Suggestion: Change Orbs of power
I think there should not be any power boost to either side. Orbs should provide a benefit but to KEEPS!!! So you’ve fought to get the obs, you should get some reward, otherwise whats the point. So your orbs make your walls/gates 5%, 10% and 15% more durable depending on the amount of orbs. Perhaps even get more supply.
But I personally believe that when two players meet in WvW or anywhere they should at all times be on the same level so when somebody wins its because they were better in some way shape or for (skills, spects, etc). Orbs right now are a disaster.
Just switch the Orb and Outmanned bonuses. Those with Orbs get more Karma and Exp, those losing get better stats.
If orbs got me those lame outmanned bonuses I would argue with anyone trying to organize taking orbs until my fingers were bloody. The outmanned bonus is bad and it should feel bad and if the orbs gave you that, you might as well do away with the orbs.
Again, I’m repeating myself but I think power buffs should not be part of this game, it should be a level playing field between players and the orb bonus helps with items.
If those dominating got more Karma and Exp (and perhaps money), it would help those working towards legendaries.
yeah. fighting 3-orb server is madness… even one to one fight is very unbalanced. and then armor repair…. hell….! remove the orb buff. it is ruining the wvw fights.
The orbs are completely broken. If you go from owning three orbs, to fighting a server with three orbs, that results in a stat difference of 300 to every stat and 30% total hp. Either way, it’s jusy silly. They’re too strong, and numbers are already a huge advantage in this game.
THIS ISN’T DARK AGE OF CAMELOT. Sorry, Arenanet, you didn’t manage to recreate that game. That isn’t a bad thing, but just admit you were wrong in trying to replicate relics and do away with them already.