Suggested Enhancements to WvW

Suggested Enhancements to WvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: Elusive.9481


I want this thread to be a resource of ideas that would make WvW a bit more fun and interesting. Feel free to critique the ideas, support or disagree with them, add your own, and MAYBE we can get Anet to take a look at them. This is not intended to be a major overhaul of WvW, just ideas that make the current setup better. Please avoid anything involving loot bag drops or seige despawning; those have been beaten into the ground and are not easy fixes. So, here are some ideas to start:

1. Quaggans guard the WATER gate of Garrisons and are actually a challege if they are there (perhaps a legendary Quaggan Shaman)

2. Currently, Sentries can’t kill dolyaks. They try, but can’t. Perhaps increase the sentry damage to dolyaks so they can, unless the dolyak has NPC guards.

3. Greatly increase the hit points and healing of dolyaks so they are much, much more difficult to kill (out of a camp) and might require the assistance of a sentry (see number 2).

4. Make the point potential value of keeps, towers, etc. go up as they are upgraded. The total points possible is already altered because of sentries and the elusive yak kill points. Upgraded places would become a larger target, and upgrading would have even more advantages.

5. Add gates to the walls leading to the north supply camps in borderlands. Maybe paper gates, but something to make it a bit more defensible.

6. Scale defending NPCs health, damage, or numbers to the number of enemies close to it while it has crossed swords, perhaps reduced by the number of allies close to it. Not in a strictly linear scaling, but something to give zergs a challenge when there are no defending players. The NPCs should not be more powerful than if a player was there instead.

Critique, add, etc.

Suggested Enhancements to WvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: frostshade.3617


These make more sense then the normal nonsense people put in better scaling of npcs in wvw like in guild missions would be nice

commander frostseir(sylvari,guardian) commander frostetics(norn,ele)
Os guild

Suggested Enhancements to WvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: Xavi.6591


1. So you need a zerg to kill the Quaggans at watergate?
2. Why?
3. So you need a zerg to kill Dolyaks?
4. Not too sure about this. Would not upgrading towers so you don’t give points to the other teams be the norm?
5. North camp is the easiest supply camp to defend. Building gates just means more zergs.
6. Maybe.

Fantasme Bloodwen [R.I.P. Mesmer] | Andi Runi [Warrior] | Bonedoggle [Necro] | Zooerasty [Ranger]
Angry Intent [AI] | Yak’s Bend |

Suggested Enhancements to WvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: frostshade.3617


What really does need to be done though is improved scaling the bigger the zerg the more health the npc has and so on

commander frostseir(sylvari,guardian) commander frostetics(norn,ele)
Os guild

Suggested Enhancements to WvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: styx.7294


I can’t say I’m itching to have more PvE interactions in WvW (like apparently being unable to solo a dolyak unless I pull it to a sentry – that’s way too much exploitin AI PvE nonsense for me).

Gate of Madness

Suggested Enhancements to WvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dana Hawkeye.9724

Dana Hawkeye.9724

If a server has more than one Commander on the same map, make each Commander Icon a different colour as it can often get confusing when two or more groups overlap or converge.

I agree that the higher the upgrade, the harder it should be to take down or whats the point in the upgrades?

Add spiked barriers as buildable seige defences.

Do away with siege weapon degeneration, once built they stay that way until destroyed by someone.

Have the possibility of waypoints in towers.

Scouts of Tyria [SoT]

Suggested Enhancements to WvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: jesterscript.7493


More maps, rotating map cycle…

Oh and I’d love a super-low graphics option that turns everyone in to team colored cubes so that I can get more than 2 fps when the zerg collide since I’m playing on a craptop.

And honestly, I’d love to see more of a challenge from the NPC. That invulnerable for 3 minutes buff just feels… lazy.

I might lose forum “privledges”? Oh no! Anything but!

Suggested Enhancements to WvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jeda.5209


I want this thread to be a resource of ideas that would make WvW a bit more fun and interesting. Feel free to critique the ideas, support or disagree with them, add your own, and MAYBE we can get Anet to take a look at them. This is not intended to be a major overhaul of WvW, just ideas that make the current setup better. Please avoid anything involving loot bag drops or seige despawning; those have been beaten into the ground and are not easy fixes. So, here are some ideas to start:

1. Quaggans guard the WATER gate of Garrisons and are actually a challege if they are there (perhaps a legendary Quaggan Shaman)

2. Currently, Sentries can’t kill dolyaks. They try, but can’t. Perhaps increase the sentry damage to dolyaks so they can, unless the dolyak has NPC guards.

3. Greatly increase the hit points and healing of dolyaks so they are much, much more difficult to kill (out of a camp) and might require the assistance of a sentry (see number 2).

4. Make the point potential value of keeps, towers, etc. go up as they are upgraded. The total points possible is already altered because of sentries and the elusive yak kill points. Upgraded places would become a larger target, and upgrading would have even more advantages.

5. Add gates to the walls leading to the north supply camps in borderlands. Maybe paper gates, but something to make it a bit more defensible.

6. Scale defending NPCs health, damage, or numbers to the number of enemies close to it while it has crossed swords, perhaps reduced by the number of allies close to it. Not in a strictly linear scaling, but something to give zergs a challenge when there are no defending players. The NPCs should not be more powerful than if a player was there instead.

Critique, add, etc.

Regarding #2 I always thought sentries can kill an unguarded dolyak. I have never stood to watch the whole encounter without interference because I’ll either jump in kill the yak or sentry, but I’ve seen them disappear seems like everytime a yak runs into a sentry of a different faction.

Anyway, I always thought that is the purpose of claiming those sentries, other than karma and now wxp, was to kill yaks and disrupt supplies going to tower, keeps, or castles.

Sea of Sorrows

(Bronze Soldier)

Suggested Enhancements to WvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mif.3471


1) Do not let players take supply from towers/keeps while an upgrade is running. As someone who spends an incredible amount of time running yaks, it’s heartbreaking when people who don’t know better burn through all the supply meant for an upgrade to repair a wall being trebbed. Alternatively, separate player collectable siege and upgrade siege (which players can’t access) would work.

2) Make the upgrade path linear so people cannot order the incorrect upgrade, either by mistake or by sabotage (for example, making you wait for cannons to complete without doors being upgraded first).

3) Get rid of upgrades for gold. It costs me 15 silver every kitten time a camp is flipped, not to mention the huge costs for structure upgrades. Personally I have spent over 7g since reset on WvW, an amount which as a WvW player will take me well over a month to earn.

Tarnished Coast | Best cookies in all of Tyria

Suggested Enhancements to WvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: Magnetron.5823


4) It should be the other way around on all buildings, the higher and better you upgrade your keep the less points you tick.

Born in the Desolation. Die for Desolation.

Suggested Enhancements to WvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: DanyK.3842


4. Make the point potential value of keeps, towers, etc. go up as they are upgraded. The total points possible is already altered because of sentries and the elusive yak kill points. Upgraded places would become a larger target, and upgrading would have even more advantages.

Umm not a bad idea but… Have you ever played against Riverside?! Maybe you’re on a similar “bunker server” yourself if you see this suitable for WvW. Some servers obviously have more coverage especially at night times and maybe more money to upgrade stuff or more people with no lives to escort yaks
Anyway this would definately get RS into t2 at least in EU.
Maybe if you take an upgraded tower you’ll get a spike of say 50 or 100 points?
(This is not to hate on Riverside btw, but come on! You do love your siege and steel doors)

Sir Dany | Twitch
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |

Suggested Enhancements to WvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: Oresh.4729


2. Currently, Sentries can’t kill dolyaks. They try, but can’t. Perhaps increase the sentry damage to dolyaks so they can, unless the dolyak has NPC guards.

bad idea this is going to give the top server more advantage against the 2 others

Suggested Enhancements to WvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: wy baby.2751

wy baby.2751

two words….. Auto Loots.
so meny times ya rip thru a zerg wipeing countless and then go down to watch your 30 bags just disapper, or push hard clearing and by the time ya get back to pick them up they are gone. I lose more loots to vanishing bags then probly anything. least make them last a bit longer or something before they despawn.

Lion Of Judah{ICE} JQ
thought you knew.

Suggested Enhancements to WvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: Elusive.9481


I want this thread to be a resource of ideas that would make WvW a bit more fun and interesting. Feel free to critique the ideas, support or disagree with them, add your own, and MAYBE we can get Anet to take a look at them. This is not intended to be a major overhaul of WvW, just ideas that make the current setup better. Please avoid anything involving loot bag drops or seige despawning; those have been beaten into the ground and are not easy fixes. So, here are some ideas to start:

1. Quaggans guard the WATER gate of Garrisons and are actually a challege if they are there (perhaps a legendary Quaggan Shaman)

2. Currently, Sentries can’t kill dolyaks. They try, but can’t. Perhaps increase the sentry damage to dolyaks so they can, unless the dolyak has NPC guards.

3. Greatly increase the hit points and healing of dolyaks so they are much, much more difficult to kill (out of a camp) and might require the assistance of a sentry (see number 2).

4. Make the point potential value of keeps, towers, etc. go up as they are upgraded. The total points possible is already altered because of sentries and the elusive yak kill points. Upgraded places would become a larger target, and upgrading would have even more advantages.

5. Add gates to the walls leading to the north supply camps in borderlands. Maybe paper gates, but something to make it a bit more defensible.

6. Scale defending NPCs health, damage, or numbers to the number of enemies close to it while it has crossed swords, perhaps reduced by the number of allies close to it. Not in a strictly linear scaling, but something to give zergs a challenge when there are no defending players. The NPCs should not be more powerful than if a player was there instead.

Critique, add, etc.

Regarding #2 I always thought sentries can kill an unguarded dolyak. I have never stood to watch the whole encounter without interference because I’ll either jump in kill the yak or sentry, but I’ve seen them disappear seems like everytime a yak runs into a sentry of a different faction.

Anyway, I always thought that is the purpose of claiming those sentries, other than karma and now wxp, was to kill yaks and disrupt supplies going to tower, keeps, or castles.

I thought that would be the purpose too, but I see unguarded yaks on the map all the time pass sentries. They do a little icon dance, but the yak gets through, and the sentry returns.

Perhaps changing the damage or hit points for the sentry/yak relationship isn’t the best idea. I’m really just going for a strategic purpose for sentries. So instead, how about this:

Every time a yak passes a sentry of its own team, it receives a long-duration buff. A speed buff would be nice, or maybe retaliation. Soloing would still be possible for both, and not having a sentry at a place wouldn’t grind things to a critical stop, but it would lack a benefit. An obvious use for solo players.

If there were a drawback to passing an opposing sentry, maybe the dolyak could lose some of its supply.

What do you think?