Suggestion: crafting discoveries

Suggestion: crafting discoveries

in Suggestions

Posted by: Scar Of The Lotus.5631

Scar Of The Lotus.5631

One simple suggestion that I have relating to crafting. When one puts a combination of materials into the discovery panel, a window comes up on the right side of the window, showing you what you made and what you made it with. However, this window does not go away when you discover a different item, which is rather annoying sometimes. My suggestion is to have the most recent item you’ve discovered override the last item you created in the crafting window, this would make it easier to craft more than one thing when you discover it, rather than going back to the other panel and scrolling through the entire page to find what you just made.

Suggestion: crafting discoveries

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chris Starflame.1023

Chris Starflame.1023

You do realize you can just close the window when it comes up right?

“Fire the gun, Cobiah”
“Physics will do the rest.”