Im going for Bifrost and i was going to make a topic about other players opinion on its effects because I think they are too small (the footsteps) compeared to the other legendarys too, looks like im not the only one with this opinion.
Expect a year later for them to update the Bifrost… or maybe even longer
While I appreciate the attempt to improve it, as a BiFrost owner, I get more enjoyment out of looking at someone else’s. The effects are not as apparent to the owner as it is to others.
I get super jelly from the Dreamers footsteps too!
A Leader and the webmaster of on Fort Aspenwood server
And the rainbows are so random and is not so geometrical.
And here I was enjoying following a Bifrost carrier in the Queensdale zerg because I was running through rainbows that were subtle shimmers in the air. They cheered me up without giving me a headache or blinding me from my path.
Admittedly I have High settings. It’s possible lower graphics settings can’t see them?