and ruin it completely.

I said to myself, “ok you kitten, I’ll do it faster this time”. Came back did fight again. Was flawless this time, just about to beat the veteran creature. Boom. Now instead of the two lowly spawns popping up, a dynamic event pops up.

My reward for trying? A large repair bill… totally UnFun…

It can’t be that hard to program in a detection mechanism. Help people enjoy the game more by implementing it.

Never argue with an idiot. They’ll bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.

Spawns ruin the experience

in Suggestions

Posted by: arcqe.6734


mobs respawning to the side, happening to be where a event mob spawns falls more under the category of really bad luck, not a problem with the game :x

usually somewhere

Spawns ruin the experience

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bolthar.4172


Actually it would be nice if you got a prenotification of the event about to happen. I know excatly about what the OP is stating and yes it may be bad luck but its also very easy to put im some kind of notification system telling you an even t is about to happen E.G. they have an event radius. Within the radius of the event it says something like “There is unrest within this section of Tyria” like 5 seconds before they all spawn on top of you and mash you dead.

Just a way to help notify players before they get pounded into the ground.

Spawns ruin the experience

in Suggestions

Posted by: shizniticus.7864


it happens a lot, its not bad luck.

Never argue with an idiot. They’ll bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.

Spawns ruin the experience

in Suggestions

Posted by: shizniticus.7864


And no, im not just ‘unlucky’. Its not bad luck if i can predict the spawns timing within a few seconds each and every time. Its just poor design. Im only 38 but its my first and so far only part of the game I dislike.

Never argue with an idiot. They’ll bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.

Spawns ruin the experience

in Suggestions

Posted by: Replect.3407


There have been several topic about that already and I always had to agree…

The spawn system isn’t innovative and the spawn rate can really get in your way easily if you explore by your own or with just a few friends…

Spawns ruin the experience

in Suggestions

Posted by: Xandax.1753


Some spawns are way to fast, others seems rather slow.
I hope Anet has some metrics they can use to adjust this.