Stealth=half speed
Fleet of Shadow: Move 50% faster while in stealth.
Lv80s: Guard, Thief, Necro. Renewed my Altaholic’s card on the HoT Hype-Train. Choo choo~
Thank god this isn’t ever going to be implemented.
I was also just about to link that trait, DreamOfACure :p
If thieves ran 50% slower while stealthed, there would be absolutely no reason at all to get a stealth-build.
Stealth does once again not mean invulnerable. I know that WoW allowed for a semi-sort of invulnerability, by only having AoE abilities deal damage to stealthers, but in Guild Wars 2, EVERYTHING is an AoE ability that can be used whenever you want to, target or not (of course with very very very few exceptions.) Meaning you can just swing your sword in the general direction of the now-permacrippled-thief, and he’ll die instantly.
This is a bad suggestion.
Always with the AOE defense… Of course AOE still hits stealthed thieves but how are you supposed to figure out where they go unless you’re a group full of nothing but AOE? By the time most AOE cast times are up the thief is long gone since they move much faster stealthed. You also can’t count on any condition damage applied before the thief has been stealthed because they heal conditions with their stealth heal and they have traits to get rid of conditions ever 10 seconds…
‘Just swing your sword in the general direction…’ lol – Sure if you have an extendo-360 degree sword swing.
Just make damage break stealth.
AoE was stated as the main counter to stealth. So AoE breaks stealth?
Either that or make it so no action can be taken in stealth besides moving. I’ve about had it with the “Just AoE noob” posts from scrubs who only play thieves. Just learn to shortbow and those AoEs won’t do anything to you.
The AoE arguement has always been laughable, engineers that aren’t packing grenades or flamethrowers are left with a rifle that doesn’t fire when there is no target, or a pistol that does laughable damage and is bugged. Im pretty sure other proffesions have the same issue.
Easy fix is
1 Stealth got direct-DMG get cancel.(Whatever hit by anything as DMG.)
2 Stealth when you have codition will leave foot print of type of condition you get.
AoE on 1people claoking/stealth to detect them or couter them is too much waste CD skill it force to use b-cos no skill in this game to detect it.
Well use random AoE throw everything on somewhat air in front of you will be get some victim or you will b next…
The AoE arguement has always been laughable, engineers that aren’t packing grenades or flamethrowers are left with a rifle that doesn’t fire when there is no target, or a pistol that does laughable damage and is bugged. Im pretty sure other proffesions have the same issue.
Try playing anything that’s melee (guard/war) specific.
Its like saying: “Just throw down your huge AoE Indiana Jones Boulder Roll as a warrior!” … what??