Stop ordering items for 1c!!

Stop ordering items for 1c!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Xephier.1647


You can’t sell an item for less than vendor cost, so why give people the ability to order half the items in the game for 1 copper, it’s annoying. Also the listing fee should the factored in when calculating weather an item is being sold for less than vendor cost, a few times I’ve almost went and sold something for less than vendor cost cuz the initial sell value was higher than vendor but cost after listing fee is lower than vendor.

Stop ordering items for 1c!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: gimmethegepgun.1284


You CAN’T order/list at/below vendor cost any more.
The ones that still do now are orders that have been in the game for months because they never got deleted or fulfilled since the change was made.

Stop ordering items for 1c!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Emmiere.1058


I’d just be happy if they could stop people from listing things 1c above the vendor price. It’s so dumb, you actually lose money that way!

Stop ordering items for 1c!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rizalee.4593


I made a Suggestion a few days back about them needing to clean out the Traiding post on a regular basis, in order to keep the Economy fresh..

I hope its not against the rules to give links, but this is the tread, you could comment there, bump the thread, and maybe devs would consider fixing it…

~ Rizalee – Human Mesmer ~
~ Rizzae – Asura Guardian ~
Tarnished Coast Server

Stop ordering items for 1c!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Xephier.1647


I doubt it’s against rules to post links of this forum on this forum, lol. And ya, I agree, clean out the TP and get ridda them 1c posts, also agree that things should not be listed near vendor cost really, if you wanna sell that low, sell to vendor and stop rock bottoming the market. I think at least 150% of vendor cost would be a fair lowest cost to list, it may sound bad but really, even endgame gear only goes for like 3g to the vendor.

Stop ordering items for 1c!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: DreamOfACure.4382


Those are price-markers, silly newbie.

Merchants (people who focus on buy-low, sell-high schemes) use those to track prices of items within their interests.
Having all the items they track on the “Items I’m Buying” list is very convenient.

“Bleeding, Poison, Confusion, Torment, they all look delightful on you.”

Lv80s: Guard, Thief, Necro. Renewed my Altaholic’s card on the HoT Hype-Train. Choo choo~

(edited by DreamOfACure.4382)

Stop ordering items for 1c!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Darlgon.9273


Actually, I wish they would look at the price listed for some of their drop items. The components will cost 1s 30c (according to ANet’s own value to sell/buy from merchant), yet the combine will only yield an item worth 30 c because it also is on the loot table to drop from mobs.

Charrdian, Ashura Mesmer, Norn Ranger, Sylvari Elementalist and Human Magic Engineer

Stop ordering items for 1c!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fred Fargone.3127

Fred Fargone.3127

I’d just be happy if they could stop people from listing things 1c above the vendor price. It’s so dumb, you actually lose money that way!

Correction: If you take in to account the travel cost to the nearest vendor, you’ve earned quite a bit just by selling 1c above vendor price.

Lets say you’re in orr and an awesome white Hammer drops and fills your backpack. Lets assume the price for the hammer was 50c and people are offering to buy it for 51c. You’d get 43c by selling the hammer for 51c. So you could draw the hasty conclusion that you are losing money by selling it for 51c. BUT, lets take into account the position you are within the world. In order to get to the nearest vendor, you either need to pay 1,5 silvers and some time, or no silvers and double the time. (Now, the price of that time depends on your position in the world, your gear as well as your ability to generate gold within a certain time period. But for me, the price of that time would be 10s at least.)
Even if your carrying capacity is 100, and you for some reason had nothing else with you but loot, 100*8 = 8s, so even in this rather unlikely scenario, I would’ve still netted (1.5+10)-8=3.5 silvers by selling the items at BLTC for 1c above the item’s own price.

Of course, while someone could claim that the time it takes to run to the nearest merchant isn’t quite worth 10s, and it isn’t for everyone, but is for me, you nearly never have 100 slots reserved exclusively for loot. I got maybe some 60 slots for loot actually.

All in all, if people want to enjoy the benefits from having a merchant wherever they are, losing few coppers is more than worth it.

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Stop ordering items for 1c!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Xephier.1647


A few things are wrong with your theory. Travel cost to the nearest vendor is 0c, go heart of mists, LA, granted you may have to pay to travel back, keep in mind that you are going back to sell all of your extra stuff, not just 1 item. And frankly even if the travel cos did cut into overall profits, I would rather pay it then support these cheapskates ordering at 1c over vendor cost, I mean no matter how broke you are ya got at least 1s to spend on an item, 1s isn’t that much.

The economy in some games is too high where endgame items are selling for literally thousands of platinum(100 gold to a plat) but this game the economy is too low, I’m not saying to drive it cull boar in the other direction, cuz a high economy is worse, but it could use a small push.

Stop ordering items for 1c!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fred Fargone.3127

Fred Fargone.3127

A few things are wrong with your theory. Travel cost to the nearest vendor is 0c, go heart of mists, LA, granted you may have to pay to travel back,

Traveling back would cost 3s + time. Doesn’t make it any cheaper

keep in mind that you are going back to sell all of your extra stuff, not just 1 item.

if you read carefully, my calculation was for full 100 slots for looted items, an extremely unlikely scenario, but wanted to prove that there is no doubt whatsoever that selling items at apparent loss for the BLTC is more cost efficient than traveling to the nearest merchant.

And frankly even if the travel cos did cut into overall profits, I would rather pay it then support these cheapskates ordering at 1c over vendor cost, I mean no matter how broke you are ya got at least 1s to spend on an item, 1s isn’t that much.

Tbh, that is just supply and demand for you.

The economy in some games is too high where endgame items are selling for literally thousands of platinum(100 gold to a plat) but this game the economy is too low, I’m not saying to drive it cull boar in the other direction, cuz a high economy is worse, but it could use a small push.

Endgame items here are selling for thousands of gold. It is just the junk items this thread is concerned about.

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People who can’t tend to call the opponent troll, scream something utterly incomprehensible
and finally result to personal insults.