Suggestions to make WvW more appealing/fun

Suggestions to make WvW more appealing/fun

in Suggestions

Posted by: Daniel.5463


1. Rewards:
The reward you get in WvW is in my opinion not very well balanced. you’ll get the same reward for conquering an undefended, not upgraded keep like you would get for a keep which has all upgrades and 50 active players defending it.
How about increasing the reward earned for conquering sth depending on how much it is upgraded and since when it was last taken by an enemy. This would increase the money ppl earn in wvw while taking difficult objects, without making it farmable.

2. WvW Rank Acc bound:
The reason wvw rank wasnt made acc wide was due to flexibility in wvw builds, but this isnt the case. after rank 5 (or sth like that) you always need 5000wvw xp for 1 rank, resulting into being able to skill more if it would be acc bound then if it would be char bound. i for example always start getting build master 2, repair master 2 and supply mastery 4 and then i try to get guard defense and attack for guard stacks. now i got 2 chars with both stacks and 2 which still need ranks for the first stack. There is no flexibility, i need with every char about wvw rank 250 to have the most important things, and afterwards i’ll get traits for the siege weapons and such.
If it’s account bound it would greatly improve our flexibility with choosing what class to use in wvw, then i won’t have to say “i’ll play ele, because he’s my main and i need those ranks” i can jsut say “oh we need guards, no problem i’ll log to my guard.” he will have then stacks and all the other nice traits my main had and i can farm wvw ranks for my whole account on all chars. this would also make it possible to create fair leaderboards for wvw rank, due to it being acc wide.
It would then also be reasonable to increase the needed wvw rank points for each trait, to make it more difficult to have every single trait.

3. Class Mastery:
How about adding a “class mastery” into the wvw traits. it will be depended on what your class is, what boni you’ll get from it. you could even add class specific skills and such into it. for example an engineer could deal extra dmg with siege weapons, and get a skill which refills his supplies to 10. A guardian will protect the siege weapon he’s using, redusing the damage it takes and could summon an bubble, which absorbs only siege projectiles. A Mesmer could be able to summon an fake zerg to confuse the enemy or a warrior can use a battle cry to grant a random boon or a class specific boon to 20 friendly units nearby.
There would be a lot of possibilities, only problem is balancing and performance. imagine 20 mesmer summoning a fake zerg xD (balance with adding a global cd to some skills for a side, for example the fake zerg is 5sec aktiv, and after 30sec the next mesmer can cast it. the skill itself has 300sec cd)

4. Castle/Tower/Camp Lord Ressurrection sickness:
I often see in fights in keeps that the lord gets ressurrected like 30 times or sometimes even more often, resulting in a fight for a very long time. Making it nearly impossible to capture a keep if the enemy just runs into, throws a banner and does it again and again and again and.. even if you’re completly annihilating their forces. if you add Ress seickness to the lord, that after the 3. ress he wont be able to get up again for a certain amount of time unless he’s ressed normally (means walking to his body) or that he just wont be able to be ressed for like 5min. (For example, after each ress the lord gets a debuff whihc lasts 5min and for each debuff he gets healed 33% less while dead) This would make it more challenging to defend a keep, you will need to think about when to ress the lord and wont just say “oh the lord is down, lets throw a banner”!

5. New Upgrade Castle Lord
In most largescale fights in a Castle, the Lord himself is just used to reset the capture point, not used in active battles, with point 4 added, it could be awesome to add some upgrades for the lord himself. That if you fight against a fully upgraded lord you need to watch out and that you’ll need to avoid fighting against both the lord and the enemy blob. And also to avoid haivng the lord die in like 10sec, letting him life longer and put up a small challenge for the attackers.