Suggestions after playing over 50 RPG Titles.
I think what teh devs were going for on this game, is you can only be good at so much. You can’t be a do it all super hero. This is a game that is supposed to be enjoyed with friends who work together.
Also being able to class swap whenever would kill pvp and how would you even go about collecting the gear you needed for the classes. The game just isn’t built to Incorporated features like these.
And secondly your suggestions aren’t really well described… I got lost a few times thinking to myself wth is he talking about.
GW2 Suggestion list hopefully some get put in because I would play a hell of a lot more if they did compared to very little I play only with friends at the moment.
1. Dungeon completion marks need to stack at like 1000 or so and they need to be listed as collectable items so we don’t have to use up bank space.
2. Why do we need more than one character on an account to play multiple roles, when GW2 could have class swapping similar to Final Fantasy XIV & DarkFall basically how it works is a person can play all roles on the same character expect switching between classes in a game menu.
3. Crafting, Why have a two craft restriction limit per account isntead of just two active at once which is annoying make it more sandbox allow players to level all crafts without two activation limit.
4. Weapon & Armor skins, instead of the transmute stone system where armor and rare weapons can get lost, add a system similar to Runes OF Magic where players can pay one time cash shop item, or gems aka use transmute stones to store them in a character wardrobe which is account bound, and basically the person from there can wear it as a costume set similar to Runes OF Magic & Rift without constantly having to change stats on armors and all these annoying things. If this is not possible to do then it would be nice if it would unlock as a blue print, or there was a way to get unlimited blueprints per account or something once unlocked therefore its not possible to loose items by mistake.
These are some serious ideas that should have been in the game to begin with hopefully they will be add to the game in the future.
Most game companies developers never listen to feedback, or put in suggested items from experience hopefully this gets somewhere.
1. So they can sell bank/bag spaces via Gems. They’ll claim however thakittens a server size per player limitation though.
2. So they can sell character slots via gems. Also they want you to spend time leveling and gearing up your toons for time sink / gold sink reasons.
3. Gold sink and to sell character slots. You keep your crafting level but can only have two active at a time. It costs money to switch crafting professions and it scales with your level of proficiency in the profession you’re switching to. They want you to not have any gold to entice you to buy gems and convert them. Then repeat.
4. So they can sell the level 80 transmute stones via gems. Also to sell bank/bag slots.
Thing is ANet these days is all about the money. Every thing is designed specifically in a way to increase revenue. It’s not about making the most fun and enjoyable game on the market. It’s all about separating you from your money. That’s all they want, your money.
(edited by Theplayboy.6417)