[Suggestion] Not ONE should have to bear the costs for WvW upgrades

[Suggestion] Not ONE should have to bear the costs for WvW upgrades

in Suggestions

Posted by: Replect.3407



shouldn’t there be a way to upgrade WvW camps/towers/keeps without the necessity to have ONE player paying all the money/karma!

There should be a kind of money/karma bank for each base upgrade.


- Upgrading a keep with a waypoint does cost 75 silver and 500 karma

Currently there is ONE player that has to pay 75 silver and 500 karma.
Only way to not bear the costs alone is to make people send you some money by mail. And you likely will agree, this is a question of confidence, what isn’t that easy if it’s a foreign person for someone!

Now imagine there is a bank for this waypoint upgrade!
Player 1 is able to suffer 20 silver, so he puts that in this upgrade bank!
Player 2 is able to suffer 5 silver and 300 karma, so he puts that in this upgrade bank that now carries 25 silver and 300 karma!
To make the example not longer than necessary, let’s say Player 3 feels good today and pays the rest of 50 silver and 200 karma!
Right after he did that, the upgrade is going to get built, obviously as far as supply is existing!

Certainly nobody should be able to take the money out of that upgrade bank (or just the money you put in by yourself, as long as it isn’t in production!), probably there is a better word than bank, but this isn’t the point here!

I think it will be more of a team effort that way and players will be willing to pay for those upgrades more than they are probably be willing to pay at the moment!

That’s it, Thanks for listening,

(edited by Replect.3407)

[Suggestion] Not ONE should have to bear the costs for WvW upgrades

in Suggestions

Posted by: Emnel.1537


It’s not as big of a deal and will cease to exist veryshortly imo.
More and more people are leveling to 80, find ways to get money, get all gear they want and therefore have more and more money to spare.

I’m not very ingame rich but still buy z dozen of rams and cart everytime i run out of them, upgrade supply camps and keeps when needed.

Also you can always aske for assistance on /t or /m. On our server people tend to respond and help fund the effort.

[Suggestion] Not ONE should have to bear the costs for WvW upgrades

in Suggestions

Posted by: Replect.3407


And what if you won’t have that constant necessary money to pay for upgrades, but you actually want to help? There are many lvl 80 players complaining about being almost broke all the time or even someone without being lvl 80 probably wants to help with upgrades…

What if you make experiences with people saying they are collecting money for upgrades, you send them some and they don’t use it for the upgrade they said?
In general, should I trust every single foreign guy, give him probably a lot of my money, without having the control about what he is doing with it?

[Suggestion] Not ONE should have to bear the costs for WvW upgrades

in Suggestions

Posted by: Merendel.7128


In all likelyhood a single individual should not be trying to upgrade a keep by themselves. The upgrades on the camps/towers are much more reasonable if you want to pitch in. Ideally the keeps should be claimed and upgraded by WvW guilds and alliances and its much easier for them to setup a collection for that.
if you want to help upgrade the towers/camps or join/run with a WvW guild that is a constant preasence on your server.

[Suggestion] Not ONE should have to bear the costs for WvW upgrades

in Suggestions

Posted by: Replect.3407


But is that the right way, forcing players to play in big focused WvW guilds, just to fix/handle that problem/thing with these upgrades?

[Suggestion] Not ONE should have to bear the costs for WvW upgrades

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shania.5293


Can’t the cost from upgrading things just be removed entirely?

Gold sinks in this game really seem like a cure that’s worse than the disease. I feel like inflation would be a small price to pay for being able to use waypoints without worrying about the cost or upgrade keeps, or being able to PvP without worrying about repairs.

You’re totally right, though – the payment method doesn’t match the usage model.

[Suggestion] Not ONE should have to bear the costs for WvW upgrades

in Suggestions

Posted by: Slamz.5376


Even at 80 these things are expensive, especially given the high rate of turnover. Good luck buying a 1 gold upgrade and having it still be there tomorrow.

I agree that there should be a way to split costs. Guilds should be able to set a tax, at least, to help keep contribution fair among its own members, but I also just think the prices are too high for how short lived these things are. I mean yeah, I can afford 20 silver for a supply camp upgrade but I can’t afford to do that 20 times a day, which is about how often supply camps turn over.

Camelot Unchained – from the makers of DAOC
A game that’s 100% WvW

[Suggestion] Not ONE should have to bear the costs for WvW upgrades

in Suggestions

Posted by: Replect.3407


Well, I’m not really sure if removing the costs would be a good thing for the balance.
As long as the supply costs are still part of the upgrade, it could probably work and players would probably realize how important supply actually is!
But I don’t want to decide if that would work, all I know is that the way the upgrade payments are currently working, aren’t giving that feeling of working together and makes it harder for players without constant money income to help out with those upgrades…

Well, the fact that all these bases are taken over in these short time periods or more a problem of players still don’t understanding that this zerg running in circles won’t work to hold what they have taken. They try to get anything, running around the map, but nobody cares about what they just have taken…
This will hopefully change with the longer match periods and such things, if not, those servers are gonna be fall in the ranking!

(edited by Replect.3407)

[Suggestion] Not ONE should have to bear the costs for WvW upgrades

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sarrs.4831


I think some kind of donation bin would be a great idea, but who would actually be allowed to spend the resources in the bin?

Nalhadia – Kaineng

[Suggestion] Not ONE should have to bear the costs for WvW upgrades

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shadow.3475


The guild that owns the castel, keep, tower and only on upgrades, the guild/player shouldnt be able to take the money for him self even if it is to much.

It should be a window you open with a key and there you have all Camps, Towers, Keeps, castal that your side owns on the map you are at and you can click Garison and add 2silver 50karma, click tower xxx 1silver 10karma.

(edited by Shadow.3475)

[Suggestion] Not ONE should have to bear the costs for WvW upgrades

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fugly.5287


I make make more gold leveling 1 to 40 the farming at 80. Too many gold sinks at high levels and low level loot is worth far more gold.

As was known long ago, WvW is pay to win. Does everyone in your guild buy gold? Oh goodie unlimited siege and all the upgrades. Golems run amuk.

Gold shouldnt factor in to keep upgrades at all.

(edited by Fugly.5287)

[Suggestion] Not ONE should have to bear the costs for WvW upgrades

in Suggestions

Posted by: saurus.8290


its not karma its supply :P

[Suggestion] Not ONE should have to bear the costs for WvW upgrades

in Suggestions

Posted by: Replect.3407


I think some kind of donation bin would be a great idea, but who would actually be allowed to spend the resources in the bin?

Well, I think every ally on the map should be able to put something in the donation bin…

[Suggestion] Not ONE should have to bear the costs for WvW upgrades

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ybrahim.2084


There should be some method for guilds to pay for keep upgrades and such rather than just individuals. A guild should earn influence based on its member’s participation in WvW, and this influence can be spent by officers on upgrades. You can leave the money option in, but it makes more sense in GUILD wars for guilds to have some ability to pool resources at an infrastructure level.


[Suggestion] Not ONE should have to bear the costs for WvW upgrades

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nofe.7269


With the way things are now, W3 is essentially a money sink in and of itself. Dying makes you pay, upgrading makes you pay, buying siege equipment makes you pay. The problem is that it’s not worth it at all, you won’t make this money back or anything close to it doing W3 which is a real shame because W3 honestly has the most potential for end game fun in GW2.

[Suggestion] Not ONE should have to bear the costs for WvW upgrades

in Suggestions

Posted by: Scribbles.7493


The reward is having fun.

Blacktide – [CIR]
Crimson Imperium Reborn

[Suggestion] Not ONE should have to bear the costs for WvW upgrades

in Suggestions

Posted by: LeroyJenkins.1942


I love this idea, totally agree with it.

[Suggestion] Not ONE should have to bear the costs for WvW upgrades

in Suggestions

Posted by: Anore.6213


I like it as long as it resets when the objective changes hands of course

[Suggestion] Not ONE should have to bear the costs for WvW upgrades

in Suggestions

Posted by: rhodoc.2381


Agreed, i wanna upgrade but cant pay full cost lol.. if an individual pays 1s then it is hella easy to do..

[VcY] Velocity – Gargamell

[Suggestion] Not ONE should have to bear the costs for WvW upgrades

in Suggestions

Posted by: moirweyn.9872


Sounds like a great idea. Was creating a WP at DB today and asked for donations, the silver was covered in about 2 min but I still had to eat the karma cost. Which kinda sucked.

“There are two types of people in the world…and I don’t like them.”

[Suggestion] Not ONE should have to bear the costs for WvW upgrades

in Suggestions

Posted by: melyndru.1270


Why not have a in game “donate for your server” bank for the wvw upgrades? People can go and leave money and karma donations for the war efforts, and in wvw people making upgrades can use that to upgrade things.

It would be a great way for even people who only do pve to help out in wvw. I mean we are fighting as a server, why not take contributions too?

[Suggestion] Not ONE should have to bear the costs for WvW upgrades

in Suggestions

Posted by: Elthurien.8356


I think the upgrade should cost two resources, time and supply. Leave money out of it. I don’t care how much money I earn when I’m 80, I’m not putting 50 silver onto an upgrade that can be wiped out with the next zerg sneeze.

[Suggestion] Not ONE should have to bear the costs for WvW upgrades

in Suggestions

Posted by: IKShadow.4582


Upgrade costs should be REMOVED COMPLETELY and replaced with AUTO UPGRADE if you are holding the tower/keep for X amount of time.

Of course the supply costs stay as it is.

p.s. What game needs as well is guild tax based in % how much money players make’s in WvW get deducted and put in guild bank

FUtilez.com Mature Gaming Guild part of Seafarer’s Rest Community Site

[Suggestion] Not ONE should have to bear the costs for WvW upgrades

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rolo.9248


Slamz? Iggles-type from The Purge?


i5-2500K 4.2GHz | 8GB Mushkin DDR3-2133 | Gigabyte Z68XP-UD4, GTX580-882/2033
Crucial m4 128GB SSD (64GB SRT cache) | WD 2TB 2002FAEX | Antec Twelve Hundred
When I was your age, I could outrun a centaur…until I took an arrow to the knee

[Suggestion] Not ONE should have to bear the costs for WvW upgrades

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tuco.2419


As a person who spent 20g of guild funds on Friday upgrading the entire home area of EB and most of Stonemist, I support any ideas to make upgrading a joined expense.

[Suggestion] Not ONE should have to bear the costs for WvW upgrades

in Suggestions

Posted by: Joey.3928


If something like this is done, all the costs would have to be re-balanced.

Estel Wolfheart
Norn Ranger
Hardcorepwnograhpy [HARD] | Isle of Janthir

[Suggestion] Not ONE should have to bear the costs for WvW upgrades

in Suggestions

Posted by: Winchestur.6513


You should be able to contribute however much oney you want until it is eventually paid off. I’ll put down 20s and someone else might put down 5s and so on. More of a group effort. Or just do away with using gold and create some new WvW currency.

Any plan that involves raptors is by design foolproof.

[Suggestion] Not ONE should have to bear the costs for WvW upgrades

in Suggestions

Posted by: Luthan.5236


I don’t even think it is worth to buy the upgrades since you can lose everything during the night. If your people need to sleep 4-5 enemies can just capture everything. Not worth capturing. I think it is more worth to go just for kills to get Badges until there are some real rewards for holding the keeps. Small percentage increase of something from the mist boni seem not that interesting too me.

And of course there will always be incentive to save money especially for people that are not only playing WvW but want the legendary weapon too and just let others build the siege and run with them to get some kills for badges and other stuff.

I think it should ONLY depend on supplies… but much more supplies. And the money from outside WvW should be removed in WvW completely. Like no silver rewards anymore at events. No armor damage(= no repair and no silver cost there). And sieges only costing supplies. More supplies to make more incentive to defend the supplies. Of course only people that play for fun will be there. So it is even better for them because event farmers can just stay in PvE.

[Suggestion] Not ONE should have to bear the costs for WvW upgrades

in Suggestions

Posted by: Replect.3407


If something like this is done, all the costs would have to be re-balanced.

Could be the case, but is that an argument against changes in the way you pay for those upgrades? I don’t think so…

If necessary, pricing should be re-balanced, but currently it isn’t quite right that one person has to cry for some money or just bear the costs alone…

[Suggestion] Not ONE should have to bear the costs for WvW upgrades

in Suggestions

Posted by: climhazzard.5897


I feel like wvw needs its own currency that is used for nothing but upgrades and siege weapons. It would be reset at the beginning of each new match up so it couldn’t be hoarded and how rich you were from pve would have no effect on wvw. At the same time make it so badges of honor and silver could no longer be used for buying siege or upgrades.

[Suggestion] Not ONE should have to bear the costs for WvW upgrades

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sarrs.4831


I feel like wvw needs its own currency that is used for nothing but upgrades and siege weapons. It would be reset at the beginning of each new match up so it couldn’t be hoarded and how rich you were from pve would have no effect on wvw. At the same time make it so badges of honor and silver could no longer be used for buying siege or upgrades.

I thought this was the point of Badges of Honor. Wouldn’t actually mind if it were added as an explicit currency like Karma and Gold are, and given as a consistent reward from completing events in WvWvW.

Nalhadia – Kaineng

[Suggestion] Not ONE should have to bear the costs for WvW upgrades

in Suggestions

Posted by: Boroming.8093


Warhammer got this right.
All we need is a simple change.
Upgrade can be made only be made by the claiming guild.
Upgrade take money from the guild bank.
Guild should have an automatic tax. Every coin you make a X% goes to the guild bank.

[Suggestion] Not ONE should have to bear the costs for WvW upgrades

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sarrs.4831


Warhammer got this right.
All we need is a simple change.
Upgrade can be made only be made by the claiming guild.
Upgrade take money from the guild bank.
Guild should have an automatic tax. Every coin you make a X% goes to the guild bank.

We already have that system(well, the every time you do X) in Influence.

Nalhadia – Kaineng

[Suggestion] Not ONE should have to bear the costs for WvW upgrades

in Suggestions

Posted by: Boroming.8093


but you cant pay the keep upgrade with influence

[Suggestion] Not ONE should have to bear the costs for WvW upgrades

in Suggestions

Posted by: Replect.3407


Only way to upgrade keeps is currently to put money/karma in, and that by one single person…

[Suggestion] Not ONE should have to bear the costs for WvW upgrades

in Suggestions

Posted by: BlurKiller.1976


This is actually a good idea, I support this

[Suggestion] Not ONE should have to bear the costs for WvW upgrades

in Suggestions

Posted by: krakenstar.1674


At least, have a tax in the NPCs of the keep so when people use the NPCs to fix armor, sell junk, buy prints, etc the keep gets a % to use for upgrading walls cannons.

The tax is still taken out of people’s pockets so the game gold economics stays the same as before.

[Suggestion] Not ONE should have to bear the costs for WvW upgrades

in Suggestions

Posted by: Replect.3407


I really hesitate for every bigger investment… I really want to help out in WvW, but I don’t want to be broken just for a single bigger upgrade! Splitting it between the team would really help me to get me paying for it…

[Suggestion] Not ONE should have to bear the costs for WvW upgrades

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zil.7642


This is an interesting idea. Although I would support something like this I feel there is a different problem here.

Guilds claiming keeps to hang their banners and walking away, dfuq?

There should be a cost to claim a keep. This means serious guilds would claim keeps and take the time to upgrade them and guard supply lines in. Once you are 80 dropping a gold into a tower is nothing, a keep on the other hand should be planned with guildies. I’ll be honest, I’m not dropping 2 gold into upgrading anything that doesn’t have my alliance banner hanging from it. I will defend a keep until the lord is dead but I feel better about spending gold and dropping 3-4 siege to defend when my guild is being represented. I get that it is to win for the server but what can I say, I represent my guild.

[Suggestion] Not ONE should have to bear the costs for WvW upgrades

in Suggestions

Posted by: Musta.9803


About the whole “Everybody will be 80 with lots of money” thing…
I actually make and have more money on my Lv30 than on my Lv80.

This is because you (pretty much) still get the same amount of money from lv25-80, yet everything costs MUCH more on a Lv80. The curve is way too dramatic.

[Suggestion] Not ONE should have to bear the costs for WvW upgrades

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nels the Cornwhisperer.8025

Nels the Cornwhisperer.8025

Mail the money to who the commander designates to be the guy spending it. Everyone contributes, one person spends. Moving on.

How far that little candle throws its beams!
So shines a good deed in a naughty world.
- William Shakespear

[Suggestion] Not ONE should have to bear the costs for WvW upgrades

in Suggestions

Posted by: Estes.3107


how about if you want to upgrade a keep you select what upgrade you want to be upgraded then a upgrade “bin” appears and somebody tells everyone that wants to contribute to that specific upgrade to donate to that bin?

[Suggestion] Not ONE should have to bear the costs for WvW upgrades

in Suggestions

Posted by: Estes.3107


Mail the money to who the commander designates to be the guy spending it. Everyone contributes, one person spends. Moving on.

If a commander i never met told me to give my money to another guy i never met im never going to give him anything, moving on.

[Suggestion] Not ONE should have to bear the costs for WvW upgrades

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nels the Cornwhisperer.8025

Nels the Cornwhisperer.8025

If you’ve got ~150 people in a map, three of them with little blue dots over their heads, obviously leading the whole thing, and the commander in charge of your squad asks your whole squad of 50 to split up a 75 silver cost, meaning each of you sends 1.5 silver, and you complain about that, you should probably just leave and let someone who actually wants to help your world out into the battle.

How far that little candle throws its beams!
So shines a good deed in a naughty world.
- William Shakespear

[Suggestion] Not ONE should have to bear the costs for WvW upgrades

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azaziel.3608


I believe that wvw should have it’s own currency different from karma or gold. You can enter wvw from level 1 but in that level you’ll be useless since you don’t have any skill and can’t even contribute with siege or upgrades.
It could be obtained maybe from the events or kills or even time inside the wvw map probably time of actually fighting or doing something to avoid afkers from exploiting)

[Suggestion] Not ONE should have to bear the costs for WvW upgrades

in Suggestions

Posted by: trick.9245



first time i found out that this is the solution for upgrades i couldn’t even believe that they solved it this way?! of course the people should contribute together to the costs for upgrades… there’s no reason to discuss about this point in my eyes…
and i think it would lead to better upgraded fortresses etc. … how often do i think ‘why the **** don’t we even have a waypoint at this place?‘… i’m sure this wouldn’t happen if people would share the costs…

[Suggestion] Not ONE should have to bear the costs for WvW upgrades

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nels the Cornwhisperer.8025

Nels the Cornwhisperer.8025

People do share costs when it needs to be done. They don’t need any help.

How far that little candle throws its beams!
So shines a good deed in a naughty world.
- William Shakespear

[Suggestion] Not ONE should have to bear the costs for WvW upgrades

in Suggestions

Posted by: Replect.3407


From what I’ve read I think that you won’t move from your point of view anyway and you are right if you have anothe people that have confidence in a person to give them their money… But players shouldn’t be penalized just because they probably don’t have that confidence in someone but still want to help upgrade stuff.
And if you talk about karma (even if the costs aren’t that much)… You can’t share these!

[Suggestion] Not ONE should have to bear the costs for WvW upgrades

in Suggestions

Posted by: Reika.2749


I support this idea!

[Suggestion] Not ONE should have to bear the costs for WvW upgrades

in Suggestions

Posted by: Replect.3407


This thread really seems to be bugged, it always forwards me (and I know from others!) to


Just if I change the link to (page 1 instead of 2)


it’s working. If that is what most or actually all are seeing, how should this discussion grow!?

About topic:
Thank you Reika, I still hope to get more support with that

But certainly its not the biggest concern that ArenaNet is (and actually should) taking care of right now! Even if they haven’t said any words at all about this topic, I hope they have something in mind for it!