Special Event Jumping Puzzle Solution

Special Event Jumping Puzzle Solution

in Suggestions

Posted by: wildmanviper.4351


I see many posts about changing the Mad King jumping puzzle. Though I’m 5+ hours into it and still have not achieved it, I believe it should stay the same.

If a suggestion was to be made, I would make it auto spawn you back at the bottom kinda like the gryphon puzzle spawns you at the top but make it open a gate to start…without a cut scene.

As far the different heights of characters…since its an event puzzle, you could make us all witches, or ghosts, or ghouls, or skeletons of the same height and have us jumping together. Yes groups still jumping but no more height issues. Especially with the skeletons so you could see through your torso to help gauge your jumping.

Special Event Jumping Puzzle Solution

in Suggestions

Posted by: MeneerZondervan.5943


I definately vote a plus on this.
I’ve been busy with the jumping puzzle for a while and though I’m not saying it’s impossible, it’s just very hard.
I’m always getting a bit frustrated when there are a couple of charr blocking my sight and fall of the thing.
I definately approve for changing us all into the same skin.

I don’t approve the idea to remove the cut-scene and take you back to the start.
The origional concept is like this and I think it should stay this way.

Special Event Jumping Puzzle Solution

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bonzoso.7014


Being transformed into a halloween skin would be great. I know a ton of people are annoyed by us big charr blocking their view, but I’ve been equally annoyed by my big charr getting snagged on geometry and falling to his death during jumps I know I would’ve made with my human or asura (visibility issues notwithstanding).

One other change I think might satisfy a lot of players would be to slow down the speed of the rising acid by maybe 25-50%, but add an extra reward for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd players to open the chest at the top. They could even put in a window showing character names, finishing placement and completion time. This would make it a bit more forgiving for players that would prefer to hang back and let the herd thin out so they can gauge their jumps better, while also providing incentive for the more competitive players to move as fast as they can (and a means to gloat about it afterward). Not only that, but a larger percentage of the population would then have a better chance at the associated achievement and base rewards.

Special Event Jumping Puzzle Solution

in Suggestions

Posted by: wildmanviper.4351


Thats a good idea or they could gauge the amount of reward by the amount of time it took to complete it, just like Factions and the “Master” completion times vs. “Normal”