Suggestions on the player UI

Suggestions on the player UI

in Suggestions

Posted by: Phantax.1369


Couple of points that get me (maybe others feel the same)

Firstly, could we get the ability to change the size / scale of the on screen UI ?
Some players maybe ok with it, some may actually want it larger. personally I always had my UI about as small as possible without being to small to see.

Second, Button configuration.
By that I mean changing where we want certain attacks to go. As a ranger Id prefer to have Rapid Fire on button 1, Barage on button 2, and basic shoot button 3,
however Im stuck with them in the slots you have pre-allocated.

Im not saying change the mechanic for earning these abilities, just allow us to move them around after we have learnt that particular skill.

We’re not retreating… we’re advancing in a different direction !
Money can’t buy happiness, But it allows you to search in more places to find it !

Suggestions on the player UI

in Suggestions

Posted by: Macey.9182


I agree with this.

I made a post a few days ago before the suggestions category section was made and it got deleted so if it is ok I will post it here as well instead of making a new topic because we are talking about the same kind of thing.

I like the game UI but there is a couple of issues I have and I believe the game would benefit from some changes to the UI.

1) Targets target. I would love this option, either have it there as default or make it so you can select this in options menu. the fact that you cant see if a target switches to you makes it rather annoying especially if your are close to your target.

2) Moveable UI. An option to enable you to move some parts of the UI. I for one would like to have my health bar and my targets bar close together somewhere just under my character, at the moment you have to keep looking up and down at the health bars which takes your eyes away from the action because you have to look so far.

3) Health orb. Now this does look neat but if you were able to do what I mentioned above an orb and a standard style health bar close together would look odd. So maybe an option in the menu screen to change your health orb to a standard type of bar or maybe an option to change yours and your targets with say 5-6 different styles.

4) Resize. I know you can resize the whole UI but I would like to be able to resize the odd element of the UI. Say for instance if I could put boons to one side of my health bar and conditions on the other side I would like to be able to resize them to make them stand out a bit more from the rest of the UI.

5) Addons. Many people are familiar with addons in many games but I think if some of the changes were made that I have talked about it would make the Guild Wars 2 UI much more attractive to many players an make it less likely that they will ask for addons to be made for the game.

There might be a few other things that could be added but I doubt they would be needed. You dont want something that is going to play the game for you kinda just the odd thing that will help improve the game UI.

Suggestions on the player UI

in Suggestions

Posted by: peacemaker.5634


I think it’s great the there aren’t addons for the sake of preserving balance in the gameplay. There are some difficulties there that I’d like to see overcome. An old game I used to play had an addon that would allow you to preview any item in the game. Currently, we aren’t even able to preview items from the Trading Post. Maybe an item search/preview could be added to the Hero Menu and also add previewing to the Trading Post?

Jonathade [Gate of Madness]

Suggestions on the player UI

in Suggestions

Posted by: NLB.9836


you my sir are a great man for coming up with this.

Suggestions on the player UI

in Suggestions

Posted by: Leaum.4753


You can change the bind button of the skills,
my “6” is on the “mouse 3” and the “7” “8” “9” in “Q” “E” “R”

Suggestions on the player UI

in Suggestions

Posted by: Marrond.1385


I would like to have some ohter ultra minimalistic and compact UI. Or this but extremaly small. I actualy tried to play in windowed mode with very little vertical pixels and UI seems to scale down pretty well – I’m not sure why it isn’t available in game by a slider or something. Also I would like my UI non-clickable and transparent so I can click through that red HP globe on a target that unfortunately hidden there without moving my whole camera.

Suggestions on the player UI

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nanfoodle.2439


1000% agree. I want to be able to change the order of my skills on button 1-5. I get thats gona be a lot of work but its so worth it. I have been MMOing for 14 years and my self heal always is on 3. Root or stun on 4. I cant count how many times I have miss press a hotkey. Let me play how I want pls.

Suggestions on the player UI

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rez Delnava.1378

Rez Delnava.1378

My one slight UI suggestion would be to add the count of explorer achievables to the mini map; i.e. display the (current/max) number of Point of interest, skill challenges, vistas, and waypoints on the mini-map UI.

It bugs me to no end having to open up the full map every time i want to check my exploration progress—and in some computer configurations it probably takes time time to load that map too.

Suggestions on the player UI

in Suggestions

Posted by: Macey.9182


small bump to see if anyone else would like to add some suggestions.

Suggestions on the player UI

in Suggestions

Posted by: Korophona.1035


How about keeping the red damage/health/bleeding border around the screen while hiding the rest of the UI? Like having it a toggle or something for people taking screenshots and people playing with the meters, numbers, and text off.

I’m having some unexpected fun playing with the UI off (way less distractions), but I still need a way to monitor how much health I’ve got left. xD

Edit: Actually, I think the better option is just to have a way to hide/unhide each of the UI components. So dialogue windows, minimap, quest/event lists, enemy health bars, the exp bar, party list, and the main skill+HP bar could be hidden if the user wants to. O:

(edited by Korophona.1035)

Suggestions on the player UI

in Suggestions

Posted by: Poplik.8697


bump, I don’t want anything crazy, just let me move enemy healthbar and party bar

edit: and maybe let me get rid of the orb, what is this, diorblo?

(edited by Poplik.8697)