Suggestion for life inTyria and precursors

Suggestion for life inTyria and precursors

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mister Precious.3986

Mister Precious.3986

Hi all,

I really enjoy this game and love to play it. However there are some things I noticed and really would like to see some sort of change for.
The problems I’m reffering to are the following:

  • The lifeless world of Tyria

I think this is pretty much clear: 95% of the popularity is either in Lions Arch or in Orr and farming. The World Bosses are the only things that encourage players to get to other places but everywhere else Tyria is dead.

  • The Precursor problem

Everyday I look for the precursor and scavenger hunt threads out there. I really think that this is something important for many players. There are to less precursors out there.

So here is my suggestion:

I really liked the first leveling with my char. What was great about it? I did hearts, skill points, vistas etc. So what’s the obvious thing to do? Let them be redoable. Simpy as that. And reward the players who redo them.

Some examples of doing that:

  1. Introduce a new currency. Much like dungeon tokens. Every redone heart gives you some sort of token. (For example “Gratitude Letter”) The Merchant could have really interesting things that the whole world of Tyria really wants to have. So the effect would be a living Tyria. You already see where this is going right? Add the precursors also to this merchant. I think like 250 Hearts (redone hearts) are a fair amount for a precursor for example. To prevent farming those tokens every heart is redoable per day and per account. So every account could just do one heart per day again. Skill points are rewarding enough I think. (They should be too per day per acc.)
  2. Some sort of redo a whole map in a more difficult level. The implementation of this would be rather easy. Instead of being downgraded for example lvl 40 in a zone you’re only level 39 now. Do the whole map again and get rewarded as within the high level zones. Increase the reward with higher levels. A guy who does a lvl 40 map with lvl 30 for example should get a high chance for a precursor! The problem with that would be the zerging of the maps. But I think there can be found a solution for this. As i think its possible to recognize if a player does a skill point alone or with about 20 other players together…

So what do you think? If there is information about this topic in the forum, I didn’t find it. If you have another idea how to implement redoable things post it! Thanks for taking the time and reading this.


Suggestion for life inTyria and precursors

in Suggestions

Posted by: g e o.2589

g e o.2589

why you need special option to re-do hearts, just make another char

Suggestion for life inTyria and precursors

in Suggestions

Posted by: g e o.2589

g e o.2589

but 250 redone heart is a fair price for prec also would be better not to be able to redo same heart twice or more

Suggestion for life inTyria and precursors

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mister Precious.3986

Mister Precious.3986

Because a huge amount of players don’t like to make alts. And just want to progress and play with their “main”. But the problem here is when you reached 100% map and never ever get to see all those beatiful places again. By introducing redoable hearts all “main” chars see a point in getting to this zones again.

Suggestion for life inTyria and precursors

in Suggestions

Posted by: Candacis.7048


I like the idea of redoing hearts, but the reward has to be very good to get me playing the heart quests again, because it is tedious enough redoing it with my alts. A Precursor would be a very good reason to farm hearts ^^ It shouldn’t be to easy to get though.
But much more I like your idea of downgrading the player in the lower level zones (more than it’s done currently). I think it would be a good challenge. I wouldn’t even need the higher chance for a precursor, just higher loot chances would do the trick to get me playing the low level maps again.

Suggestion for life inTyria and precursors

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mimir.4690


I think a hard mode would be a great addition to the game, however with all the other suggestions out there about how to obtain your precursor (and how to make it a storyline or scavenger hunt), I prefer those over this one. Regardless, doing these heart events will become repetitive and it is still farming. I’d like to avoid farming altogether.

Not sure, but with the information provided I’m not totally in support of this because of the other ideas going around.

Suggestion for life inTyria and precursors

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mister Precious.3986

Mister Precious.3986

I think a hard mode would be a great addition to the game, however with all the other suggestions out there about how to obtain your precursor (and how to make it a storyline or scavenger hunt), I prefer those over this one. Regardless, doing these heart events will become repetitive and it is still farming. I’d like to avoid farming altogether.

Not sure, but with the information provided I’m not totally in support of this because of the other ideas going around.

Well I see your point. Nevertheless I have to say that almost everything is somehow farming in an Mmo… You do something and get rewarded for it. If you don’t like to do the hearts again, what would you do to revive those zones? Another idea would be more rewarding events for example.

I have to add that, for my first suggestion there would be a lack of a goldsink. Maybe it should cost you some amount of money to redo hearts. I don’t know.. that wouldn’t fit into the idea of the hearts neither.

Suggestion for life inTyria and precursors

in Suggestions

Posted by: tyrswrath.1753


I think the karka’s should be planning their next big attack :p

Suggestion for life inTyria and precursors

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mister Precious.3986

Mister Precious.3986

I think the karka’s should be planning their next big attack :p

I really don’t think that this would be a solution. ^^

Suggestion for life inTyria and precursors

in Suggestions

Posted by: GreenNekoHaunt.8527


I thought this problem was partially solved by Frost and Flame?

I could have bet that for a certain amount of time the activity in both Diessa Plateau and
Wayfarer Foothills increased by quite a large amount. Heck it’s still quite high due to the endless karma you can farm there.

These living story events (hopefully there will be more) are exactly what draws people to lower places besides bosses.

Re-doing hearts doesn’t sound good. The problem is that the rewards will always depend on the level or the average level of section and player. The only reward worthy would be xp, karma and money. (Keep in mind quests give the most xp, karma and money)
Plus I don’t wanna re-do every kitten quest just because I want to buy or sell something. It also doesn’t sound very comfortable to me. Doing those heart quests again… I don’t know… meh..

Gamer & Developer; Playing games is part of making games! Gather experience and make games!

Suggestion for life inTyria and precursors

in Suggestions

Posted by: tyrswrath.1753


can’t wait to epxplore the crystal desert, the ring of fire island and the northern shiverpeaks once more….. Lots potential things to look forward to for the future I suspect.