Sticky event notifications for event chains

Sticky event notifications for event chains

in Suggestions

Posted by: Galactic.6453


When you participate and finish an event and there is another one following it you should get a notification of it even if you’re out of the area.

I don’t know how many times I was in a relatively empty region and did an event with someone else, but right after finishing it that guy just walks away because he thought there was nothing here anymore. Most people just don’t know they should stick around and wait for the next part of the chain or a reward. And some of them are just very hard to do alone.
If people knew there was still something going on where they just did an event 5 seconds ago they wouldn’t be running around aimlessly searching for another event.

People are trying to do as much as possible in their time and they just don’t get the idea to stand around and wait a while instead of rushing to the next event/heart/vista/whatever.