Hey guys, I played gw1 for five years and would like to comment on what I feel is… lacking and/or there is too much of in gw2, also obviously try to put up creative suggestions in it by comparing this with gw1.
As a baseline, I’d like to say, for the less attentive reader/hater, this is strictly my opinion. If you agree, great, add to it, if you disagree, kitten present logical arguments, and take into consideration the whole post, not just 1/10 of it and sound like an ignorant. Disagreeing and commenting about it is desirable, but in a way that you prove your point, not your incompetence.
Combat: in GW1, boss fights were nothing like they are here in GW2. Let’s take for example the fights in FoW or Urgoz’s Warren, UW, any elite area really. These fights, including the boss encounter, were mostly around specific combos that enemies could pull off, that were in most cases made by exactly the same skills that players had access to. Some haters will say that that’s just boring, no new skills, I’ll simply not answer said haters, because what this was doing, intentionally or not, was teach players new combos that they might never have thought of.
Just by dumping a couple of skills together, the developers of gw1 had managed, through the AI, to create a way of teaching new stuff, open ideas for new builds for players. And the mechanics were much more around grouping them up, so that you, as a team, could take them out faster, while you yourself are spread out. (Now because GW1 was played in teams (heroes or henchies…) I will only look at dungeon runs in gw2, to have a fair(er) comparisson)
In GW2, we don’t see anything of the sort. We see a dull clash of players vs mobs, where players dodge CC y and AoE Z over and over and over and over again until the mob is finally dead. There is no fun in that. Mobs have a way too limited set of skills with hardly any creativity and the only way to make the game hard enough for it to not be any more trivial than it is is through scaling their HP and DMG to points where one auto hit is dealing 5k dmg from a range.
My suggestion: Arenanet, please, find a way for mobs to not simply be about a first encounter, where the mobs all drop their burst and then dont do anything for 20 seconds. Make it so mobs inside a group have different casting times and different abilities, so that it’s not all about surviving the first burst and then slowly killing them. Arah explorable is a great example for this problem, where just engaging a small group of 3 enemies, if not done correctly, leads to a quick AoE wipe. Make it so battles are always hard, throughout the whole battle, and not just at the start. All in all, this can be summed up to: pay more attention to the fights we fight.