Suggestion: Resetting Servers Once per Day

Suggestion: Resetting Servers Once per Day

in Suggestions

Posted by: Keaper Ambrose.6978

Keaper Ambrose.6978

At the moment, certain bugs seem to be getting worse. Skills points being locked out for a week now. Events being bugged consistently which makes hearts unable to be completed. While a daily server reset will not fix the root cause of these issues, it would alleviate the effect it has on the players. To my knowledge it has been almost a week now without a reset, these issues are starting to accumulate in large numbers across various zones across multiple servers and affecting large groups of players as a result.

It can’t be that difficult to initiate a daily reset given the benefits it can provide to the player base, giving short term band-aids to what seems like long term problems.

Mind you I am sure this will get buried in this forum, but it was worth a shot.

Suggestion: Resetting Servers Once per Day

in Suggestions

Posted by: BaconCatTheGreasy.9542


Well, how about a 3 day reset at the very least?

Suggestion: Resetting Servers Once per Day

in Suggestions

Posted by: bobyd.4698


there was a patch like2 or 3 days ago that reseted the server

Suggestion: Resetting Servers Once per Day

in Suggestions

Posted by: GreyMouser.1235


And today, there are multiple events frozen, missing skill test NPCs, etc. Obviously, things are such that scripts get stuck if there isn’t a daily server reset.

Servants of Fortuna
Yak’s Bend

Suggestion: Resetting Servers Once per Day

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


This could be acceptable, at least until they fix the issue once and for all.

I have most of my 13 characters sitting in skill challenges (each one of them in a different one), because leaving to somewhere else and coming back every day is prohibitively expensive with he current waypoint costs, so everyday I log in, check if the waypoint works, see that they do not, and switch to another character.

I guess that when these last character end up with another bugged skillpoint, all that I’ll have left will be WvW until they get fixed, as I can use the HoM portal stone to go back to whence I came from WvW without having to teleport all over the place with waypoints.

No exceptions!