Sylvari body glow problem needs a look into

Sylvari body glow problem needs a look into

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zintish.5368


I have got a sylvari female character. Afraid i cannot recall which exact body type i used, but i am facing quite a problem with it.
Sylvari has a very nice body glow. All over its body, except its belly and chest. In fact it gives the feeling, that while rest of its body is alive, belly is carved from some other dead wood and just stuck onto it.
This shines out (actually doesnt) also because sylvari racial armor is designed to show this part of the body.
Would be very nice if you could look into this, specially as big part of game is armor style and player character looks.
Adding picture to ilustrate.


(edited by Zintish.5368)

Sylvari body glow problem needs a look into

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zeefa.3915


Simple, only parts of the sylvari glows and only in a certain pattern. The belly and chest are not meant to glow, thats really it. It is not really a problem per see. Because it is intended.
My only regret is that nearly no medium armor let the back show, cause that is where the glow is.

Life doesn’t stop being funny just because the dead can’t laugh.

Sylvari body glow problem needs a look into

in Suggestions

Posted by: ElixireL.5190


I’d like to be able change the glow colour , not keen on red.

Sylvari body glow problem needs a look into

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zeefa.3915


You choose glow color in creation, just gotta turn of the lights (lightbulb icon at top). It is also possible in the makeover kit (I believe) but with the problem that you cannot turn of the light, so you cannot really see how it works.

Life doesn’t stop being funny just because the dead can’t laugh.