Suggestion: Remove Run Speed Detriment and Improve Combat Reaction

Suggestion: Remove Run Speed Detriment and Improve Combat Reaction

in Suggestions

Posted by: Destai.9603


So I’ve noticed two things that detriment the gameplay for me, ever so slightly.

The first is the run speed debuff as soon as I get in combat. I can’t see a point to this. Why would I run slower if I am being chased by enemies? That doesn’t make sense. I can’t imagine there being an exploit this is preventing.

The second thing I’ve noticed – and maybe there’s a setting I’m missing – is when I am using an induction, it’s hard to break that even when I’m activating a skill. For instance, there is a ground targeted object that requires an induction to complete interaction. I interact with it, then I am attacked. I am pressing an attack skill, the system ignores this, and continues the induction. I would like to see a priority given to that attack skill, considering I am getting attacked.

Suggestion: Remove Run Speed Detriment and Improve Combat Reaction

in Suggestions

Posted by: Johnny Whoa.8126

Johnny Whoa.8126

I’m not familiar with the second issue, but I agree entirely with the running debuff. I absolutely can’t stand the debuff, especially when I’m just running through an area and something hits me once. It’s horrendously annoying and I really wish it would be removed.

Suggestion: Remove Run Speed Detriment and Improve Combat Reaction

in Suggestions

Posted by: Grammarye.3064


I understood the run debuff to be to make it harder to run through areas that are too high level for you; the lack of speed increases the likelihood that something will kill you. I have not tried this in practice to know whether it’s necessary or not.

However, it is quite irritating, I agree.

If you haven’t pressed Call Target at least once today, please go press it now.

Suggestion: Remove Run Speed Detriment and Improve Combat Reaction

in Suggestions

Posted by: Panda.1967


Personally I haven’t seen any problems with your first issue. Quite honestly I don’t even notice any speed difference in or out of combat if such a thing really even happens.

As for the second issue… a good example of this is reviving someone… you get attacked you think “Ok just attack back it will cancel revive” but nope… “press Esc, that should do it” nope… the only way to break them is to move. This needs fixing.

Please stop assuming I’m a guy… I am female.

Suggestion: Remove Run Speed Detriment and Improve Combat Reaction

in Suggestions

Posted by: Joker.6158


You first issue it a good design. Since there will be no mounts in the game, they just make you run faster out of the combat. You are looking it the opposite way kinda of. You are like saying “Why I run slower in combat” and not “Why I run faster out of it”.

It’s still the same answer, just different point of view. You run faster to get places faster, when in combat it’s normal speed.

For the second Issue I think it needs some work, but it’s nothing I can’t get away with. All I do is either move or press “~”.

Suggestion: Remove Run Speed Detriment and Improve Combat Reaction

in Suggestions

Posted by: Destai.9603


I can’t see how it’s good design – at all. For instance, I’m in a group in Orr and a few mobs respawn and slow me because of the debuff. Naturally, the zerg keeps going and leaves me behind. I should be the same speed. If anything I should run faster in combat. No one, realistically speaking runs slower when they are being chased. The only thing I can think of is to prevent exploits or run throughs – but even then, it’s just not fun. That’s what counts.

Suggestion: Remove Run Speed Detriment and Improve Combat Reaction

in Suggestions

Posted by: Joker.6158


What is this realistic speaking you talk about? This is an MMO that isn’t made to portrait everything as it is irl or in a “chase” situation. The bigger speed bonus out of combat is to take out the necessity of the mounts and because you might not want to spend money on waypoints. If you got hit while running, is your own fault o.0. You should (as I do) be able to dodge, pick up the best approach to run thru without aggroing or getting hit.

If you can’t do it, just think of a way that makes you able to, as I do.

Suggestion: Remove Run Speed Detriment and Improve Combat Reaction

in Suggestions

Posted by: Destai.9603


I can see your point. I really can. Yet, I take issue with it. Let me explain my justifications.

1. I am bring in the realistic considerations because we already have seen considerations of it in the game. For instance, how a sword swings, etc.
2. The out of combat is our base speed, not an enhanced speed. We have speed boosts to make up for the current absence of mounts. I believe the speed detriment is existent to prevent people from running through zones. But this is counter-productive. In no combat situation, would someone slow down while being pursued.
3. I do avoid getting hit. That’s why I expect my character to maintain their normal speed. Yet while I’m in Orr I am constantly surrounded by enemies. This is fine, but for the aforementioned reasons, I maintain the debuff is not only unnecessary but un-fun.