Suggestions on how to make GW2 an e-sport.

Suggestions on how to make GW2 an e-sport.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Uzzwick.8457


My suggestions for PvP:
- Dueling in the heart of the mists – has been said before, will be said again.
- 2v2 and 3v3 tournaments. This is completely necessary if you ever want to make GW2 an e-sport.
- PvP teams with their own rank – before entering a tournament you would get not only a button that says ‘’invite party’‘, but also a button that says ’’invite PvP team’’. There would be separate PvP teams for 2v2, 3v3 and 5v5 games, and after each tournament the team gets Rank Points. If you choose to do the tournament with your PvP team you would be put against other teams of the same rank. PvP teams are also necessary to make GW2 an e-sport.
- Nerf thieves’ burst and instead, buff their poisons/traps and possibly stealth.
- Make an option to view a character in his/her PvP gear at the character select screen.

all is vain

Suggestions on how to make GW2 an e-sport.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Uzzwick.8457


Maybe the last 2 suggestions are more of general suggestions than tips on how to make GW2 an e-sport.

all is vain

Suggestions on how to make GW2 an e-sport.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Byjorne.3496


before all of that, in order for this to be an e-sport, FIRST all the class would need to be relatively balanced. powering up rangers and stop buffing warriors for starts.