Squad Instances

Squad Instances

in Suggestions

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


Tequatl is a fun fight, btw.

Anyways, while fighting Tequatl, I was wondering: What if we had squad-based instances? You join up on a commander’s squad and the commander can start an instance (like a dungeon or a map), and it would have mechanics in the instance much like the Tequatl fight. This way, there is a large group of players teaming up in an organized fashion taking on challenging obstacles with really nice rewards in the end.

Good? Bad?

(If this has been posted before, sorry)

Squad Instances

in Suggestions

Posted by: quakeroatmeal.4829


Well, you have a funny way of asking for end-game raid content, but I’m for it. IDT it’s really the GW franchise M.O. though.

Squad Instances

in Suggestions

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


Well, you have a funny way of asking for end-game raid content, but I’m for it. IDT it’s really the GW franchise M.O. though.

I’m sure it’s not their M.O. either, but heck, why not try it for 2 weeks? Spice it up some, go outside their comfort zone, try something unexpected all of a sudden.

We have 2 on board here, any others?