Why does it seem OP always suggests protection? I don’t think we need it.
Why does it seem OP always suggests protection? I don’t think we need it.
Its the only buff in the game that reduces damage, and that is kind of what I wanna go for with healing surge.
A burst of quick help.
Plus the animation for protection kind of fits what I think Healing Surge would look like.
I actually like the mending idea, I don’t know about the numbers, but I like the fact that it becomes a HoT so its atleast slightly similar to the GW1 skill/
The condi removal per second would be interesting, though I’m not sure if its a buff or a nerf. It might act as a deterrant to dump condis on you for it’s duration, but also doesn’t act as an on demand condi cleanse
I like healing surge the way it is. It has utility(full adrenaline) and a big heal. I don’t think it needs anything else or different.
Honestly, healing signet is too good . The other heals are fine
Honestly, healing signet is too good . The other heals are fine
There are far better heals in the game, however HS is the best heal by Raw Power, however it lacks what other heals do.
It does not do more then just heal.
It does not heal others.
It does not cure conditions.
It does not give boons.
It does not prevent damage
It has no Opportunity Cost, it is always the same healing, less your poisoned and its a lot less.
Its not too good, it has its weaknesses like every other heal in the game.
Our other heals/sustain traits need brought up to par, then we can look at it.
(edited by Daecollo.9578)
I believe Healing Surge is pretty good where it is. Mending could stand to be improved a little, perhaps not as a heal over time skill although that does give it a similar effect to the GW1 mending skill.
Kaimoon Blade – Warrior
Fort Aspenwood
I believe Healing Surge is pretty good where it is. Mending could stand to be improved a little, perhaps not as a heal over time skill although that does give it a similar effect to the GW1 mending skill.
Healing Surge needs to be unique, right now it really isn’t. Other healing spells in the game with long cool-downs heal and then do something else.
Mending should be like it was in GW1, a heal over time.
I think you may be ignoring the benefit of it giving you full adrenaline. Having it heal you more per adrenaline level makes it more of a strategy heal. You can use it for the big heal and lose out on the extra adrenaline or you can choose to use your burst first (preferably with Cleansing Ire) wait a few seconds, use the heal and then use the burst again. Two groups of three conditions removed. Less healing done there but more conditions removed if traited correctly.
It also has pretty good synergy with all the traits that rely on different adrenaline stages. I can think of like three across different lines. I know it’s pretty easy to get adrenaline but when you need it full in a pinch, you’ve got it with Healing Surge.
I think it’s pretty flexible and caters directly to one of the Warrior’s core mechanics.
Kaimoon Blade – Warrior
Fort Aspenwood
I think you may be ignoring the benefit of it giving you full adrenaline. Having it heal you more per adrenaline level makes it more of a strategy heal. You can use it for the big heal and lose out on the extra adrenaline or you can choose to use your burst first (preferably with Cleansing Ire) wait a few seconds, use the heal and then use the burst again. Two groups of three conditions removed. Less healing done there but more conditions removed if traited correctly.
It also has pretty good synergy with all the traits that rely on different adrenaline stages. I can think of like three across different lines. I know it’s pretty easy to get adrenaline but when you need it full in a pinch, you’ve got it with Healing Surge.
I think it’s pretty flexible and caters directly to one of the Warrior’s core mechanics.
30 Adrenaline is not better then
“+3 seconds of Stealth” alone.
Your also comparing +30 Adrenaline to getting the skill + the traits that come with it. Then I would argue that stealth gets you this.
Each Stealth =
4 seconds of stealth (Your target can’t see you, this is rather amazing.)
+2000 healing
Cures 2 conditions
Well, yeah, that’s pretty good.
I was merely pointing out that on the surface, it may appear bland but its trait synergies are pretty good, too.
So if traits are included, I would say +12% damage, +15% crit chance, 120 heal per second and 3 conditions removed is also pretty good in comparison to the Thief skills.
Granted that would probably be a pretty messed up build. My main point is that I think Healing Surge is pretty good how it is. I’m not against making it better, though.
Kaimoon Blade – Warrior
Fort Aspenwood