Static gem cost!
You realize that the Gem Prices are based off of players. Anet will not change this. If you do, however, need Gems, you can always opt to buy them with real money or wait until 5000/10000 achievement point chests. They both give 400 gems each.
If you want Gold —> Gem prices to drop, ask players to buy Gems with real money and convert it to Gold.
If you want Gold —> Gem prices to drop, ask players to buy Gems with real money and convert it to Gold.
I’ve been doing my best to help out. Once I hit level 80 I’ll probably be burning it up.
Welcome to a consumer base economy for better or worst that what going on in GW2.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
Well at least you have the option to use in-game currency. I think that alone makes it kind of fair. They could have just made it so you could only obtain gems by cash.
In my opinion gem cost, if you want to buy it with gold, is too high.
I’m pretty sure that the players that sell their (bought with real cash) gems to you think exactly opposite. I’m afraid you will have to meet somewhere in the middle, because sure as hell Anet’s not going to force people to sell gems to you at prices below what they consider reasonable. Just as it’s not going to force you to buy them if you were to consider the price to be too high.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
arena net whants us to buy them whit real money thac the point its no sub game they have to eat i understand them and yes gem prise is EPICLY overprise if u like to change whit gold u gona have hard hard hard time
while youre at it, blame cof path 1.
that dungeon had only helped with gold inflation.
I buy gold with gems because I broke my farming box after getting my legendary. I’m helping you out. You’re welcome.
The Gem Costs seem very reasonable for luxury items, like special weapon skins or armor. But now the Gold -> Gems -> Consumables seem a touch over the top. So rather than make Gems Static, I feel they need to take a look at some items and go “is that Rez Orb really worth 8g” or to put it another way “is that Rez Orb really worth 1/3 the cost of a Luxury Skin”
Compared to Runescape’s micro-transaction store, I’de say the Gemstore is an example of price gouging.
In runescape, they let me buy whole sets of armor overrides (skins) for about the same price as the Gem Store’s useless hats. Not only that:
- They have customisable pets that start off as a baby, grow into an adult. As they grow they acquire abilities that you can use while you are skilling and killing. These cost as much as the infinite gathering tools.
- They have animation overrides that turn the usual skilling animation into something funny or less monotonous. Costs $3-5.
- They have customisable armor set overrides.
- They have convenience items like extra bank space and pet growth treats for around $1 each. Bank space on GW2 is $7.50 for 100 slots and $5 for an extra bag slot.
Let’s not forget, everything is unlocked and accessed from an interface so I don’t get screwed with storage problems.
In my opinion gem cost, if you want to buy it with gold, is too high. I barely can afford buying anything with it, actualy i never could buy anything there with gold. Just the additional bank slot would cost me more than 26g, not to mention server transfer over 60g. So my suggestion is make static gem cost more like for 1,5-2g you get 100 gems. And reduce the cost of server transfer to like 1200 gems or something … 1800 is just silly.
Just interesting
ppl back than complained they had too expensive.
Those things are intended to be purchased with real $$, not fake coin. The option is there, but it’s not a viable business model for A.Net at all. It’s better for them (and you, as a player) that the gold-to-gem ratio is super high to encourage spending $5 to $15, getting that extra bag slot. That way that money will then transfer into future Living Story and other content updates. Gold transfers into nothing but a currency gone from the economy (instead of buying some fancy hat from another player, transferring the gold there, and rotating it, as should be).
I think that the only gem store item price I might have some sympathy on are extra character slots. Need bank space? Make a guild and get a guild bank. Totally free. Nah I do have a bit of sympathy as I seem to recall buying my first bank or character slot at a rate of 20 silver per 100 gems. Imo if you have the rl money just buy the gems and kick anet a couple bucks. Despite complaining about some things Gw2 really does give a kitten load of cintent for the purchase price of 60 bucks. Be nice to yourself and get some nice things from the gem shop. Dont grind for it unless you like to grind. You deserve it. If you go to a movie theatre do you get some popcorn? I cannot comprehend spending that much money for an hours entertainment and then balking at buying gems when we all spend hours and hours here.
Truth Ive purchased over 5000 gems with ingame gold including the upgrade to the deluxe version of the game. Just $40 dollars of rl money spent on gems so far.
The Gem Costs seem very reasonable for luxury items, like special weapon skins or armor. But now the Gold -> Gems -> Consumables seem a touch over the top. So rather than make Gems Static, I feel they need to take a look at some items and go “is that Rez Orb really worth 8g” or to put it another way “is that Rez Orb really worth 1/3 the cost of a Luxury Skin”
I am still wondering who the target audience is for those Orbs. Seems like they are for someone in the most desperate of situations?
The only times I’ve used one(got them for free from various stuff) was because “meh they are here taking up space, might as well use them”. I just don’t see anyone dying often enough for these to sell well. Even then they don’t exactly work well, they are as slow as a player res, you res with 1HP, move very slowly, can’t dodge. In most situations a WP is faster AND cheaper. They are not worth buying even if they were only 10 gems each(around 33s).
So given how bad they are I think they are just pricing it that way because they aren’t going to be selling a lot of these anyway.
Compared to Runescape’s micro-transaction store, I’de say the Gemstore is an example of price gouging.
Ah, gemstore prices are a separate matter – i do agree they should be reduced at least a bit. Also, so far the variation and quality of stuff in the store is not that good as well.
All of those however do not affect the answer to the OP’s suggestion. Anet does not set Gem prices. We do. I certainly do not want them to try manipulating that (as i don’t believe it would result in anything good).
Remember, remember, 15th of November
(edited by Astralporing.1957)
Yeah thats the suggestion, that anet makes fixed cost of gems bought with gold and also fixed cost of gold bought by gems. And that they remove player factor by directly trading always with anet and not between players.
Yeah thats the suggestion, that anet makes fixed cost of gems bought with gold and also fixed cost of gold bought by gems. And that they remove player factor by directly trading always with anet and not between players.
So basically removing the whole trading part of it and instead creating gold and make the inflation extreme in the game?
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
Compared to Runescape’s micro-transaction store, I’de say the Gemstore is an example of price gouging.
Ah, gemstore prices are a separate matter – i do agree they should be reduced at least a bit. Also, so far the variation and quality of stuff in the store is not that good as well.
All of those however do not affect the answer to the OP’s suggestion. Anet does not set Gem prices. We do. I certainly do not want them to try manipulating that (as i don’t believe it would result in anything good).
Just throwing some crap out there just in case anet actually reads this… >.> and this.