Suggestion: Add "Class Change Tokens" to gem shop

Suggestion: Add "Class Change Tokens" to gem shop

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hermes.7014


Basically, tokens that provide the player the chance to change their profession to another, retaining their level without having to do everything from the beginning.

This of course would come with a cost in gems so it would make an excellent gem sink, and I believe it’d be a welcome addition. Especially for those who have grown tired of their class and want to try another without having to make a completely new character and having to explore the world/finishing storyline/getting dyes/raising crafting all over again.

Whether something is either wrong or right, someone will always complain about it.

(edited by Hermes.7014)

Suggestion: Add "Class Change Tokens" to gem shop

in Suggestions

Posted by: Amen.2630


no way lol to level up a character you need 1 week at most, just reroll

Suggestion: Add "Class Change Tokens" to gem shop

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hermes.7014


Have you read the whole post at least?
Level is not the main concern, it’s the exploration/story/crafting/dyes stuff. You don’t get all that done in a week unless you’re some basement dweller playing 24/7.
Even those who have a life outside the game deserve to get something in their favour, or is that wrong?

Whether something is either wrong or right, someone will always complain about it.

(edited by Hermes.7014)

Suggestion: Add "Class Change Tokens" to gem shop

in Suggestions

Posted by: DinoDoll.3682


i have never heard of a game that let you do that. but i also never played DC Universe.

When i first read your title i thought you meant respec as the term is traditionally used in mmos, which, in my mind typically means being able to redo your “trait/skill tree” or “skill points”.

never heard of respec being used as a way to swap profession/class.

i know wow lets you space race, i think even go from alliance to horde, but it doesn’t let you swap class. basically, i think, because its lame to have someone be… say.. a level 80 Ranger. And then swap to a Warrior and have /no idea/ how to play it. Because. of course, they didn’t level up as that class. they don’t know how to play the glass… but if you group with someone like that, you’re gonna assume they know what they are doing, since they are level 80. You don’t realise they are basically a newbie.


anyways! i think swapping classes is a bad idea.. unless they make you start the ‘new class’ from basically level 1 all over again. i’d think it was okay if the person still got to keep their crafting levels and dyes… but.. they would have to level up all over again.

Suggestion: Add "Class Change Tokens" to gem shop

in Suggestions

Posted by: Seras.5702


Anet has already said that they will never offer profession changes thru the gem store.

Flixx Gatebuster, Orwynn Lightgrave, Seras Snapdragon
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)

Suggestion: Add "Class Change Tokens" to gem shop

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hermes.7014


Sorry but I still fail to see why this would be detrimental to the game. Isn’t GW2 based upon freedom? Why does one have to be forced to “reroll” after all the progress made with the game only because the class that was chosen wasn’t the optimal for them?

And you can still learn how to play even if you’re not starting again from level 1. By the time you get to 80 with another class you’ll be knowing the basics already.

Whether something is either wrong or right, someone will always complain about it.

Suggestion: Add "Class Change Tokens" to gem shop

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cinder.4865


It isn’t detrimental to the game, not at all. For some reason, though, class/race changes seem to have some sort of stigma here, and as unfortunate as it is, it’s a moot point with ANet’s decision being no.

Maybe, eventually, the thought will be revisited and minds changed for the better. All we can do is hope.

Suggestion: Add "Class Change Tokens" to gem shop

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hermes.7014


I think they should at least give the players the chance to choose a secondary class you can possibly to switch to in town zones, if ANet is so against class change. :/

Whether something is either wrong or right, someone will always complain about it.