Stealth - Finish Them!, Needs to go.

Stealth - Finish Them!, Needs to go.

in Suggestions

Posted by: CihandaR.2395


Think logicaly don’t be childish. This is a stealth type class what do you expect? OMG please why is everyone like this. btw thats a glass cannon it gets uselles after its infiltration. 45sec cooldown at least. 14k hp 1.6k def. and too bad for the one who died becose of that thief. be hard and play well

Stealth - Finish Them!, Needs to go.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Taemek.1602


Again, none of you are staying on topic.

You must have an enemy targeted to use that skill is what I get when trying to execute skills on a stealthed thief, so cut the crap in regards to being able to fire off ANY skill in the game on a stealthed Thief.

Secondly, once again I will reiterate, Stealth should not allow a Finish Them! move. This was not how it was designed to be used and it removes any possible second chance no matter how slim that chance might have been and trivializes the fight.

I will also reiterate that those of you who keep ranting on about stability and immunity based boons, I would agree if those skills could be used every 5 seconds, however, they cannot be used every 5 seconds. However, Stealth can be used every 3-5 seconds depending on spec.

When in Stealth, no one should be able to Finish Them!, it should be greyed out until you come out of Stealth and show yourself. That goes for all stealth based abilities not just Thiefs.

Stealth - Finish Them!, Needs to go.

in Suggestions

Posted by: bwillb.2165


I highly support this suggestion. It’s really unbalanced that a thief can finish someone in stealthed mode.

It goes against the very purpose of having the downed-state to begin with (having a second chance). Finishing an opponent whilst stealthed offers the downed player no 2nd chance whatsoever.

Highly unbalanced when you consider that no other profession can do this.

Mesmers also have stealth… and warriors can prevent all damage… and several classes can block or reflect projectiles…

Stealth - Finish Them!, Needs to go.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Wreck.2634


Thieves definitely need to be reworked imo.

Stealth - Finish Them!, Needs to go.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Taemek.1602


I highly support this suggestion. It’s really unbalanced that a thief can finish someone in stealthed mode.

It goes against the very purpose of having the downed-state to begin with (having a second chance). Finishing an opponent whilst stealthed offers the downed player no 2nd chance whatsoever.

Highly unbalanced when you consider that no other profession can do this.

Mesmers also have stealth… and warriors can prevent all damage… and several classes can block or reflect projectiles…

This is a directly related issue to stealth only, so it would apply to anyone in stealth.

Stealth - Finish Them!, Needs to go.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Archmortal.1027


Again, none of you are staying on topic.

You must have an enemy targeted to use that skill is what I get when trying to execute skills on a stealthed thief, so cut the crap in regards to being able to fire off ANY skill in the game on a stealthed Thief.

Secondly, once again I will reiterate, Stealth should not allow a Finish Them! move. This was not how it was designed to be used and it removes any possible second chance no matter how slim that chance might have been and trivializes the fight.

I will also reiterate that those of you who keep ranting on about stability and immunity based boons, I would agree if those skills could be used every 5 seconds, however, they cannot be used every 5 seconds. However, Stealth can be used every 3-5 seconds depending on spec.

When in Stealth, no one should be able to Finish Them!, it should be greyed out until you come out of Stealth and show yourself. That goes for all stealth based abilities not just Thiefs.

It’s like you’re just willfully ignoring the things people say about push-backs, mistforms and all of these other things. Yes, you can’t shoot any ability at a stealthed target but not only is no one saying you can use any ability on a stealthed target but not every downed ability requires you to target anything and most of the downed abilities that can be used to interrupt the Finisher one way or another don’t require a target to be selected at all. If you’re bent on using abilities that DO require a target, TARGET SOMETHING ELSE. WvW and sPvP have plenty of targets to choose from. Being able to hit that thief for 200 damage before you’re finished off is going to be a drop of water in the ocean in group scenarios unless you’re roaming and get into a fight 1v1 in which case they’d just heal up immediately after finishing you. Nothing is trivialized here.

I’ll say again Stealth has a short CD because it’s almost worthless compared to Stability and Immunity. It doesn’t mitigate damage, it doesn’t make you immune to knocbacks/knockdowns, and it has a shorter base duration than most other boon applications (other than Immunity), it just takes away an opponent’s ability to see/target you- which again won’t matter for a majority of the downed abilities that interrupt a Finisher. If all you want to do is use regular abilities that wouldn’t actually interrupt the Finisher itself then the point is moot because those abilities can’t interrupt the Finisher anyway and only a very small number of those that don’t cause interrupts would cause any semblance of significant damage.

If someone Finishing you is dying, 98 times out of 100 it’s because they’re trigger-happy in the middle of a group vs. group swarm. 1 of those other times you’re just up against an idiot, and the last time it was a 1v1 fight that was so ridiculously close that any conditions you had up will down them before the Finisher cast bar is done (which a Thief can’t just stealth out of). I’m not seeing where Stealth trivializes anything here. I’ve heard nothing of infamous thieves stealthing into the middle of groups of opponents to finish someone before the group finishes rallying them. They simply couldn’t do it. They’d have to go around the side where attacks aren’t flying at them and then make it to the downed person and sit through a 3 second cast bar before stealth wore off even once lest they be mercilessly destroyed by AoE. And all that is assuming the group hadn’t already finished healing said downed person back up.

(edited by Archmortal.1027)

Stealth - Finish Them!, Needs to go.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Taemek.1602


Again, none of you are staying on topic.

You must have an enemy targeted to use that skill is what I get when trying to execute skills on a stealthed thief, so cut the crap in regards to being able to fire off ANY skill in the game on a stealthed Thief.

Secondly, once again I will reiterate, Stealth should not allow a Finish Them! move. This was not how it was designed to be used and it removes any possible second chance no matter how slim that chance might have been and trivializes the fight.

I will also reiterate that those of you who keep ranting on about stability and immunity based boons, I would agree if those skills could be used every 5 seconds, however, they cannot be used every 5 seconds. However, Stealth can be used every 3-5 seconds depending on spec.

When in Stealth, no one should be able to Finish Them!, it should be greyed out until you come out of Stealth and show yourself. That goes for all stealth based abilities not just Thiefs.

It’s like you’re just willfully ignoring the things people say about push-backs, mistforms and all of these other things. Yes, you can’t shoot any ability at a stealthed target but not only is no one saying you can use any ability on a stealthed target but not every downed ability requires you to target anything and most of the downed abilities that can be used to interrupt the Finisher one way or another don’t require a target to be selected at all. If you’re bent on using abilities that DO require a target, TARGET SOMETHING ELSE. WvW and sPvP have plenty of targets to choose from. Being able to hit that thief for 200 damage before you’re finished off is going to be a drop of water in the ocean in group scenarios unless you’re roaming and get into a fight 1v1 in which case they’d just heal up immediately after finishing you. Nothing is trivialized here.

I’ll say again Stealth has a short CD because it’s almost worthless compared to Stability and Immunity. It doesn’t mitigate damage, it doesn’t make you immune to knocbacks/knockdowns, and it has a shorter base duration than most other boon applications (other than Immunity), it just takes away an opponent’s ability to see/target you- which again won’t matter for a majority of the downed abilities that interrupt a Finisher. If all you want to do is use regular abilities that wouldn’t actually interrupt the Finisher itself then the point is moot because those abilities can’t interrupt the Finisher anyway and only a very small number of those that don’t cause interrupts would cause any semblance of significant damage.

If someone Finishing you is dying, 98 times out of 100 it’s because they’re trigger-happy in the middle of a group vs. group swarm. 1 of those other times you’re just up against an idiot, and the last time it was a 1v1 fight that was so ridiculously close that any conditions you had up will down them before the Finisher cast bar is done (which a Thief can’t just stealth out of). I’m not seeing where Stealth trivializes anything here. I’ve heard nothing of infamous thieves stealthing into the middle of groups of opponents to finish someone before the group finishes rallying them. They simply couldn’t do it. They’d have to go around the side where attacks aren’t flying at them and then make it to the downed person and sit through a 3 second cast bar before stealth wore off even once lest they be mercilessly destroyed by AoE. And all that is assuming the group hadn’t already finished healing said downed person back up.

This is a directly related issue to stealth only, so it would apply to anyone in stealth, not just Thiefs.

It has nothing, what so ever to do with immunities or stability based boons.

You guys advocating against this are simply using blanket statements to keep this in the game.

Stealth - Finish Them!, Needs to go.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Archmortal.1027


Again, none of you are staying on topic.

You must have an enemy targeted to use that skill is what I get when trying to execute skills on a stealthed thief, so cut the crap in regards to being able to fire off ANY skill in the game on a stealthed Thief.

Secondly, once again I will reiterate, Stealth should not allow a Finish Them! move. This was not how it was designed to be used and it removes any possible second chance no matter how slim that chance might have been and trivializes the fight.

I will also reiterate that those of you who keep ranting on about stability and immunity based boons, I would agree if those skills could be used every 5 seconds, however, they cannot be used every 5 seconds. However, Stealth can be used every 3-5 seconds depending on spec.

When in Stealth, no one should be able to Finish Them!, it should be greyed out until you come out of Stealth and show yourself. That goes for all stealth based abilities not just Thiefs.

It’s like you’re just willfully ignoring the things people say about push-backs, mistforms and all of these other things. Yes, you can’t shoot any ability at a stealthed target but not only is no one saying you can use any ability on a stealthed target but not every downed ability requires you to target anything and most of the downed abilities that can be used to interrupt the Finisher one way or another don’t require a target to be selected at all. If you’re bent on using abilities that DO require a target, TARGET SOMETHING ELSE. WvW and sPvP have plenty of targets to choose from. Being able to hit that thief for 200 damage before you’re finished off is going to be a drop of water in the ocean in group scenarios unless you’re roaming and get into a fight 1v1 in which case they’d just heal up immediately after finishing you. Nothing is trivialized here.

I’ll say again Stealth has a short CD because it’s almost worthless compared to Stability and Immunity. It doesn’t mitigate damage, it doesn’t make you immune to knocbacks/knockdowns, and it has a shorter base duration than most other boon applications (other than Immunity), it just takes away an opponent’s ability to see/target you- which again won’t matter for a majority of the downed abilities that interrupt a Finisher. If all you want to do is use regular abilities that wouldn’t actually interrupt the Finisher itself then the point is moot because those abilities can’t interrupt the Finisher anyway and only a very small number of those that don’t cause interrupts would cause any semblance of significant damage.

If someone Finishing you is dying, 98 times out of 100 it’s because they’re trigger-happy in the middle of a group vs. group swarm. 1 of those other times you’re just up against an idiot, and the last time it was a 1v1 fight that was so ridiculously close that any conditions you had up will down them before the Finisher cast bar is done (which a Thief can’t just stealth out of). I’m not seeing where Stealth trivializes anything here. I’ve heard nothing of infamous thieves stealthing into the middle of groups of opponents to finish someone before the group finishes rallying them. They simply couldn’t do it. They’d have to go around the side where attacks aren’t flying at them and then make it to the downed person and sit through a 3 second cast bar before stealth wore off even once lest they be mercilessly destroyed by AoE. And all that is assuming the group hadn’t already finished healing said downed person back up.

This is a directly related issue to stealth only, so it would apply to anyone in stealth, not just Thiefs.

It has nothing, what so ever to do with immunities or stability based boons.

You guys advocating against this are simply using blanket statements to keep this in the game.

I have been reasonably specific in my reasoning for why stealth does not trivialize anything. What I see from people supporting the OP are blanket statements like “stealth trivializes the fight” with no specific indication of how it does so other than “well I can’t target them while they finish me!” – which I have been fairly detailed in responding to by elaborating on “it wouldn’t matter if you could.”

Stealth - Finish Them!, Needs to go.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Taemek.1602


Again, none of you are staying on topic.

You must have an enemy targeted to use that skill is what I get when trying to execute skills on a stealthed thief, so cut the crap in regards to being able to fire off ANY skill in the game on a stealthed Thief.

Secondly, once again I will reiterate, Stealth should not allow a Finish Them! move. This was not how it was designed to be used and it removes any possible second chance no matter how slim that chance might have been and trivializes the fight.

I will also reiterate that those of you who keep ranting on about stability and immunity based boons, I would agree if those skills could be used every 5 seconds, however, they cannot be used every 5 seconds. However, Stealth can be used every 3-5 seconds depending on spec.

When in Stealth, no one should be able to Finish Them!, it should be greyed out until you come out of Stealth and show yourself. That goes for all stealth based abilities not just Thiefs.

It’s like you’re just willfully ignoring the things people say about push-backs, mistforms and all of these other things. Yes, you can’t shoot any ability at a stealthed target but not only is no one saying you can use any ability on a stealthed target but not every downed ability requires you to target anything and most of the downed abilities that can be used to interrupt the Finisher one way or another don’t require a target to be selected at all. If you’re bent on using abilities that DO require a target, TARGET SOMETHING ELSE. WvW and sPvP have plenty of targets to choose from. Being able to hit that thief for 200 damage before you’re finished off is going to be a drop of water in the ocean in group scenarios unless you’re roaming and get into a fight 1v1 in which case they’d just heal up immediately after finishing you. Nothing is trivialized here.

I’ll say again Stealth has a short CD because it’s almost worthless compared to Stability and Immunity. It doesn’t mitigate damage, it doesn’t make you immune to knocbacks/knockdowns, and it has a shorter base duration than most other boon applications (other than Immunity), it just takes away an opponent’s ability to see/target you- which again won’t matter for a majority of the downed abilities that interrupt a Finisher. If all you want to do is use regular abilities that wouldn’t actually interrupt the Finisher itself then the point is moot because those abilities can’t interrupt the Finisher anyway and only a very small number of those that don’t cause interrupts would cause any semblance of significant damage.

If someone Finishing you is dying, 98 times out of 100 it’s because they’re trigger-happy in the middle of a group vs. group swarm. 1 of those other times you’re just up against an idiot, and the last time it was a 1v1 fight that was so ridiculously close that any conditions you had up will down them before the Finisher cast bar is done (which a Thief can’t just stealth out of). I’m not seeing where Stealth trivializes anything here. I’ve heard nothing of infamous thieves stealthing into the middle of groups of opponents to finish someone before the group finishes rallying them. They simply couldn’t do it. They’d have to go around the side where attacks aren’t flying at them and then make it to the downed person and sit through a 3 second cast bar before stealth wore off even once lest they be mercilessly destroyed by AoE. And all that is assuming the group hadn’t already finished healing said downed person back up.

This is a directly related issue to stealth only, so it would apply to anyone in stealth, not just Thiefs.

It has nothing, what so ever to do with immunities or stability based boons.

You guys advocating against this are simply using blanket statements to keep this in the game.

I have been reasonably specific in my reasoning for why stealth does not trivialize anything. What I see from people supporting the OP are blanket statements like “stealth trivializes the fight” with no specific indication of how it does so other than “well I can’t target them while they finish me!” – which I have been fairly detailed in responding to by elaborating on “it wouldn’t matter if you could.”

The simple fact of it is, people do not use immunity or stability based boons with x mins worth of cooldown to trivialize a finisher.

Thiefs can abuse this every 3 – 5 seconds.

If you can’t see the issue, then all you are advocating here is keeping the ability to abuse it further.

Stealth - Finish Them!, Needs to go.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Archmortal.1027


The simple fact of it is, people do not use immunity or stability based boons with x mins worth of cooldown to trivialize a finisher.

Thiefs can abuse this every 3 – 5 seconds.

If you can’t see the issue, then all you are advocating here is keeping the ability to abuse it further.

Speaking from a Guardian standpoint I can build myself to invoke stability pretty regularly. I certainly can’t keep it up as much as a Thief could keep up stealth, but with the right build it might see 10 seconds of down-time which is still plenty “abuse-able,” not to mention that I’d be granting it to several people around me. Considering again that all PvP is a group-scenario and the only way to 1v1 someone is if you encounter them roaming, there are far more people using Stability to “trivialize” the Finisher than there are people using Stealth to do so.

So yes, I’m advocating to keep Stealth as-is because it’s less powerful and less of an issue in terms of “trivializing Finishers” than any other boon that prevents interruption. I’d say Stealth ranks right there with Aegis in terms of trivialization.

Stealth - Finish Them!, Needs to go.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Taemek.1602


The simple fact of it is, people do not use immunity or stability based boons with x mins worth of cooldown to trivialize a finisher.

Thiefs can abuse this every 3 – 5 seconds.

If you can’t see the issue, then all you are advocating here is keeping the ability to abuse it further.

Speaking from a Guardian standpoint I can build myself to invoke stability pretty regularly. I certainly can’t keep it up as much as a Thief could keep up stealth, but with the right build it might see 10 seconds of down-time which is still plenty “abuse-able,” not to mention that I’d be granting it to several people around me. Considering again that all PvP is a group-scenario and the only way to 1v1 someone is if you encounter them roaming, there are far more people using Stability to “trivialize” the Finisher than there are people using Stealth to do so.

So yes, I’m advocating to keep Stealth as-is because it’s less powerful and less of an issue in terms of “trivializing Finishers” than any other boon that prevents interruption. I’d say Stealth ranks right there with Aegis in terms of trivialization.

This change if implemented does nothing to the Thief class at all. It does not change the powerhouse which is Thief in its current state.

This change simply removes the trivial application of rendering Finish Them! completely useless which again, is not the point of the mechanic. The point is, again, a second chance. This is removed with Stealth.

Stealth - Finish Them!, Needs to go.

in Suggestions

Posted by: VanderBeltLegacy.4736


Time Warp, Decoy, “FH!”….oh no, I stomped some1 fast while Stealth on my mesmer…

seriously, with “Mass Invisibility”+any buffed class=Super Stomp…

i dont see the thief’s needing a nerf,, just cus there class make it look easy….

and 1 last time, K.B’s etc, can all hit you in stealth, and my guardian survived a thief doing “Stealth Finishers” with KB… so dont say theres no second chance.

(edited by VanderBeltLegacy.4736)

Stealth - Finish Them!, Needs to go.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Taemek.1602


Time Warp, Decoy, “FH!”….oh no, I stomped some1 fast while Stealth on my mesmer…

seriously, with “Mass Invisibility”+any buffed class=Super Stomp…

i dont see the thief’s needing a nerf,, just cus there class make it look easy….

and 1 last time, K.B’s etc, can all hit you in stealth, and my guardian survived a thief doing “Stealth Finishers” with KB… so dont say theres no second chance.

Again (like a broken record), this is a stealth related issue across the board, not directly aimed at the Thief, however, they benefit from it the most due to being able to stealth every 3-5 seconds.

This does not nerf Thief, in any way.

This stops people from using Stealth to trivialize a Finish Them! move including what you used as an example.

Stealth - Finish Them!, Needs to go.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Archmortal.1027


This change simply removes the trivial application of rendering Finish Them! completely useless which again, is not the point of the mechanic. The point is, again, a second chance. This is removed with Stealth.

And this can only be said by ignoring that most professions are not at a disadvantage against Stealth while downed.

Since we seem to be completely ignoring the Group dynamic of PvP let’s focus on 1v1 while roaming again. 1v1 against any profession you are downed. That player that downed you is going to defeat you even without using a Finisher simply because the abilities immediately available while downed are not powerful enough to discourage the opponent from continuing to Do Terrible Things To Your Kittens. Now let’s factor in how much damage was done. As I stated in a previous post, unless the 1v1 was so close before you were downed that your conditions could finish the player off on their own with no additional help from your downed abilities, your downed abilities are not going to down that player fast enough to stop them from defeating you with a finisher (reminder: this is against ANY profession). Now let’s factor in interrupts and escape mechanisms. A lot of them don’t require a target to be effective as they directly affect the area around the caster/target the caster directly. Nearly all of these are effective at postponing a finisher from any Profession, stealthed or not. Is your mechanism a knock-back/down/interrupt? Did they have stability up? If yes, you’re going to die. If no, did that buy you enough time for the opponent’s conditions to down them? Yes? Great, start going to town and hope you come out on top. No? Then they’ve probably used a healing skill and have more health than when you were originally downed further reducing your chances of survival if the slow health decay hasn’t already done you in. Is your mechanism specifically for escape like Mistform? If yes, congratulations you have a 100% chance of postponing a finisher because even an Immune, Stable, Stealthed player can’t finish something that is also Immune and running away from them, but that doesn’t last very long. Did it last long enough for any of the opponent’s conditions to down them? Yes- read: go to town, No- read: they’ve probably healed now. Say you don’t have an interrupt or escape mechanism. Do you have an AoE? Lay it on yourself. Was their health low enough for that to down them when they approached to do the finisher? Yes- read: go to town, No- read: you’ve been finished. So let’s say you’ve exhausted all your options. You’re going to be defeated at that point because everything is still on CD. Did Stealth play a role in that? No. Did you hold them off long enough for the group to rescue you? No, this is 1v1 because every time Group Scenario was mentioned along with the dynamic associated with it it was ignored.

The only scenario I can imagine Stealth greatly increasing the odds of a Finisher being successful is if it’s a group scenario where members of the group are not helping to rally the downed player while the downed player is not paying attention and the stealther goes unnoticed while applying stealth while the downed player is focusing on their channeled heal to rally themselves and said stealther gets to that player and gets through at least 60% of the Finisher cast bar before stealth wears off. In any other scenario with a group the downed players are either so outnumbered that the people Finishing them could not possibly fail to do so or they are being healed up by others which is fast enough that a Finisher doesn’t have enough time to Finish Them without the downed player taking very significant damage to counteract the healing which in most cases would cause the healers to get the hell out the way for their own survival which usually leads to the downed player being defeated regardless.

So, what exactly is Stealth trivializing? Or a better question: what professions are defenseless against a stealth finisher?

(edited by Archmortal.1027)

Stealth - Finish Them!, Needs to go.

in Suggestions

Posted by: VanderBeltLegacy.4736


Time Warp, Decoy, “FH!”….oh no, I stomped some1 fast while Stealth on my mesmer…

seriously, with “Mass Invisibility”+any buffed class=Super Stomp…

i dont see the thief’s needing a nerf,, just cus there class make it look easy….

and 1 last time, K.B’s etc, can all hit you in stealth, and my guardian survived a thief doing “Stealth Finishers” with KB… so dont say theres no second chance.

Again (like a broken record), this is a stealth related issue across the board, not directly aimed at the Thief, however, they benefit from it the most due to being able to stealth every 3-5 seconds.

This does not nerf Thief, in any way.

This stops people from using Stealth to trivialize a Finish Them! move including what you used as an example.

Again (like a broken record), and 1 last time, K.B’s etc, can all hit you in stealth, nothing unbalanced and i REPEAT "my guardian survived a thief doing “Stealth Finishers” with KB… so dont say theres no second chance." <<because there is, also seen an engineer survive 1, and ranger and warrior, even survived on my mesmer(love that shadow step away into stealth)… necro, fighting them is “meh”, you just get sick of “life forces” advantages, but i dont cry for that to be nerfed, i FOUND a way around it.

Stealth - Finish Them!, Needs to go.

in Suggestions

Posted by: YumCHA.8706



There’s a lot of ways to fortify a finisher, why remove this one? Guardians can throw their troll bubble over people or use stability to finish people guaranteeing. You can still teleport away, hit or aoe thieves in stealth. You and your allies need to just pay attention better. Thief is also the most fragile class in the entire game and are 100% wide open during finisher. Most of the time people just aren’t smart enough to realized I’m doing a stealth finisher and are sitting there regening or rezzing player instead of swinging at me when they just saw me use stealth.

Sorry what? Did you just say thiefs are 100% wide open during finishers? You do realize stealthing enables the thief to be invisible right?

Invisible. I fear not many of you even understand what this means. That’s quite depressing.

The sad fact is, when a thief stealths just to get a finish, the opponent loses it’s target IMMEDIATELY. No matter how much you spam your downed abilities, it will be flying aimlessly. And no matter what you do, your helpless to see right in front of your screen an unfair, disadvantaged finishing kill.

So you might argue people weren’t aware nor were they smart enough to expect such a thing to happen. Well that’s the result of an actual ‘stealth’ for you. The fact of the matter is your NOT aware. Not to mention the time it takes to down any profession by a thief is ridiculously fast. All the more reason for them to achieve an easy kill.

The effects of a stealth in this game is so subtle that the targeted thief just vanishes out of thin air right in front of your screen with no visible entrails.

How do you think this would compare in a largely scaled battle, especially in WvW? How do you expect people to be aware of this when there’s hundreds of other things to worry about. sPvP is the same because people travel in packs. People do things in packs. Theyre too focused on their objectives to worry about a tiny little thief. The thief has the upper hand simply because he can choose his weakest targets and strike them at the right moment.

Thiefs may be fragile but they have enough, if not plenty, of stealth abilities to escape at just a simple click of a button, should they fail their attempt for a sneak attack. It is that easy. This is a clear fact. Not a biased opinion.

So I return to the my suggestive statement: Finishing moves should be rightfully equal, no matter the skill differences in profession. Stealth, stability, quickness and any other unfair skills, should not be affecting the performance of a finishing move. Period.

Disagree all you want, but when a thief does this to you, you won’t receive any simpathy on my part considering how much people defend such a broken, largely abused and highly exploited skill.

Rangetastic, 80 Ranger | Archers United [ARC]
Sea of Sorrows

(edited by YumCHA.8706)

Stealth - Finish Them!, Needs to go.

in Suggestions

Posted by: VanderBeltLegacy.4736



There’s a lot of ways to fortify a finisher, why remove this one? Guardians can throw their troll bubble over people or use stability to finish people guaranteeing. You can still teleport away, hit or aoe thieves in stealth. You and your allies need to just pay attention better. Thief is also the most fragile class in the entire game and are 100% wide open during finisher. Most of the time people just aren’t smart enough to realized I’m doing a stealth finisher and are sitting there regening or rezzing player instead of swinging at me when they just saw me use stealth.

Sorry what? Did I you just say thiefs are 100% wide open during finishers? You do realize stealthing enables the thief to be invisible right?

Invisible. I fear not many of you even understand what this means. That’s quite depressing.

The sad fact is, when a thief stealths just to get a finish, the opponent loses it’s target IMMEDIATELY..

there still open to get spiked is wha he is STATING while in stealth, also big wow u meant to lose target, if you cant K.B timingly, or a buddy cant K.B when your in rally, im sorry but you deserve to die, i know i did, it made me learn to time K.B’s, they cant finish if interupted/back, my ally has me revived at this point….
again if your solo, any class will finish most, and 1v1, who cares if you get facerolled, thats the POINT to 1 vs 1 ….
“Invisible. I fear not many of you even understand what this means. That’s quite depressing.” <stating this when you couldn’t even read properly is depressing.

(edited by VanderBeltLegacy.4736)

Stealth - Finish Them!, Needs to go.

in Suggestions

Posted by: YumCHA.8706


So your accusing me of being arrogant and stupid.

I would so gladly defend my abilities of playing my current Profession, but that would be a waste of time as it arises more arguments leading to thousands and thousands of words and boring texts. I’m sure you don’t want to see that.

And Please learn to type a fair argument before twisting my words. Use of abbreviations just tells me you couldn’t care less to put some effort in your defensive statements. Infact you probably didn’t even read my whole post. That’s quite an insult.

After all this is a forum. Not some private messaging system where you expect people to understand your abbreviations.

The fact still remains. Stealthing is an exploit towards finishing moves. I suggest it be altered or simply disabled during a finishing kill, amongst other abilities that alter the performance of finishing your enemy.

I have done enough to send my message to this thread. Any who defy my statements will just be wasting their time as I will not care from this time forward. The OP had every right to complain of this and rightfully so because it needs attention. This does not depict any balance whatsoever to the game. Those who defend the rights of this exploit thinking its fair is simply silly and idiotic.

Have some sense and listen to reason. You might get somewhere.

And I wouldn’t be surprised if this gets sent to the trash by the moderators. That just sends a clear message to me that they don’t have the guts to confront their mistakes neither do they have the clarity to fix it.

Rangetastic, 80 Ranger | Archers United [ARC]
Sea of Sorrows

(edited by YumCHA.8706)

Stealth - Finish Them!, Needs to go.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Taemek.1602


Time Warp, Decoy, “FH!”….oh no, I stomped some1 fast while Stealth on my mesmer…

seriously, with “Mass Invisibility”+any buffed class=Super Stomp…

i dont see the thief’s needing a nerf,, just cus there class make it look easy….

and 1 last time, K.B’s etc, can all hit you in stealth, and my guardian survived a thief doing “Stealth Finishers” with KB… so dont say theres no second chance.

Again (like a broken record), this is a stealth related issue across the board, not directly aimed at the Thief, however, they benefit from it the most due to being able to stealth every 3-5 seconds.

This does not nerf Thief, in any way.

This stops people from using Stealth to trivialize a Finish Them! move including what you used as an example.

Again (like a broken record), and 1 last time, K.B’s etc, can all hit you in stealth, nothing unbalanced and i REPEAT "my guardian survived a thief doing “Stealth Finishers” with KB… so dont say theres no second chance." <<because there is, also seen an engineer survive 1, and ranger and warrior, even survived on my mesmer(love that shadow step away into stealth)… necro, fighting them is “meh”, you just get sick of “life forces” advantages, but i dont cry for that to be nerfed, i FOUND a way around it.

3 seconds later after the KB he/she just re-invis’s up and stealth stomps you…

(edited by Taemek.1602)

Stealth - Finish Them!, Needs to go.

in Suggestions

Posted by: VanderBeltLegacy.4736


Time Warp, Decoy, “FH!”….oh no, I stomped some1 fast while Stealth on my mesmer…

seriously, with “Mass Invisibility”+any buffed class=Super Stomp…

i dont see the thief’s needing a nerf,, just cus there class make it look easy….

and 1 last time, K.B’s etc, can all hit you in stealth, and my guardian survived a thief doing “Stealth Finishers” with KB… so dont say theres no second chance.

Again (like a broken record), this is a stealth related issue across the board, not directly aimed at the Thief, however, they benefit from it the most due to being able to stealth every 3-5 seconds.

This does not nerf Thief, in any way.

This stops people from using Stealth to trivialize a Finish Them! move including what you used as an example.

Again (like a broken record), and 1 last time, K.B’s etc, can all hit you in stealth, nothing unbalanced and i REPEAT "my guardian survived a thief doing “Stealth Finishers” with KB… so dont say theres no second chance." <<because there is, also seen an engineer survive 1, and ranger and warrior, even survived on my mesmer(love that shadow step away into stealth)… necro, fighting them is “meh”, you just get sick of “life forces” advantages, but i dont cry for that to be nerfed, i FOUND a way around it.

3 seconds later after the KB he just re-invis’s up and stealth stomps you…

SCRATCHED C.D,, again this is a 1v1 circumstance, outside a 1v1: if an ally+u hasnt got you rallied, then your OWN fault, not a broken mechanic.

Stealth - Finish Them!, Needs to go.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

Everyone please keep this civil, I don’t want another Fpvp battle closing this thread so two more pop up.

Throwing in my two cents now, I think it is completely OP that a single theif can kill 7 players (most Ive seen soloed) due to the fact that they can stealthstomp as much as they want too. Stealth simply needs to go poof when stomping.

Although stability was not intended to be part of this thread, I think that boon needs to be reworked similar to the defiant monster boon, where a single control effect would remove a stack of the boon. More on topic with others complaints, stability also needs to go upon stomping, for goodness sake you’re jumping 4 foot into the air and conjuring a spear flying 200 miles an hour, you are anything but stable doing this.

(edited by Lord Aargadon.4135)

Stealth - Finish Them!, Needs to go.

in Suggestions

Posted by: VanderBeltLegacy.4736


So your accusing me of being arrogant and stupid.

I would so gladly defend my abilities of playing my current Profession, but that would be a waste of time as it arises more arguments leading thousands and thousands of words and boring texts. I’m sure you don’t want to see that.

And Please learn to type a fair argument before twisting my words. Use of abbreviations just tells me you couldn’t care less to put some effort in your defensive statements. Infact you probably didn’t even read my whole post. That’s quite an insult.

After all this is a forum. Not some private messaging system where you expect people to understand your abbreviations.

The fact still remains. Stealthing is an exploit towards finishing moves. I suggest it be altered or simply disabled during a finishing kill, amongst other abilities that alter the performance of the whole concept of finishing your enemy.

you assume the accusations, i did not twist your word’s.
i did read it all, but 95% of it’s been asked/answered, why go back there?
it’s a forum about the game we all use the abbreviations for, your right, i could not care less for people who think something is to O.P cus they have no skill or timing against stealth, mes vs thief=stealth battles, each with advantages over the other. but a timed player will mess you up, even when in your in stealth, Abilities buffing “FH!” are LOL/easy to counter.

also did you not accuse every1 of the same thing when i quoted you?..YES YOU DID and DID IT DIRECTLY, K?, Thanx, Bye*

(edited by VanderBeltLegacy.4736)

Stealth - Finish Them!, Needs to go.

in Suggestions

Posted by: YumCHA.8706


Criticizing me of my skills would be a felony agains’t the forum rules. Again that’s an accusation. You would do well to be careful in that department.

The fact still remains. Stealthing is an exploit towards finishing moves. I suggest it be altered or simply disabled during a finishing kill, amongst other abilities that alter the performance of finishing your enemy.


Rangetastic, 80 Ranger | Archers United [ARC]
Sea of Sorrows

(edited by YumCHA.8706)

Stealth - Finish Them!, Needs to go.

in Suggestions

Posted by: VanderBeltLegacy.4736


Criticizing me of my skills would be a felony agains’t the forum rules. You would do well to be careful in that department.

The fact still remains. Stealthing is an exploit towards finishing moves. I suggest it be altered or simply disabled during a finishing kill, amongst other abilities that alter the performance of finishing your enemy.


I stated a simple fact, towards all players, you are not special, im sorry, but there’s to many way’s to counter the issued i’m reading, so it IS down to personal skill and timing, and with both, PRACTICE makes PERFECT,, this game isnt even 3 whole months old, not every1 is expected to have picked it up yet, but taking everything i say and ACTING like it’s a personal insult towards you, show’s everything about you and why your Complaining….and i will repeat there’s to many way’s to counter the issues i’m reading, so yes it has every thing to do with PLAYER skill (take note “player”, not yout name)

Stealth - Finish Them!, Needs to go.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

Please keep this civil.
Seriously, Yumcha and Vander, you two have both made your points on where you stand. Get over it. Anet has seen the complaints and will react accordingly if it is deemed an exploit or definitely OP(which I believe it is, and organized player can easily wipe groups of 1-10) . If you want to complain and be hostile, take it to PM or anywhere else really.

(edited by Lord Aargadon.4135)

Stealth - Finish Them!, Needs to go.

in Suggestions

Posted by: VanderBeltLegacy.4736


Please keep this civil.
Seriously, Yumcha and Vander, you two have both made your points on where you stand. Get over it. Anet has seen the complaints and will react accordingly. If you want to complain and be hostile, take it to PM or anywhere else really.

i have never once been hostile, and am only on counter defence, take note who is re-quoting the same thing…NOT ME, so don’t target me buddy when all i have been is nice wording and civil, thank you.

Stealth - Finish Them!, Needs to go.

in Suggestions

Posted by: CC Ivonne.6782

CC Ivonne.6782

Community Coordinator

Hello everybody,
due to the high amount of inflammatory comments and attacks on each other, this thread will now be locked.
Thanks for understanding.