Suggestion for improving Dynamic Events

Suggestion for improving Dynamic Events

in Suggestions

Posted by: Phantax.1369


The dynamic events (in theory) in game are great, and for the first 1-2 times you do them thay are fun and interesting.
However there is little dynamic about them.

(example, slight spoiler)

In the human low level area there is a mission to ‘escort Guard Bartol to collect some weapons’. Great lets go, follow him, kill a few Centaurs, he gets the weapons, YAH for our team !
But wait, what if you fail? well dont bother he doesnt, even with only a solo players helping him he gets the weps. And then its just a matter of hanging around until the next time somebody decides to help him ! BORING !

Suggested changes…

You succeed -
Bartol gets the weapons – The Centaurs are so angry they launch a counter strike at the fort to attempt to get them back. A timed event where a set number of Centaurs ‘must’ be killed in specific time !(dynamic yes)

You fail-
(firstly you’d need to make the event losable)
This triggers a timed event where you have to launch an attack on the Centaur post to rescue Bartol (say 5 mins)

Resulting effects-

Bartol got weapons, you defeat Centaur attack – Increased numbers of Centaurs until next event starts.
Bartol got weapons, you failed Centaur attack – Event resets as normal.

Bartol failed to get weapons, you rescue him – Increased numbers of Centaurs until next event starts.
Bartol failed to get weapons, failed rescue – Event resets as normal.


There are dozens of such events like this that could have been made so much better with very little effort. Most of the events in what I have described exist already. You just needed to put them in a more dynamic chain, with an actual consequense depending on a specific outcome !

Little changes like this would indeed make the events truely dynamic and would have a visual impact on what the player experiences in that zone at any given time ! ! !


We’re not retreating… we’re advancing in a different direction !
Money can’t buy happiness, But it allows you to search in more places to find it !

Suggestion for improving Dynamic Events

in Suggestions

Posted by: gaviscon.5378


In theory what you propose is what anet had promised that we would find in the game.

Suggestion for improving Dynamic Events

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sir Richter Belmont.3258

Sir Richter Belmont.3258

some of them are like this, but with no increase in number or intensity, they keep ongoing untill they successed

Suggestion for improving Dynamic Events

in Suggestions

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


Some events are actually like that, where winning and losing fire off different events. It’s more apparent in the high level areas, low level areas are more introductory so making them too hard or having harsh consequences for failure might be off putting to new players.

Suggestion for improving Dynamic Events

in Suggestions

Posted by: Phantax.1369


Some events are actually like that, where winning and losing fire off different events. It’s more apparent in the high level areas, low level areas are more introductory so making them too hard or having harsh consequences for failure might be off putting to new players.

True, I was only using the low level event as chances are more players will have seen it. Its only due to the fact Im now starting an alt (leveled my main to 80 and completed one storyline) that on doing some of the same areas again and nothing has changed.

We’re not retreating… we’re advancing in a different direction !
Money can’t buy happiness, But it allows you to search in more places to find it !