Stealth Modification

Stealth Modification

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kitedyou.1720


What many people dislike is the exploitation of stealth by the thief is ridiculous that they can loop in and out of stealth while they are in battle...making it near impossible to keep a target on them.

There should either be a re-use timer or it should be disabled during battle.

Sea of Sorrows
Tjegra: 80 Norn Necromancer
Mefitic: OTW to 80 Asura Necromancer

Stealth Modification

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jrunyon.3012


disabled during battle.

Lolwut? They might as well just scrap stealth altogether if they ever even thought of implementing your ideas. l2AOE

making it near impossible to keep a target on them.

That’s kind of the point of a stealth class. I admit that there is some culling issues but from what I gather its in the works. And it really isn’t as big of a deal as you seem to think it is.

Nesmee – Thief
[OHai] – Northern Shiverpeaks

(edited by Jrunyon.3012)

Stealth Modification

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaimick.5109


Yet again a stealth thread pops up, people please learn to use the search function on the forums.

Secondly, when people sit there and cry and QQ about stealth they are always referring to PvP, yet thieves use stealth in PvE to drop aggro so they don’t die, and you want to remove that ability form them? Before crying about a nerf please realize that there are applications of the skill that go beyond PVP.

Also if a thieve is poping in and out of stealth they are a stealth build which means they can’t kill you very fast. learn to fight against it instead f asking for a nerf, thousands of other players have no problem with it. So instead of just learning to fight against it you would rather just have it nerfed so you can feel like you acomplished something?

Here are my suggestion for you

  • Learn to fight against stealth it is not hard
  • Realize that PvP is not the only aspect of GW2
  • Learn to use the search function, and stop spamming the forums with a repeat thread

Stealth Modification

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kitedyou.1720



I figured there would be a few trollers that would surface.

I am sorry, but it is just annoying how they go in and out, in and out, in and out…

Just learn to fight like a man, take the hits and live with the outcome; and don’t try to tell me that I am playing some OP class and I just want kills to be easier on them, because I am playing a sttihy necro.

It is not that they aren’t beatable, it is just extremely annoying.

And as far as PVE goes…well, that is where a re-use timer would be the ideal.

Sea of Sorrows
Tjegra: 80 Norn Necromancer
Mefitic: OTW to 80 Asura Necromancer

Stealth Modification

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaimick.5109



I figured there would be a few trollers that would surface.

I am sorry, but it is just annoying how they go in and out, in and out, in and out…

Just learn to fight like a man, take the hits and live with the outcome; and don’t try to tell me that I am playing some OP class and I just want kills to be easier on them, because I am playing a sttihy necro.

It is not that they aren’t beatable, it is just extremely annoying.

And as far as PVE goes…well, that is where a re-use timer would be the ideal.

LOL your playing a necro one of the most survivable profession in PvP and you call it Kitten???? LOL

Just learn to fight like a man, take the hits and live with the outcome; the same could be said about you playing a necro, just fight like a man learn to take the hits and live with the outcome instead of taking on your Soul form and having two health bars. Or the same can be said about Any profession Spirit weapons, learn to fight like a man instead of summoning Kitten Kitten weapons to help you. Learn to fight like a man instead of using mist form and earth shield. Learn to fight like a man and stop using a bow and arrow ranger. Learn to fight like a man and stop making clones mesmer. Learn to fight like a man and stop using shield block warrior. Learn to fight like a man and stop using sissy Kitten elixirs and turrets Engineer.

Or maybe we should just say

Learn to fight like a man and take your Kitten beatings OP and stop crying about it. I know what I said was rude but your insinuation that Thieve’s need to learn to take it like a man is just rude also. I don’t really play my thieve in PvP that much I play a Bunker gaurd, Bunker ele, and mesmer more but it is just rude to assume someone is a Kitten player because they know how to use a class and your too immature to learn how to defeats the build, then you claim to use a necro, which more times than not destroys stealth build thieves.

Stealth Modification

in Suggestions

Posted by: Katsumoto.9452


There should either be a re-use timer or it should be disabled during battle.

If you attack from stealth, there is a timer. Wish people would research before posting.

Aurora Glade [EU]

Stealth Modification

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaimick.5109


There should either be a re-use timer or it should be disabled during battle.

If you attack from stealth, there is a timer. Wish people would research before posting.

LOL no they would rather just not learn a class and call for a nerf, after all learning is too hard

Stealth Modification

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kitedyou.1720


Haha, typical stealth class players, all you can do is troll rather than try to educate people, like myself, in a constructive manner.

I guess I just prefer the old school DAoC style of stealth. All these wusses that use stealth to cheat you of a kill are ridiculous.

It is a game, stop being a pansy about dying in a 1v1.

/rant off

Sea of Sorrows
Tjegra: 80 Norn Necromancer
Mefitic: OTW to 80 Asura Necromancer

Stealth Modification

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gord.8654


Just learn to fight like a man, take the hits and live with the outcome; and don’t try to tell me that I am playing some OP class and I just want kills to be easier on them, because I am playing a sttihy necro.

It is not that they aren’t beatable, it is just extremely annoying.

Lol that is funny! Are you saying everyone should roll a Warrior and stand still? I hate Thieves, Mesmers, and even Necro’s in PvP but they are not OP and do not need to be nerfed. I need to develop my skills and find a better counter!

Host of SOTD Podcast

Stealth Modification

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


Haha, typical stealth class players, all you can do is troll rather than try to educate people, like myself, in a constructive manner.

I guess I just prefer the old school DAoC style of stealth. All these wusses that use stealth to cheat you of a kill are ridiculous.

It is a game, stop being a pansy about dying in a 1v1.

/rant off

Seems like you are the one trolling here by starting yet another stealth Q.Q post. I think what you are asking for is possible, but your appraoch.. HORRIBLE! NO stealth in combat? Might as well remove all of our stealth weapon skills and call it a whimsy dagger weilder. And as for retargeting, mesmer’s can go stealth, pull out a bunch of clones and boom, we are in the same problem. Thieves are not overpowered, you just havn’t tried to educate yourself enough.

The only thing they might do is increase the time between stealthing but I doubt they will ever remove it or nerf the durations.

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

Stealth Modification

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaimick.5109


Haha, typical stealth class players, all you can do is troll rather than try to educate people, like myself, in a constructive manner.

I guess I just prefer the old school DAoC style of stealth. All these wusses that use stealth to cheat you of a kill are ridiculous.

It is a game, stop being a pansy about dying in a 1v1.

/rant off

If you want to be educated on how stealth works then ask for that, instead you create a thread like another said that is QQ about a mechanic and screaming NERF NERF and REMOVE REMOVE.

What type of response were you expecting? No where in your post till now did you say, " Look I may think that Stealth is OP and needs to be changed but I am willing to try to learn to counter the ability before fully asking for the removal or a nerf."

If you want to learn how the ability works roll at thieve, then once you realize how it works 100% from a thieves perspective play the other professions that use it. I promise you once you do that and fully understand the in’s and outs of it Stealth will no longer be an issue for you.

Stealth Modification

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kitedyou.1720


The popping in and out of stealth thing is crazy as far as I am concerned…the time should be increased slightly, because often times you can’t even get in a hit before they stealth back up again…lame imo.

Sea of Sorrows
Tjegra: 80 Norn Necromancer
Mefitic: OTW to 80 Asura Necromancer

Stealth Modification

in Suggestions

Posted by: Coltz.5617


there are ways to have only 10% of the whole fight to actually be revealed from stealth with duration per each invis able to be manipulated regardless of length of a fight. I am sure the people complaining are complaining about these. Instead of the many .. MANY new thiefs that roam pvp / wvwvw. The people who claim stealth is fine are people who would make stories of how the theifs they fight are truely amazing and talk of their proofless experience against killing many clueless theives.

- I infract cause I’m passionate about the game-

Stealth Modification

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rin.1046


There was a young man who like dodging,
He would dart about enemies laughing.
It worked like a charm and saved him from harm,
Even when thieves tried to backstab him.

There once was a quick stealthy thief,
Who’s foes stood in shocked disbelief.
His attacks were quite fast but his foe’s Arcane Blast,
Struck him down so he no longer griefed.

Simplicity is complex.

Good feedback is key to getting the developers to listen to you.

Stealth Modification

in Suggestions

Posted by: acedragonz.9387


Haha, typical stealth class players, all you can do is troll rather than try to educate people, like myself, in a constructive manner.

I guess I just prefer the old school DAoC style of stealth. All these wusses that use stealth to cheat you of a kill are ridiculous.

It is a game, stop being a pansy about dying in a 1v1.

/rant off

Seriously the thief is a class that should be played in stealth & what not. What you’re suggesting is just ridiculous. I agree that stealth can me a major annoyance when in WvW thanks to the culling issues & such, but in PvP? Man thieves are not overpowered at all. Like Someone already said nerfing the thief would be really annoying for people who only play PvE. Please just learn how to fight a thief instead of kittening around that they are overpowered because they’re not.