T6 Mats Improvement

T6 Mats Improvement

in Suggestions

Posted by: HmKid.1428


Considering that gear loot now scales to level 80 regardless of where you are in the open world, why not make t6 mats drop from any mob once you’re level 80. It would work in a similar fashion to gear drops: if you’re in the starter zones, you get your regular t1 mat drops or a chance at t6. This would continue on with the mid tier zones: a level 15-25 zone would drop t2 or t6, 25-35 would drop t3 or t6, etc. Since the t6 is only being added to the loot table, people who wants to farm specific tier will still be able to do so. This would really help alleviate the pressure on specific area t6 mat farming and give incentive for maxed level players to visit lower level zones (which is always a good thing in my opinion). The main issue I see this would bring up is people farming a group of low level mobs easily with a high level character, especially on event camping. However, I think this is a number tweaking problem and Arenanet will have to work out the specifics to a good balance. Like the recent nerf to the union farm at Lyssa temple, events with infinite spawn may have to be tweaked in so that they have finite spawns, diminished drops, or the objective can’t be hold indefinitely (make it FAIL if no one is doing the objective). I know that this isn’t an easy task to do, so Arenanet can roll these zone buffs zone by zone instead of a world wide change. Even on high level zones, t6 drops are still rare compare to t5 drops even if you can kill mobs at a relatively fast pace (not including event camping). Average I found is about 7-10 t6 with relatively little to no magic find for about 45 min – 1 hour. If all zones have a similar drop rate to the high level zones, then it would be a nice balance of where player can get their t6 mats. This isn’t the one solution to everything t6 but it follows what Arenanet wanted the game to be, where you can play anywhere and do what you enjoy and still have progress towards some of the shinier items in the game.

T6 Mats Improvement

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kal Spiro.9745

Kal Spiro.9745

Because this would increase the number of locations that T6 is available, making them more readily prevelant and therefore lowering their value? They’re intended to be hard to get and rare. That’s the same reason there are few Oricalcum and Ancient Wood nodes.

They have been actively reducing our ability to acquire them, why would they suddenly turn around and make it possible to get them anywhere?

Tarnished Coast Kal Spiro – Ranger (80), LB/S-D, Eagle/Wolf, Signet, M/S/WS #SABorRiot

T6 Mats Improvement

in Suggestions

Posted by: Seras.5702


Because this would increase the number of locations that T6 is available, making them more readily prevelant and therefore lowering their value? They’re intended to be hard to get and rare. That’s the same reason there are few Oricalcum and Ancient Wood nodes.

They have been actively reducing our ability to acquire them, why would they suddenly turn around and make it possible to get them anywhere?

No it wouldn’t. It would expand the places you can get them, but not the drop rates. Meaning players wouldn’t feel forced to farm SSC all the time, but can spread out and fill in any other area they want.

For example, a 2% drop rate killing 100 mobs in 1 area will net you the same results as a 2% drop rate killing 25 mobs each in 4 different areas. 2% of 100 kills is the same no matter where you are.

I like the idea of T6 mats dropping in more places. Spreads out the population and increases SSC framerate

Flixx Gatebuster, Orwynn Lightgrave, Seras Snapdragon
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)

T6 Mats Improvement

in Suggestions

Posted by: juno.1840


I like the idea, although down-scaling doesn’t work so well. I crazy powerful running around on my level 80 in a level 12 area.

However this would distribute players across the map (at least to the sweet lowbie farming spots for T6s). That could be considered an advantage — unless ANet doesn’t want new players to see the dirty laundry of T6 grind.

Part of me thinks that someone in ANet was thinking “hey, wanna see something funny? Watch this…”