Summoned ally in dungeons become invulnerable

Summoned ally in dungeons become invulnerable

in Suggestions

Posted by: runeblade.7514


Solution: Make certain summoned ally, completely invulnerable. Don’t give them high hp, don’t bother to balance hp. Just make them invulnerable to enemy attacks while in dungeons.


  • Necromancer Minions
  • Spirit Weapons
  • Nature Spirits
  • Turrets
  • Any other pets with low hp.

Not candidates:

  • Ranger pets. Rangers are meant to baby sit their pets, and their current survivability is fair.

Why make them invulnerable? The biggest reason is to make pet builds viable in dungeons. I want to play a Minion master build. I want to play Spirit Ranger. I want to play Turret build. But mobs will destroy them in an instant. If pets are invulnerable, they do not disrupt mob’s attack. Instead, the enemy mob will target a player. If a player try to exploit with their pets, the mob will just reset their hp.

There is no other way without opening up a chance to exploit while making pet build viable. If the hp of the pet is too high, the pets will be overpowered in regular PvE and WvW. If the hp of the pet is too low, the pet build will still be unviable.

Read post before asking about how it will exploit the dungeons.

5x Warrior, 5x Ranger, 4x Elementalist, 4x Engineer,
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant

(edited by runeblade.7514)

Summoned ally in dungeons become invulnerable

in Suggestions

Posted by: runeblade.7514


getting this post to front page

5x Warrior, 5x Ranger, 4x Elementalist, 4x Engineer,
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant

Summoned ally in dungeons become invulnerable

in Suggestions

Posted by: Invictus.1503


I would also like this, though I’m not sure Anet would ever consider it.

It’s better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt.

Summoned ally in dungeons become invulnerable

in Suggestions

Posted by: TehPwnerer.7215


That’s funny. Ranger pets take just as much (or rather, as little) to kill as summoned weapons, necro minions, and other pets and turrets. I’m sure people will love this in PvP as well. Free DPS on a weapon that can’t be destroyed or a minion that can’t be killed.

Good luck.

Summoned ally in dungeons become invulnerable

in Suggestions

Posted by: Wukunlin.8461


considering anet spent all that effort to make spirit weapons killable I doubt they will revert the change.

I am surprised that you haven’t mentioned mesmer phantasms. One of the main reasons why sustained dps from mesmer is so horrible in PVE is because maintaining 3 throughout a fight is almost impossible.

Oceanic [LOD]

Summoned ally in dungeons become invulnerable

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gabby.3205


That’s funny. Ranger pets take just as much (or rather, as little) to kill as summoned weapons, necro minions, and other pets and turrets. I’m sure people will love this in PvP as well. Free DPS on a weapon that can’t be destroyed or a minion that can’t be killed.

Good luck.

The OP said multiple times that it would be only in dungeons. Why are you talking about PvP? ~.~

Anyway, I don’t think it is going to happen. Sure, it would be great for us rangers, but then I would be able to solo a dungeon by telling my pet to attack everything and just watching from a distance. Sure, it would take forever, but would still be possible, and I don’t think this is alright.

Tarnished Coast
Astrid Strongheart, Norn Ranger.
“I wish juvenile wolves were bigger”

Summoned ally in dungeons become invulnerable

in Suggestions

Posted by: runeblade.7514


Anyway, I don’t think it is going to happen. Sure, it would be great for us rangers, but then I would be able to solo a dungeon by telling my pet to attack everything and just watching from a distance. Sure, it would take forever, but would still be possible, and I don’t think this is alright.

There is a specific reason why I ask for invulnerability instead of higher hp, or higher survivability.

If the pet is invulnerable, the enemies cannot attack back, will reset their hp to full and become invulnerable themselves until the players get into the fight themselves.

5x Warrior, 5x Ranger, 4x Elementalist, 4x Engineer,
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant

Summoned ally in dungeons become invulnerable

in Suggestions

Posted by: LoreChief.8391


I have to disagree. Things like turrets can be set-forget. What’s the point of even having boss encounters if I can just throw out a swarm of invincible turrets and leave the room?

Summoned ally in dungeons become invulnerable

in Suggestions

Posted by: runeblade.7514


I have to disagree. Things like turrets can be set-forget. What’s the point of even having boss encounters if I can just throw out a swarm of invincible turrets and leave the room?

Because then the boss will be invincible themselves until the player comes back.

5x Warrior, 5x Ranger, 4x Elementalist, 4x Engineer,
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant

Summoned ally in dungeons become invulnerable

in Suggestions

Posted by: LoreChief.8391


And in the fights like TA Wurm where you can set & forget and just hide behind an object due to the boss being immobile? There are too many of these situations where its easy to exploit invulnerable pets.

Summoned ally in dungeons become invulnerable

in Suggestions

Posted by: runeblade.7514


And in the fights like TA Wurm where you can set & forget and just hide behind an object due to the boss being immobile? There are too many of these situations where its easy to exploit invulnerable pets.

TA Wurm can easily be exploited by ranging the boss from a safe distance. Poor choice

5x Warrior, 5x Ranger, 4x Elementalist, 4x Engineer,
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant

Summoned ally in dungeons become invulnerable

in Suggestions

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

Why wouldn’t this make dungeon running exploited by 5 man teams of turret engineers and minion master necros? MM necros can bring up to 6 minions to a fight. That would be 30 invulnerable minions dealing out damage. One person can stay in range to keep the boss from resetting while the others stand aside and and play the trading post. If that one goes down, another can take his place. With the invulnerable minions or turrets chipping away at the boss, there is no way to lose.

Summoned ally in dungeons become invulnerable

in Suggestions

Posted by: Muchachowitz.6057


In WoW, the solution to pets being mowed down in PvE was talents that drastically reduce the damage they take from AoE attacks.

I haven’t been playing GW2 long, but it seems like that would be (mostly) applicable, here. The pets still couldn’t really tank entire fights if the damage reduction only applied to AoE.

Summoned ally in dungeons become invulnerable

in Suggestions

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

I have to disagree. Things like turrets can be set-forget. What’s the point of even having boss encounters if I can just throw out a swarm of invincible turrets and leave the room?

Because then the boss will be invincible themselves until the player comes back.

I’m fairly certain that’s never been a proven mechanic of the AI.

Summoned ally in dungeons become invulnerable

in Suggestions

Posted by: Falkor.7932


I had to click on this thread, because I thought it was going to be a ~1second invulnerability on summon, not just downright invulnerable.

“One time! I slightly blew some of us up one time, and you won’t let it go.”
- Explorer Bekk

Summoned ally in dungeons become invulnerable

in Suggestions

Posted by: runeblade.7514


I have to disagree. Things like turrets can be set-forget. What’s the point of even having boss encounters if I can just throw out a swarm of invincible turrets and leave the room?

Because then the boss will be invincible themselves until the player comes back.

I’m fairly certain that’s never been a proven mechanic of the AI.

If you get on a different platform and use range weapons from afar, the mob will reset.

Minions can’t be targeted or attacked because they are invulnerable.

I think we are getting somewhere.

5x Warrior, 5x Ranger, 4x Elementalist, 4x Engineer,
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant

(edited by runeblade.7514)

Summoned ally in dungeons become invulnerable

in Suggestions

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

I have to disagree. Things like turrets can be set-forget. What’s the point of even having boss encounters if I can just throw out a swarm of invincible turrets and leave the room?

Because then the boss will be invincible themselves until the player comes back.

I’m fairly certain that’s never been a proven mechanic of the AI.

If you get on a different platform and use range weapons from afar, the mob will reset.

Minions can’t be targeted or attacked because they are invulnerable.

I think we are getting somewhere.

No, if you are out of range they cannot path to where they can auto attack, therefore they reset. If your minion is invuln it can be targeted, it can be pathed to, it can be attacked at, it just doesn’t take damage. If invuln broke aggro then invuln skills would be game breaking.