Story mode: I wanna be the bad guy

Story mode: I wanna be the bad guy

in Suggestions

Posted by: Severan Rye.6215

Severan Rye.6215

Will there ever be a fallen mode in story where you are not the hero of justice? Why wasn’t there an option to ally with the elder dragon?

I feel this game requires more diversity in its champions. Not everyone likes to save the day…

I liked the part in the story where you kill the person from the order you are assisting, I felt the best death scene in the game should / must be Tybalt's (Charr) farewell; it was unbelievably cool while the Siren (Salvari) was pathetic - dying for friends? she had a good personality but a bad ending.

Story mode: I wanna be the bad guy

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cinder.4865


I doubt this will ever be an option. ANet is, from what I gather, against the idea of factions, as it fractures a playerbase. Furthermore, a storyline that has you siding with the dragons doesn’t make sense in the world/stories they’re presenting to us — you are the hero, that’s the role ANet has chosen for us.

As neat as it would be to experience the story from the view of the Nightmare Court or the Inquest or whatever else, it’s not going to happen.

Story mode: I wanna be the bad guy

in Suggestions

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

no. that wun happen.

we are the good guys here.

Story mode: I wanna be the bad guy

in Suggestions

Posted by: Unknown.2796


Guild wars 2 is like reading a book, you do or don’t.

Even though I did pick necro with the expectation to be some sort God of Death and Doom but that didn’t really work out as expected.. :l

Location, location, location.

Story mode: I wanna be the bad guy

in Suggestions

Posted by: Archmortal.1027


A good way to work this in is if the Sons of Svanir/Nightmare Court went rogue, i.e. they still love their precious dragons and whatnot but they aren’t willing to help them out until said dragons get a stern talking to, suck it up, and start helping the other races of Tyria against ‘The Source.’

Given how ridiculous such a notion is when the dragons are presented as mad beasts I doubt it’s gonna work/happen. The sheer retconning would be the death of some of the more lore-dedicated playerbase.

Story mode: I wanna be the bad guy

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shazam.3041


Why would it necessarily need to be siding with dragons? Morality isn’t just bad/evil = dragons, good = everything else. I would love for something more along the lines of not evil per say, but just not heroic. I don’t want to feel lame when I make my charr warrior and read on the bio “I try to use my intimidation for good.” What is that? That is the biggest carebear label I have seen. It irks me.

They’ve already got plenty of things that aren’t heroic, such as the thief class. Even if you were to look at it as a Robin Hood approach, it’s a different concept of stealing wealth vs. killing dragons or whatnot.

I think the thing that bothers me most about it is that one of the biggest pulls to GW2 is the concept that you have this massive story that each character undergoes that builds character and really evolves into something… But the story and evolution is so Renaissance hero-story, there’s not much room to really customize and make it your own. When I make a thief, I don’t want to be a good guy. I don’t want my Warrior to always have to be a noble knight. My Necromancer should be a power-hungry arch-mage-to-be kind of mentality. Many ideas within the game just clash too much in my opinion.

Story mode: I wanna be the bad guy

in Suggestions

Posted by: Severan Rye.6215

Severan Rye.6215

Well, I wasn’t trying to be specific in siding with the dragons – it was just an example of how a story’s path can compliantly deviate from the current cheesy heroic.

I originally wanted to help and side with the Ebon Vanguard more in this game, I hate Therene and after Tybalt died – I was eagerly waiting for an option to resign from the order of whispers and continue my fight against the dragon in a roguish-lone-wolfy kind of way, or join one of the neutrals or just become a wanderer and one day become the unsung hero or hell quit fighting the dragons and go chillax with some lesser race then 20 years later – begins the next arc of my story (the glorious quest for immortality)

The cut scene that appears after you’ve killed the elder dragon was sooo bad it made me choke on my cake. Seriously, enough with the waving and cheering, we get it.

To me this is not a personal story, this is just like my RL where my dad (Anet) has my entire life planned, given a few options to consider along the way and where the ending is, inevitably, a disgustingly happy one.

p.s. I’m not trying to troll, or be anti-heroic or anti-communist, its just i grew up reading everything other than fairy tales and loved movies like Hachi: A Dog’s Tale, The Matrix, 5cm per second, every single Christopher Nolan movie ever made etc. where the ending isn’t a happy one – but an ending the story deserved.

(edited by Severan Rye.6215)