[Suggestion] Reduce 24 Hour Timers to 20 Hour

[Suggestion] Reduce 24 Hour Timers to 20 Hour

in Suggestions

Posted by: Undermine.1678


I know timers are a necessary evil for many aspects of the game. I believe that 24 hour timers need to be reduced to 20 hours.

The casual player is the type of person that is more likely to sink more money into the game. Because, typically, casual players have a job but they don’t want to fall behind the progress of their friends so they spend money on Gems and buy everything with gold that the their friends worked to aquire.

But there is one thing that the casual player cannot buy, and that is time.

A player does his 9-5 job comes home, relaxes.. then logs into GW2. He/She creates a routine that they do, perhaps a certain dungeon run because they need weapon and armor skins for their future look.

This player may spend 30-60 minutes forming a group then based on how good or bad the PUG is, they spend X time completing their dungeon.

Next day rolls around and now this person has the X time added to the 24 hour timer. Days where they have particularly bad PUGs, the delay will be drastically extended. Forcing this player to suffer not being able to do what they want.

Perhaps someone likes to do certain jump puzzles, particularly those in WvW. These can be tricky because they can be guarded… so because of the 24 hour timer and the time shift added to the timer based on the alacrity of completion will always push the timer forward, NEVER backward.

Some nodes like Orichalcum and Ancient Wood have an extraordinarily long timer, perhaps these casual players like to harvest wood and ore so that one day they can make their exotic gear.

Whatever the case… the 24 hour timer needs to be reduced for the convenience of the casual player.

[Suggestion] Reduce 24 Hour Timers to 20 Hour

in Suggestions

Posted by: GADefence.5634


Most games do include 20 hours instead of 24 hours because you might play a few hours later then normal one day and shouldn’t need to skip the next day due to that. I support this.

[Suggestion] Reduce 24 Hour Timers to 20 Hour

in Suggestions

Posted by: Verteiron.8734


/signed. OP makes good points and this is something that would benefit me and anyone else with limited daily playtime.

[Suggestion] Reduce 24 Hour Timers to 20 Hour

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jumpers.5069


As far as I know, there are no 24-hour timers in this game. None.

Things reset at 8 pm EST every day. Your scenario can’t occur. I can see a separate issue may be that if a casual player played a dungeon, finished at 8:10, then played the same dungeon the next day and finished at 7:59, fewer rewards will be granted.

The issue here is that you guys don’t know how the game works: just wait 2 minutes until 8:01 to get your reward.

[Suggestion] Reduce 24 Hour Timers to 20 Hour

in Suggestions

Posted by: BowmasterSol.3457


I’m fairly certain that all situations in which you can do something “once per day” are reset 5pm server time as dailies are. If your character mined the ori nodes before he left work at 9am server time and came back to play again at 6pm server time, then he’d be able to again mine those nodes. Though this would mean that being able to mine those nodes again the next morning wouldn’t be possible, since you’ve already hit your limit for the “day”.

Personally, I like these “resets at server 5pm” then a fixed +24 hour timer. This mean you can go almost a whole day without playing then make up for it at the very last minute before the reset.

Knowledge is power.