Suggenstions for rewarding holding WvW keeps

Suggenstions for rewarding holding WvW keeps

in Suggestions

Posted by: Xenotor.1350


Note: I apologize for the state of this text. As english is not my native language and i have problems with spelling. I hope you can still understand my suggestion.

Current Upgrading a keep does not give any reward beside the % Boons.
How about a Mist Chest for each 6Hs a point is kept. The size and items will of course differ from supply camps to SM. Also the Chests can be open bye everyone and you gain badges and Siege Wapons from them.

In addition to that a Guild chest is given each 6Hs that only Guild member from the Holding Guild can open. But this chest will be only available after t3 walls and Waypoint is made as t4 upgrade, Towers t3 walls and mortar and supply camps have to be fully upgraded as well.

The guild chest should be like the one you get from killing the ice Dragon in the 70-80 Norn Area. In adition to that there should be a small changse (like 0,0001%) for getting a Legendary pre Wapon and 0,5% changse for t6 crafting goods.
Towers and Supply depos get of course smaller chests with less rewards.

Guilds then have a reason to upgrade and hold a point as well as any other player from your server.

Now befor you say "everyone will just spam “Claim” after you capture a Fortress there have of course be a limit on who can claim.

supply camp: Art of War 2 and at least 5 active WvW member.

Tower: Art of War 3 and at least 10 active WvW member.

Fortress: Art of War 4, Politics 2 and at least 15 active WvW member.

Stone mist: Art of War 5 Politics 2 and at least 20 active WvW member.

active WvW member = someone who spends X time per day active (defending, capture, killing enemys) in WvW and on the same world for at least 2 weeks.
And not beeing a member of a guild from another world.

This is just what i could think of at the moment so im grateful to any criticism and improvement suggestion.

(edited by Xenotor.1350)

Suggenstions for rewarding holding WvW keeps

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fred Fargone.3127

Fred Fargone.3127

Uhm, guilds should not get any sort of chest for holding the keep, at least as long as you can just ninja-claim a recently captured point and then just wait for everyone else to upgrade it. And even when they would get some additional reward, it should be nothing more than extra influence, given that they have upgraded the keep.

Also, limiting who can claim by amount of active WvW members might not be too good idea. It should be related to the capture event itself. A single player can actually affect the capture of the castle more than 20 guys zerging the front door. It only takes 1 guy to get rid of SM outer walls for example. And 1 guy with OmegaGolem can seriously do harm on that inner gate, allowing zerg a quick access for minimal resistance. And how would you judge “active WvW members” anyways? Minimum of 3 hours of WvW a day? 21 hours of WvW a week? Just logging in and going to the WvW maps daily to keep the “active WvW” status?

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(edited by Fred Fargone.3127)

Suggenstions for rewarding holding WvW keeps

in Suggestions

Posted by: Xenotor.1350


seems like you edited too.

Yes 3 hours per day defending and attacking means you do something for your server in WvW.

1 player can hold many using siege but 20 people using siege can hold and army.

(edited by Xenotor.1350)