[Suggestion] Reset Supply at the start of a new game

[Suggestion] Reset Supply at the start of a new game

in Suggestions

Posted by: Taka.3957


A large problem with some of the more coordinated servers is that they can push a keep right at the start of the game, putting down 5+ rams that should have costed about 200 supply total to build and take a keep before the enemy really even has a chance to respond.

The other day Henge of Denravi had a group of 50+ people attacking the Bay keep on the Stormbluff Isle borderlands 5 minutes after the game started. By the time we could even run to the keep and get to the gate they had 4 rams down on the outer gate. The few of us that had actually made it the keep tried to stop them at the inner gate, but they put down another 4 rams at the inner gate.

I’m not saying coordination is bad, but at least it would give the teams time to prepare rather than turning the start of any WvW matchup into a straight zergfest.

[Suggestion] Reset Supply at the start of a new game

in Suggestions

Posted by: Merendel.7128


Not sure a supply reset would really help there. A camp can fill up to 100 supply in 3-4 minutes and it keeps the supply it has in stock when captured. 10 folks each rush 2 supply camps for a quick cap and run supply for the first set of rams befor runing back to restock and you’ve got almost the same situation you do now. it might delay them 3-4 minutes but thats not enough time to get any significant defence setup. an unupgraded door is not going to hold more than a minute vs the 5 rams you indicated they use and there is no way your going to stop that without alot of counter siege already in place or equal amounts of coordination to place it quick.

[Suggestion] Reset Supply at the start of a new game

in Suggestions

Posted by: Suddle D.9412

Suddle D.9412

You should always have supply on you at all times, period. Especially before a reset or you log off for the night. It should be standard practice for everyone. If your server was prepared you could have dropped siege to counter the attack, it goes both ways…

[Suggestion] Reset Supply at the start of a new game

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nokaru.7831


If we were meant to have supply when the game started then the Supply Camps wouldn’t be neutral in the beginning of the match up. Justifying an obvious bug is very amusing!

[Suggestion] Reset Supply at the start of a new game

in Suggestions

Posted by: Suddle D.9412

Suddle D.9412

If we were meant to have supply when the game started then the Supply Camps wouldn’t be neutral in the beginning of the match up. Justifying an obvious bug is very amusing!

So it was totally missed with all the internal, external, open and closed betas? Really, you don’t think they would take it out of the game if it didn’t work as intended? They can reset the scores, so they should be able to reset character supply at the same time. The fact that they haven’t done that to me shows they think its fine.

[Suggestion] Reset Supply at the start of a new game

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nokaru.7831


Yup, no bugs at all in WvWvW; I forgot.

[Suggestion] Reset Supply at the start of a new game

in Suggestions

Posted by: Suddle D.9412

Suddle D.9412

Yup, no bugs at all in WvWvW; I forgot.

How is it a bug? Everything is neutral after a reset…you are not making any real point here. Sorry if you don’t like they way it plays out….

[Suggestion] Reset Supply at the start of a new game

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nokaru.7831


Supply is meant to be a limiting factor and pacing mechanic in WvWvW since it generates 10 every 30 seconds from Supply Camps. Carrying it over from a previous game and outfitting an entire team with it, is obviously something unintended. The only reason it still exists is because it isn’t a high priority to be fixed over the many other bugs that exist in the game; but it should be.

You should put your server pride aside for the sake of improving the game during these discussions. Saying “Oh you can do it too!” is something that could be said about any easy to reproduce exploit.

[Suggestion] Reset Supply at the start of a new game

in Suggestions

Posted by: Suddle D.9412

Suddle D.9412

Its not server pride, I just don’t see it as an issue if everyone is able to do it. If it was like only the people who control Stonemist can take supply before a reset, then yeah its game breaking, but since anyone can have supply at any time I don’t think its that big a deal.

[Suggestion] Reset Supply at the start of a new game

in Suggestions

Posted by: Taka.3957


I told you why it matters at the start of the game. Its not a matter of ‘everyone should have supply so it’s fair.’ Its about preventing a zerg at the start of WvW and allowing teams to actually have a chance to defend.

Please read the post next time.

[Suggestion] Reset Supply at the start of a new game

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nokaru.7831


Saying “Everyone can do it, it’s fine!” doesn’t fix the problem. Just because everyone could create Chocolate Bananas for karma and sell them for gold doesn’t mean it isn’t an issue that needed to be fixed.

Since you seem to not understand why it is a problem, I’ll explain why:

At the beginning of every game, the structures are highly vulnerable since they have 0 Supply stockpiled and no upgrades. This is balanced under the assumption that everyone is beginning with 0 Supply, because we control no Supply Camps at the start.

When you give everyone on an invading team full supply, that’s potentially 800+ supply to be used on offense the instant a game begins. The result? Every competitive game is a blitz at the start.

Defend it all you want, but this is obviously unintended.

[Suggestion] Reset Supply at the start of a new game

in Suggestions

Posted by: kylia.4813


With the 24 hours matchups this might pose an issue, but these are not the standard that will be WvWvW. Over a 2 week period, the initial server reset will be a drop in the water in regards to points that are generated over the 2 weeks.
Point to ponder.