Speed Bumps on the Autobahn

Speed Bumps on the Autobahn

in Suggestions

Posted by: proteininja.5891


This post will highlight a few minor annoyances that have bothered me since I started playing this wonderful game.

  • Issue #1: Walking to bodies and hitting the “F” key are unnecessary steps in the looting process when a player already plans to pick up all loot drops.

Decisions are what make game mechanics fun. I decide whether or not to kill a goat. I decide what skills to use when fighting the goat. These decisions can change regularly during a session. I decided 3 weeks ago that I wanted to pick up every single drop, but I am still forced to take actions for something that is no longer a decision.

Solution #1: Implement a true auto-loot system.

Loot is already instanced in GW2. There is no race to the body to see if I can grab the loot before someone else. Why must I be forced to constantly stop and pick up items that I already want in my inventory? Players who choose to pick up everything should be able to check an option that moves loot directly into their inventory when they kill something.

In GW2, inventories are large and because of “Deposit all collectibles” and stackable trophies players are rarely punished for grabbing up everything under the sun.

  • Issue #2: The two ranger pet behavior states are insufficient for pet management in dungeons.

If the pet is set to aggressive, then he aggros anything in his threat range and attacks. This is obviously not acceptable for dungeons where pullsmust be managed with extreme caution. If the pet is set to passive, then this no longer a problem, but it becomes a chore to constantly retarget the pet on new mobs especially when there are several low health mobs.

Solution #2: Add a third “intermediate” ranger pet behavior state.

In this state the pet will behave passively until you begin attacking. After you start attacking the pet attack’s whoever you are currently attacking and stops attacking when you stop. The pet can be manually retargeted to another enemy, but always goes to your target if you begin attacking a new target. If you tell the pet to retreat then they will come to your side and stay there until you issue a new command or you begin attacking a new target.

This will help immensely with pet management in dungeons. Passive mode will still give the best pet control as it will be much easier to give your pet targets independent of your own , but for the rest of us who just want their pet constantly in the fray, but not pulling aggro between fights this new behavior state will be a major improvement over the current choices.

  • Issue #3: Upon reaching 80 players are unmotivated to explore and adventure in very low level areas.

I play regularly with my girlfriend and after about two weeks I began to get pretty far ahead of her in content and in level. I will still go back to her areas and help her though the content because I love her, but most players don’t have that extra motivation when it comes to helping guild mates. Low level areas are extremely inefficient for character progress when compared to Orr. This results in Orr being overpopulated and the rest of the game world eventually becoming underpopulated.

Solution #3: Scale money, karma, item, and experience rewards for all dynamic events, monster kills, map completion, and heart quests so they are comparable to level 80 explorable areas

I enjoy the low level dynamic events, but since my level is already adjusted I feel it would only be appropriated to give comparable rewards to Orr Monsters Kills and Dynamic events when killing and adventuring in low level areas. Not equal rewards. Just enough to make it worth your while to help lowbies complete content and 100% starter areas. Also, weapon and armor drops are underwhelming. Weapon and Armor drop loot tables should be dependent upon player level and little else.

The rewards should be less than those of the higher level areas, but there should be at least a tiny chance to get a very good drop when doing low level areas. If I know there is a 0% chance of getting a good weapon I will have no hope. If there is a .00000001% chance, then at least I can dream.

  • Issue #4: Running from the crafting tables and mystic forge to the black lion trader NPCs in order to retrieve money and materials is an unnecessary annoyance.

When a player is adventuring there should be some barrier to them getting anything they want immediately from the trading post, but when a player is crafting in lion’s arch there is no reason to deny them access to goods or profits from the trading post based on their map location.

Solution #4: Allow the “Take all” button to be used from anywhere in one of the five main cities

Alternatively, move the black lion trading post NPCs to the area between the mystic forge and the crafting tables.

Thank you very much for your wonderful game, and I hope this issues list and its suggestions help you in your quest to make the ultimate online gaming experience!

(edited by proteininja.5891)

Speed Bumps on the Autobahn

in Suggestions

Posted by: bad Robot.4081

bad Robot.4081

I finally got to the Orr area and found that much more profitable to do than go back to ANY low level area. I got my one piece of CoF armor I wanted but now that dungeons are hard unless you are in a coordinated team that knows what to do…I think I’ll just mindlessly kill mobs and do events to get high tier mats.

My only profession at 400 is cooking and going to the low level areas to gather those mats is a pain :P Currently my alt is level 8 and feels like he’s not doing much. I’ve given up on using him for mats and would rather do Orr.

Issue 4 is where I lose money by trying to get to LA for the mystic forge. Issue 1 is annoying because I always pick up those KITTEN banners! Issue 2 I haven’t run into as I don’t play a ranger….BUT! And this is a large one Fix Necro pets as well!!! “Necro-bossman wants me to stay but I want him to meet my new friends! Yaaaay~”

Speed Bumps on the Autobahn

in Suggestions

Posted by: proteininja.5891


Sorry to confuse you on issue 4. I meant running from the crafting tables in LA to the black lion npcs. I edited my post to reflect this.

Also, I’d like to mention one more thing that won’t fit in above. I think they should remove the portal to lion’s arch from the mists. I hate having to go through all those loading screens just because I know its cheaper to go to lions arch through the mists.

(edited by proteininja.5891)

Speed Bumps on the Autobahn

in Suggestions

Posted by: Illushia.3721


This is about the laziest bunch of suggestions I’ve ever read. Not because I think they’re not well put together. They’re well-written suggestions.

They’re just lazy.

Also, Ranger pets don’t get set to ‘aggressive’. They attack what you attack. You have to attack first.

They do not go out and attack things on their own.

The Treesong Calling. Tarnished Coast RP.

Speed Bumps on the Autobahn

in Suggestions

Posted by: proteininja.5891


They do fight back if they are attacked and will not stop attacking if you drop targets.

Also, laziness is not an issue in a video game. I should not have to do anything that takes away from having fun because the game developers have the power to create a streamlined gaming experience.

It isn’t about laziness. Its about doing three things every time I want to do one task. I want the loot. Why do I have to do find the sparkly body and hit “f” when it is no detrimental effects to having the loot automatically added to my inventory.

Why should I spend 30 seconds running two and from the black lion NPCs in lions arch when that is COMPLETELY unnecessary.

Its about removing superfluous actions so all that remains are actions that are tied to meaningful decisions.

(edited by proteininja.5891)

Speed Bumps on the Autobahn

in Suggestions

Posted by: Illushia.3721


“I don’t want to run from one vendor to the next. Every vendor should sell everything that every other vendor sells.”

That is essentially where this argument leads.

That is laziness.

The Treesong Calling. Tarnished Coast RP.

Speed Bumps on the Autobahn

in Suggestions

Posted by: proteininja.5891


“I don’t want to run from one vendor to the next. Every vendor should sell everything that every other vendor sells.”

That is essentially where this argument leads.

That is laziness.

That is not at all what I suggested.

The point of the black lion trader NPC suggestion was that the TP is an integral part of crafting and should be easily accessible while crafting.

Having the black lion trading post in a separate area from the crafting area and mystic forge is like placing the master chef on the other side of the map from the cooking station. It just isn’t a good idea.

Speed Bumps on the Autobahn

in Suggestions

Posted by: Illushia.3721


Move him closer, sure. But don’t remove him.

I usually craft in the Grove for pretty much that reason, though. The TP vendor is right outside the crafting building.

The Treesong Calling. Tarnished Coast RP.

Speed Bumps on the Autobahn

in Suggestions

Posted by: bad Robot.4081

bad Robot.4081

I do think that some places are badly designed in terms of where everything is. Say you have Jewelcrafting, bought stuff on the TP, and want to mystic forge some items. In LA this is terrible as there is basically only 1 waypoint you can use to cut your journey shorter. Why are they not set up in a circle around the forge? Why is the bank on the other side from the TP? Why do I have to keep running back and forth between locations because I did not think to bring my entire bank and not-yet-crafted items to the forge?
Lazy? sure. But come on guys -__- why does the TP person have to be in a seperate building with no waypoint? Kitten, why are waypoints not better placed?

Speed Bumps on the Autobahn

in Suggestions

Posted by: proteininja.5891


Thank you. That is what I’m getting at. I have to admit I didn’t know about the grove though. I will probably use that as my hub now.

Speed Bumps on the Autobahn

in Suggestions

Posted by: Illushia.3721


When you’re facing the front of the crafting building in the grove from the inside, walk out the right doorway(It’s like a half doughnut) and take a right. He’s in the little raised thing right outside.

The Treesong Calling. Tarnished Coast RP.

Speed Bumps on the Autobahn

in Suggestions

Posted by: Derpinator.2894


“You’re lazy!”

And you, dear poster are willing to eat a kitten sandwich with a smile on your face because you believe it’s the best you can get…

This game is amazing. But it can be improved in a thousand ways and seeing servile dregdges support it with comments like this horrifies me.

Carry on.

Speed Bumps on the Autobahn

in Suggestions

Posted by: Illushia.3721


You did not comprehend what I said at all.

Obviously you read it, because I didn’t say the changes were lazy until the end. But you didn’t comprehend it.

The Treesong Calling. Tarnished Coast RP.

Speed Bumps on the Autobahn

in Suggestions

Posted by: proteininja.5891


You did not comprehend what I said at all.

Obviously you read it, because I didn’t say the changes were lazy until the end. But you didn’t comprehend it.

No, you pretty much called me lazy.

I think the one that I am most looking forward to is if they implement full autolooting. It would be so nice to never miss loot in WvW or while doing DEs.

Speed Bumps on the Autobahn

in Suggestions

Posted by: Elthurien.8356


Well constructed post OP I agree with all of the issues and you come up with some great
solutions. I hope Anet take this onboard.

I especially hope they take note of Issue/Solution #3

Speed Bumps on the Autobahn

in Suggestions

Posted by: Derpinator.2894


You did not comprehend what I said at all.

Obviously you read it, because I didn’t say the changes were lazy until the end. But you didn’t comprehend it.

I disagree. I comprehended perfectly.You not only implied that wanting simplified in GAME experiences were “lazy”, you stated it directly.

I rebut by saying, it’s a game. The truth is that anyone’s disagreement with what a work ethic in a game is from yours is a disagreement; it is not evidence of laziness.

So, my attack wasn’t actually aimed at you, but at the subset of the populace who make claims like “You’re lazy!”

And even if it was personal, you have no ground to stand upon as this is a game. By definition, from person to person, there can be nothing lazy because there is nothing to gain.

Or to put it more simply:

No. You’re wrong.

Speed Bumps on the Autobahn

in Suggestions

Posted by: Illushia.3721


Okay then.

Not wanting to have to move ten feet to do something is lazy.

No matter whether that’s ingame, in real life, or whatever.

So, no. You’re wrong. It is lazy.

The Treesong Calling. Tarnished Coast RP.

Speed Bumps on the Autobahn

in Suggestions

Posted by: proteininja.5891


You talk about walking like its something that takes effort in game. Its not about effort. Its about wasted time. Video games don’t have real world limitations, so when they are arbitrarily added we must ask why.

Speed Bumps on the Autobahn

in Suggestions

Posted by: Illushia.3721


Because they don’t want you to be lazy.

Look at how they’ve changed the game:

You can’t farm the same event over and over. You can’t be lazy and stand in one spot and be rewarded. You can’t be lazy.

You can’t kill the same mobs over and over and over. You can’t be lazy and only farm one spot. You can’t be lazy.

You can’t skip content in dungeons to save yourself time and hassle killing trash mobs. You can’t be lazy and skip content. You can’t be lazy.

They don’t want people to be lazy and do basically nothing.

Asking for a change that doesn’t really encourage anything but people being lazy isn’t going to happen. I doubt they’ll even consider it.

They even sell portable Black Lion traders in the gem store, which they aren’t going to remove just so you can access the trading post from anywhere for free.

If you do want to be lazy, you have to pay for it.

I seriously doubt that is going to change.

The Treesong Calling. Tarnished Coast RP.

Speed Bumps on the Autobahn

in Suggestions

Posted by: Derpinator.2894


Okay then.

Not wanting to have to move ten feet to do something is lazy.

No matter whether that’s ingame, in real life, or whatever.

So, no. You’re wrong. It is lazy.

You are damaged.

The point isn’t “walking ten feet”. It’s spending 20 minutes to get to a guild group or event that I actually want to participate in, versus spending 20 minutes farming kitten mobs that I don’t care about to raise the “money” to avoid spending 20 minutes walking to said event.

Please. Stop putting pixels here. You are wasting even more of our precious minutes in this universe deciphering your nonsensical drivel.

Speed Bumps on the Autobahn

in Suggestions

Posted by: bwillb.2165


The black lion NPCs at lion’s arch trading won’t happen. I’d like it, but it won’t happen. Why you ask?

Well, because lots of people are buying black lion express items off the gem store to facilitate the process. Any annoyance that results in gem sales won’t be removed.

Speed Bumps on the Autobahn

in Suggestions

Posted by: proteininja.5891


The black lion NPCs at lion’s arch trading won’t happen. I’d like it, but it won’t happen. Why you ask?

Well, because lots of people are buying black lion express items off the gem store to facilitate the process. Any annoyance that results in gem sales won’t be removed.

You could be right, but it should be pointed out that the primary purpose of those black lion trader express items is to access the trader while adventuring. I don’t think it will hinder sales of express traders if this were implemented. I could be wrong, but the thing that leads me to believe this change could be implemented is the varying distances to the traders in different main cities.

For example if you are a jewel crafter in the grove it takes about 10 seconds to run to the trader. If you are a jewel crafter in LA, then you must run for about 30 seconds to reach the trader. This sort of imbalance in main cities leads to different crafting professions having different game experiences.

Weaponsmiths don’t care at all in LA because their station is right next to the trader, but jewel crafters are sad pandas. This inequality can be fixed by making the TP accessible from anywhere in the main city. It also preserves the value of express TP consumables and it removes what is at its core an arbitrary mechanic.

Speed Bumps on the Autobahn

in Suggestions

Posted by: Colonel Kernel.7506

Colonel Kernel.7506

Auto loot is really badly needed in this game.

This is not about laziness, this is about the poor game design decision to use the “F” key for EVERYTHING.

If you hit F to loot during an event you are “Greeting” one of the NPCs in the event, harvesting a resource, rez’ing a downed ally, etc, etc, etc.

Speed Bumps on the Autobahn

in Suggestions

Posted by: proteininja.5891


They recently fixed the priority for the f key. looting is now prioritized above everything.

Speed Bumps on the Autobahn

in Suggestions

Posted by: zityz.6089


Isn’t there already an option in the options for you to check off that Auto-loots? Im pretty sure there is.