Stop listen to whiners

Stop listen to whiners

in Suggestions

Posted by: Denzo.9852


Forums were just opened, and there is a hugeload of whine already. Arena Net, you’ve made an exeptional, outstanding game. Don’t listen to this little people who can only cry about how their class is weak and others are OPs, that the leveling is too hard/easy, the lore is bad or locations are boring, that their spaggety is cold becase of your worst-in-the-world game. You guys did exelet job. I play the game just about a week, and i have so much fun already that havent in two months of diablo 3.
Game is beatiful, enviroment, sities, hiden places, vistas, beatiful but conservative also. There aren’t this korean rpg’s style locations where everething is overwhelmed by a grotesque and pathos.
Questing system is working, it have some problems but is is a mattter of balance in most cases.
Fighting system is amasing, it is fluid, exiting (especially playing a rogue or elem XD ). You fix this biggest problem of mmo battle sys where a rogue, the most evasive class had to stay and take damage like the warior, and the was normal, that was part of gameplay.
And all this little but very nice things, like jokes in the quests, or daily bonuses, or castomisable armor colors and ect.

And for you whiners. Game just came out. There are a lot of problems to solve, a lot of improvents to made. Just give developers time, those guys know what to do.

Stop listen to whiners

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sevenix.4508


  • Doesn’t like Whiners
  • Makes a Whinethread about it

Stop listen to whiners

in Suggestions

Posted by: marianitten.1247


Relax dude.. we suggest thing.. because we love the game :-)

For Those About to Zerg (We Salute You)

Stop listen to whiners

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kelanoria.9561


devs did the job, and did it pretty well indeed

now they ll know what to do if they listen carefully to what players have to say, consider suggestions, and improve where they can, because there are things to improve.

as said above, relax and go enjoy the game

Stop listen to whiners

in Suggestions

Posted by: Denzo.9852


  • Doesn’t like Whiners
  • Makes a Whinethread about it

It’s more like an inspirational post fore the devs.

Stop listen to whiners

in Suggestions

Posted by: marianitten.1247


  • Doesn’t like Whiners
  • Makes a Whinethread about it

It’s more like an inspirational post fore the devs.

The thing is, if they made a Suggestions subforums it’s because they are listening ;-)

For Those About to Zerg (We Salute You)

Stop listen to whiners

in Suggestions

Posted by: ShadowProf.8752


I can’t find a like button on the forum, and I want to like the OP as I agree with him. Stick to your plans ArenaNet. Stay the course.

Stop listen to whiners

in Suggestions

Posted by: Stryker.9632


Here Here!!!!
everyone who doesn’t think this game is perfect should be punched in the face and trolled into the ground, that’ll make this game better fo sho

Stop listen to whiners

in Suggestions

Posted by: Baam.2493


No matter how much people complain about an OP class feature, don’t homogenize the classes!

Stop listen to whiners

in Suggestions

Posted by: Daily.5381


That’s the same concept people use with countries/government.
If you complain or want change you are against your country.

Completely the opposite.
If you care about something you want it to be the best possible.

I have to stop drinking milkshakes.
I hate all those boys in my yard.

Stop listen to whiners

in Suggestions

Posted by: roadrunner.8920


I think it’s pretty clear that the majority of people love this game. I’ve seen forums for other games that were completely different.

Stop listen to whiners

in Suggestions

Posted by: Leevity.9238


That’s the same concept people use with countries/government.
If you complain or want change you are against your country.

Completely the opposite.
If you care about something you want it to be the best possible.

Exactly. If they refuse to listen to suggestions then the game will become stagnant and never become as great as it can be.

Stop listen to whiners

in Suggestions

Posted by: Stryker.9632


I just hope the devs are open minded enough to listen to the community, I’m sick of companies that shove there content down everyone’s throats.

Stop listen to whiners

in Suggestions

Posted by: paultimate.8790


Denzo, why do you think they made this? They dont need your little pat on thekitten They already get paid and have enough thanks yous. They know we enjoy this game else why would we take the time to make suggestions?

You are whats wrong here.

Stop listen to whiners

in Suggestions

Posted by: Wazabi.1439


Often the whiners are the ones that makes the most noise, but that doesn’t necessarily represents the voice of the majority.

I think we need more post like this to reinforce the idea that they are doing a great job and most changes that whiners suggest aren’t necessary. I do not want this to be another SWG.

Stop listen to whiners

in Suggestions

Posted by: Wind.8927


Often the whiners are the ones that makes the most noise, but that doesn’t necessarily represents the voice of the majority.

I think we need more post like this to reinforce the idea that they are doing a great job and most changes that whiners suggest aren’t necessary. I do not want this to be another SWG.

On top of that. Often times the whiners are the least skilled, and the reason they are whining is because they think it can’t possibly be their fault that they are dying playing their class. It MUST be the class design. There class must be completely UP, while others are OP.

This is a serious problem in the elementalist forum. Ele is probably one of the highest skill required classes available right now. As a result there are a bunch of people begging Anet for a buff, which would probably have to require dumbing the class down immensely. Sad stuff.

Stop listen to whiners

in Suggestions

Posted by: Wazabi.1439


You don’t say…now I’m considering rolling an ele alt for the challenge after my midterm is over. Oh, look up Dunning–Kruger effect. It describes the phenomenon you described pretty well…in a scientific way.

Stop listen to whiners

in Suggestions

Posted by: Knighthonor.4061


  • Doesn’t like Whiners
  • Makes a Whinethread about it

the irony…

Stop listen to whiners

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bubbles.1047


I don’t really see what the OP is talking about. What I do see is a whole lot of suggestions for the game. I, for one, think this is one of the best MMOs ever, but I also think there’s room for improvement. People see the flaws, they point them out and suggest changes. I don’t always agree with them, but those threads invariably contain a calm, rational discussion. Sure, sometimes a kid slips in through the cracks that declares anything they don’t agree with ‘whining’, but luckily, those are few and far in between. And the people around these forums seem to be able to ignore them and continue with the discussion.

I’m not sure why you would shy away from controversy, OP. Changes get suggested and discussed. That’s how things get done. Taking into consideration the stellar job the devs already did, I feel confident they will be able to sift through the discussions and make changes that will improve the game further, whether you yourself, OP, like it or not.