

in Suggestions

Posted by: Redbear.5910


Hi people from ANet,(warning to others WALL OF TEXT INCOMMING)

recently i reached a point i felt not playing this game anymore.
I thought what is causing this?
Gave it a real thought. Then it struck me.
It was everywhere you go you almost give the best gear by doing almost nothing.
Plus the other part is. wich is actually even worse my things i did in the world of GW2 didnt had any effect at all.

I freed people and later they got locked up again… same people same locks and same guards. So yeah ok… nothing changed… i liberated a village and a few min later is occupied again.
everywhere i wanted to go nothing helped. All my efforts are in vain.

Then there is the living story…
you think whats wrong with this?
Well its something the same what i just typed before.
Even if i do nothing at all the outcome does not change the least.
It can not go wrong the world does not change if i dont or do anything.

So this is what i really want to ask you people. Let me feel like i matter even we all know it doesnt. Dont want to be Grunt10001. Now it is still this way. Grunt10001 reporting for duty and do the same ol same.
Please change this.

Couple idea’s would be if you repel the attack you can go after the attackers and force or talk them into a truce. (sorry for the typo’s) And if they get attacked you get a message to help them out as well. You could build with your guild a village for them and they put up the guildflag in the middle of the town you build in your honor.

Make the parts of the land also dynamic. let it flood or earthquake. you can help there as well. makes it even more random. Also awesome for the very casual players.

Now for the dungeon runners who want some extra challange in the game.
Might want to make a warning sign in front of it… failure is not an option.
Make that a once a day dungeon who is really hard to master. some tactics. Dont worry there is alot of people who wait for this challange.

Can not say this often anough make the worlddragons a little more then a pushover.
Some other events are harder then the worlddragons. its a shame in this because they really look awesome and epic when they come down. but they are a joke in killing.
Please add some kinda tactics here. Trust me people in the end will enjoy it more.

Reward system should be adjusted.

Drops should be depended on what you kill and howmuch risk you took.
Example you kill a pushover you more likey get a blue or white drop.
Higher risk green or yellow and very high risk should be awarded with a special drop who comes from that particial boss or dungeon or other high risk event or even jumping puzzle.
This way people do that thing more often to get their drops. See SaB! it works loads of people did that for that drop. and got sold. make the dungeons also work like that.

Put RNG things out of the Gemshop. its an insult to your fanbase.
I dont like gambling so please think of something else.

phew i know its a wall of text and all but i really want to game to be very special for us.
Again i hope you make some of this in the next expansion or patch. I think alot of people will return and say yeah this is a fun game, you can do something and mean something to the game.

Last thing this is how it works.. you help us we help you!




in Suggestions

Posted by: ChaosElement.5017


Don’t get me wrong, I love the game but it burnt me out. I would really like to see more big enemies. I like what they did with the giants in Orr, but sadly that is the only big enemy (other than dragons and world events). Now don’t get all fan boy/fan girl on me, but I would really like to see the new areas open with big creatures roaming around that takes some skill to take down. I would prefer that Anet can make it possible to solo these monsters because of the declining player base. Given with good loot drops this would give a lot of players a sense of accomplishment, and a sense of being powerful. I said this because at level 80 it doesn’t feel much different from levels 60,50. Level 80 is the level cap right? MAKE US FEEL POWERFUL! Oh and by the way I agree with everything you just said.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Redbear.5910


Same here mate, lets hope they do something about it.