Stop referencing other larger mmos!!!!!

Stop referencing other larger mmos!!!!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Child Of The Aesir.8762

Child Of The Aesir.8762

This game is still in it’s infancy. There are still bugs to fix, patches to apply, and content to add.

When you throw down someone’s suggestion because it is borrowing an idea from another mmorpg. And you state the games name following that. More than likely they will jump ship. Go back to the other game referenced and take friends with them.

1) Those games are years old with most bugs fixed.

2) They have tried and true mechanics as well as content that works with their formula.

3) They also have a reliable and steady player base.

You are entitled to your opinion. And it is great to see that you are passionate about Arena Net’s product. But you may actually be selling games and subscriptions for their competition.

And maybe you feel better that you are getting rid of people that do not feel or enjoy the game as you do. It is still pushing players out.

Less players means:

1) Fewer servers

2) Less revenue for the development team

3) Longer time for new content and updates.

4) A larger loss of interest in the title.

5) And maybe even a sudden drop of support for this game.

Stop referencing other larger mmos!!!!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Olba.5376


1) Those games are years old with most bugs fixed.

2) They have tried and true mechanics as well as content that works with their formula.

3) They also have a reliable and steady player base.

1) And that’s why suggestions have a point. Just focusing on bug fixes would result in people complaining about the game being dull.
2) The mechanics work because of the system in each of those games, and their specific player bases.

Most of the time that people suggest things that get the “Go play <competing MMORPG here>” response, those suggestions aren’t really specific to that one game, but rather that the specific game is the most dominant example of it. For example, mounts. I bet you can name more MMORPGs that have mounts than MMORPGs that don’t. Raids? Well raids are pretty much a WoW thing.

And let’s be honest, anyone who jumps the game because of lacking a singular feature is just as likely to jump games due to a sudden patch, such as the Nov 15 one, as they are due to lack of specific things like mounts or raids.

Stop referencing other larger mmos!!!!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Child Of The Aesir.8762

Child Of The Aesir.8762

I agree with you. That many suggestions I have read and replied to make reference to a mechanic or a few features that another mmorpgs have to offer.

And entitled to their opinion as they are. The people that do not want said such features like to say “just go play_____mmorpg then.”.

I was just saying that with this game as new as it is. And as much work a recently launched mmo has underway. You are only hurting the dev team when you reference the competitions games.

People are making suggestions. They might be high lvl and bored, miss features of another game, or just want that missing piece. While making suggestions they are showing that they really want to stay playing and more than likely paying for items from the Black Lion Trading Post.

When they hop on and make suggestions along with their complaints. They are met with "don’t like it go play (WoW) " .

I am really just wondering how many new subscriptions and games they have sold from this.

And it is kinda funny that the company so commonly referenced in this forum has a tendency to release an expansion right after the launch of a highly anticipated or high profile mmo competitor.

I’m saying the fans in these forums might be selling people the game for them. And hey it’s free advertisement.

Stop referencing other larger mmos!!!!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: kateuk.7538


Comparing to other games is natural, and valid. It’s not necessarily putting this game down, GW2 does some things better than some older more established games. Most people here will have played other games, and they are still here. That says something in itself.

Stop referencing other larger mmos!!!!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Child Of The Aesir.8762

Child Of The Aesir.8762

Ok fair is fair. i mayhaps should have titled this “Stop telling people to go play competitors game when they bring up a feature or features from that game.”

And I can see how the title in itself is a little offensive.

I just wanted to make some people aware that this a suggestion area. And when someone makes a suggestion. Please do not tell them that if they like it so much go some place else. I am sure the developers would not be to happy.

And I thank you both for being so civil.

That being said can the rest of the posts remain the same. If you do not like what someone is saying please debate with them in a civil fashion.

Stop referencing other larger mmos!!!!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


Comparing to other games is natural, and valid. It’s not necessarily putting this game down, GW2 does some things better than some older more established games. Most people here will have played other games, and they are still here. That says something in itself.

People don’t compare other games to this one nicely is what op means. They always say, “Go back to WoW” or “back to your pandas”. Seems like there is only 1 MMO out there huh? Oh, wait theres SWOTR, FFXI, LOTRO, etc… I think a Forum moderator should replace WoW with Kitten like they do with swears just because it is getting out of hand with how many people think there is ONLY 1 competing MMO at the moment.

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

Stop referencing other larger mmos!!!!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lutharr.1035


I think since its a suggestions forum people will pick up on things they like in other mmo and “suggest” them for GW2. Its natural. And since there are many mmo’s out there with lots of cool features, why not use them?

WoW has done this since it conception and its why its as massive as it is. Granted I dont agree with alot of their inclusions, but they at least aint blinded by other mmo’s. they learn from them. If a feature does well in an mmo ya can bet ya backside blizzard will be discussing it around their table.

Go back to WoW. Most overused brainless arguement 2012-2013

Stop referencing other larger mmos!!!!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Claudia De Anar.6304

Claudia De Anar.6304

While I understand your point’s and agree with your passion, GW2 does not exist in a bubble. I think it’s better the Dev’s know what features people miss; and what maybe they don’t; so they can adress those issues first and make this game as competative as possible.

Claudia de Anar: An Equal Oppertunity Massacre.

Stop referencing other larger mmos!!!!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

just report those topics when you see them.

u will be amazed at how fast the forum moderators responds.