Stowing your pet during combat.

Stowing your pet during combat.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sister Xing.9072

Sister Xing.9072

First of all I find it extremely annoying that when my character is in combat it walks SO SLOW I mean like is there a practical use for that? If I was being attacked I would be running faster not slower -.- And to top that when my pet gets attacked I am “in combat” making me run slow. The stow pet option helps with this but only when I’m not in combat. What if I want to fight w/o the bother of a pet? It kinda sucks that I can’t stow my pet during combat too. In GW1 you could just drop the charm animal skill but here it seems impossible to fight w/o ones pet.

If I missed an option to do this please tell me where it is ^-^ if not then support me!

Lalaith Nimdae (Nim), Level 80 Ranger
Sactum of Rall
Guild Wars community member since Aug 2006