account bound dyes – ( i know this have been said recently)
Benefit will be that we don’t have to pay for a dye like celestial and abyss and other expensive dyes more than ones, and i know that others aswell as myself have been in the situation where you would like this.
disadvantage of having account bound dyes is the economy, if dyes where account bound they would properly get allot lower in prices since people wont need them as much anymore.
option to buy in bulk from vendors
Best way to explain what I mean is by an example.
When we had the dragonbash, you could buy the dragon something cakes that gave you magic found bonus.
you had to buy these one at a time with a stupid “are you sure” popup each time.
so if you had enough for 1000 of these cakes you had to make 2000 clicks.
Instead they should make it so you could lets say Shift + left click an item and then choose how many you would like to buy and then get the confirmation “are you sure, this would cost xx for xx cakes” and then you could either hit accept or cancel.
this would make it 2 clicks instead of 2000 clicks.
bigger crafting material stacks in bank
We can only deposit 250 crafting materials of same item in the bank, (250 mithril ore, 250 softwood so on), this is really a BIG pain in the kitten (sorry for the language), whats wrong with being able to deposit 1000 materials of each crafting material in the bank.
I know allot of you would properly say this isn’t a problem, but i know from myself and allot other players that they hate this.
- Dual traits *
Ability to have dual traits, so you have the possibility as a Guardian to have defensive traits and damage traits, without having to travel to your class trainer.
In map chat commanders text should be written with either another font color, or the text should be written with a bigger font or maybe a bold font (commanders text disappear to easy when allot of people are writing in map chat),
also the commanders should have the option to put markers and ping/ draw on the map so everyone on the map can see it.
I know this will come, so i wont say much about this.
Pristine Fractal Relics
Should be banked in account wallet aswell, makes no sense that all other things get in there but these don’t.
Pet names should be remembered
I read a post some time ago where a game director told us that the reason pet names aint remembered is that i only remember names for the current pet ( if i remember this correct)
But really they should make it so you could name all your pets if you want to, and so they get remembered, I always enjoyed naming my pets in games and hate seeing them all being called “Juvenile Brown bear Cup from Hell”.
More player created content
We need more content like the election between Kiel and Gnashblade where we as players have a influence of the direction the world will take. (But properly made better than how it worked this time around, since you can’t go to a election in really life and vote more than ones)
Improved UI
Possible a more flexible UI, where you have to option to move the thing around like party frames, bars, minimap, options (in top left corner)
maybe also a possibility to make things bigger and smaller individually, and maybe also the chance of hiding stuff.
Also another great UI improvement would be the ability to see how much health a mob have when targeted (i know you can see this in the top screen) but what i mean is a actual number 460.000/ 800.000 so you can see how much they have in total and how much health they have left.
The ability to see when a world boss spawn
Just like how the new “scarlet minions have spawned” popup in middle of the screen when the event start (came after the patch yesterday)
Another monthly achivement
I know a lot of people get there monthly achievement list completed fast ( you can say all you want about them being rushers, no-lifers and such) but the fact is still there that they are to easy for some.
So how about making another achievement list thats harder (another monthly, or 3 month achievement thing) where you have to complete a set of 10 achievements (intend of 4) from a list of lets say 15 different things.
(And no i dont want them to remove the monthly, but just add another harder one).
Suggested by friends
AOE loot on boss chests
The ability to loot boss chests with the aoe loot button