1. New characters automatically start with pick, axe & harvesting tool and four 4 slot bags.
2. Guild Tab shows ALL crafting professions completed by a certain toon, instead of just the two currerently available.
3. Ports TO Lions Arch from anywhere in the world are free.
4. Give Guardians the ability to use a Rifle for ranged attacks
5. Third weapon swap ability. This way someone can have a primary weapon up, have their secondary set of weapons for fighting, but can swap to the third set for abilities that are not often used (if in combat), such as speed boosting and such.
6. Crafting Item stacks increased from 250 to 1000.
7. Black Lion Keys are guaranteed drop from each final boss in a dungeon
8. Toughness/Vitality/Power sets should be craftable. Maybe with a 4th piece (Karka Shells X15) added to the crafting discovery pane?
9. Character Story events should be no more than 2 levels from the previous event. Doing a story quest chain up to lvl 45, then having to leave story quest to go grind in the world for 5-8 levels until your next story quest becomes available sucks, because by then you forgot the plot of the story. It’s nice when you get hooked into a story, and can do that non-stop.
10. Give Jormag/Tequattl/Shatterer three different attack patterns. When we ALWAYS know what will happen next, it defeats the excitement of beating him. But if the dragons change tactics half way through a fight, it puts people on their guard and forces them to adapt to ever changing conditions.
11. Auto-LOOT option, selecting loot once, automatically loots everything that the player killed
12. Badges of Honor in WvW are automatically deposited into bags if you kill/help kill an enemy player. It is too dynamic, too many people moving around, too many effects being used to notice a little bag on the ground next to you.
13. Guild Members have a different color icon on all maps, and will show you positions of every guild member on any map, or in WvW even if you’re not in a party with them, or even near them. Would be nice if I go into WvW and see two guildies on there as well, to form up a team.
14. WvW parties have the option of having a team “commanders Icon” that can only be seen by that team, but allows them to stay with the group. Icon is not visible to everyone on the map, just party members.
15. Dungeon Waypoints are automatically unlocked when achieving the level required to attend it. I.e. If I get an email that says Hey come check out this dungeon, you’re now eligible. By reading that email, and viewing the attachment of where it is, should automatically unlock the waypoint for the dungeon.
16. COF Dungeon – The Dungeon is contested too often. It will be available to enter for about 15 min, but will be contested for almost an hour. No other dungeon is ever contested. This either needs to be removed, so that the dungeon is always available, or the times are reversed. 1 hour it’s available, 15 min it’s contested.
17. Token Vendors in Lions Arch clearly say what dungeons tokens are required to purchase items from them. I can’t tell which dungeon is required if I want a specific piece of gear. If you hover over the tokens, it doesn’t even say what token it is.
18. Turn down the brightness of the “White” color on the snow. It’s overly blinding in some of the Norn starting areas when the sun reflects off the snow. It makes it impossible to see certain ground items, and makes leveling in that area aggrivating on the eyes.
19. Event Helper, just like with the quest helper in the upper right hand corner of the screen, if we could have an Event Helper, that would show ALL active events currrently taking place on the map that you are on, it would make it easier for people to see what’s up and come and help.
20. Change the symbol of Elementalists or Engineers. The little waterdrop icon looks too similar, and are at times confusing when delegating responsibilities in dungeons, or forming teams.
21. The ability to purchase multiple items at once. I.e. If i want to buy 250 Ash Legion Spy kits, I don’t want to have to click “Buy” 250 times. Give me an option to select an amount to purchase.
22. Hunter Pets should get stealthed when the player uses his Ash Legion Spy Kit. Because we can’t put them away in combat, they just end up dying because we can’t stealth them with our spy kit.
23. When previewing an armor tem, give us the ability to adjust the dye colors on it during the preview so we can tell if it is something that might match a speciic color scheme.
24. Weapon Dyes or auras. If I want an Abyss Greatsword, I should be able to dye my Greatswords blade an Abyss Color.
25. Weapon Previews need to actually show the weapons without having to remove leggings to see them. Adjust the preview to mimic what the character is doing, i.e. if I swing my weapon in game, it swings the weapon in the preview, so I we can see any graphics or auras associated with the weapon.
TOP 25 Recommendations from The Chav
I like all those ideas. Now if ANet would actually implement any of these!!! God some of those would really be nice too.
1. New characters automatically start with pick, axe & harvesting tool and four 4 slot bags.
5. Third weapon swap ability. This way someone can have a primary weapon up, have their secondary set of weapons for fighting, but can swap to the third set for abilities that are not often used (if in combat), such as speed boosting and such.
7. Black Lion Keys are guaranteed drop from each final boss in a dungeon
8. Toughness/Vitality/Power sets should be craftable. Maybe with a 4th piece (Karka Shells X15) added to the crafting discovery pane?
18. Turn down the brightness of the “White” color on the snow. It’s overly blinding in some of the Norn starting areas when the sun reflects off the snow. It makes it impossible to see certain ground items, and makes leveling in that area aggrivating on the eyes.
1. But there’s NPCs that sell those bags for a reason.
5. No, no no. Would be absolutely broken. Can you imagine a Thief with D/D, P/P and Shortbow? Or a Warrior with Rifle, GS and Sword/Warhorn?
7. BL Keys are in the Gem Store for a reason.
8. You can already buy level 80 exotic Soldier’s stuff with Karma. For level 80 Rares, there’s Vigil for armors and Ebon Vanguard for weaponry.
18. That’s got more to do with your settings than anything else.
1. New characters automatically start with pick, axe & harvesting tool and four 4 slot bags.
5. Third weapon swap ability. This way someone can have a primary weapon up, have their secondary set of weapons for fighting, but can swap to the third set for abilities that are not often used (if in combat), such as speed boosting and such.
7. Black Lion Keys are guaranteed drop from each final boss in a dungeon
8. Toughness/Vitality/Power sets should be craftable. Maybe with a 4th piece (Karka Shells X15) added to the crafting discovery pane?
18. Turn down the brightness of the “White” color on the snow. It’s overly blinding in some of the Norn starting areas when the sun reflects off the snow. It makes it impossible to see certain ground items, and makes leveling in that area aggrivating on the eyes.1. But there’s NPCs that sell those bags for a reason.
5. No, no no. Would be absolutely broken. Can you imagine a Thief with D/D, P/P and Shortbow? Or a Warrior with Rifle, GS and Sword/Warhorn?
7. BL Keys are in the Gem Store for a reason.
8. You can already buy level 80 exotic Soldier’s stuff with Karma. For level 80 Rares, there’s Vigil for armors and Ebon Vanguard for weaponry.
18. That’s got more to do with your settings than anything else.
1. If your reasoning is because it helps new players “learn” about purchasing stuff for their toons, I can understand that, but currently there is no instructions or quest to learn how to do this. So new players miss out on it.
5. Wouldn’t really matter what a player has slotted for their weapons, they’re skills sets are set for a specific type/playstyle. It would be nice to not have to open your inventory to switch to a warhorn just for the speed boost.
7. Show me one person that wastes money/gold on black lion keys. And if you say you do, you’re lieing for the sake of argument. The Black Lion keys are over priced and the rewards don’t justify the amount of gems for them.
8. You are correct, you failed to understand my logic as far as Crafting a set. I already know where to buy the stuff, and where to farm the stuff. I would ask that that specific set be craftable.
18. Doubtful, as I have had no other issues anywhere else in the game, on any other character, or any other snow covered area. It’s mainly one specific area that is really bad. If you don’t know what i’m talking about, they you haven’t been in that area, because everyone who has comments on it.
Chav do you have an lcd monitor ?
I can agree with many of these. I’d really like it if they added rifle or longbow to guardians weapons. Even if they removed both staff and scepter from guardian, I still wouldnt mind…
I love the post . It took a lot of thought and time to create and it’s easy to read. Keep it up sir! Any if these changes would be great. And FYI there is a free portal to LA from anywhere . WvWvW or Heart if Mists . I prefer the later.
7. sure BLTC keys need to drop more but not everyone like the kitten excuses for dungeons anet gives us. A solution has to benefit everyone, regardless of playstyle, not just dungeon grinders.
17. is a bit of a moot point since each NPC has a dialogue that tells which dungeon he/she is related to, and each dungeon drops their unique token already.
Chav do you have an lcd monitor ?
I am running a 52inch SAMSUNG flat screen for a monitor. I believe it is an LCD, might be the plasma. Why what’s up?
1. New characters automatically start with pick, axe & harvesting tool and four 4 slot bags.
The whole concept of low-level bag drops and costs for low level harvesting tools are there to increase the number of “functional upgrades” in the levels where certain gear slots don’t drop, effectively giving you more fun stuff to acquire and equip while making those first shoulders, gloves, back, etc. still important and meaningful to the new player. In addition, this would encourage re-rolling lowbies to gather low level crafting materials, effectively tanking the market and making the sale of those tools completely pointless. These items are cheap and easy enough to acquire for new players already, and trivial for existing players rolling new alts.
2. Guild Tab shows ALL crafting professions completed by a certain toon, instead of just the two currerently available.
I kinda like this. Maybe some sort of right-click “profile” option. Note that leaving the general roster as-is is preferable since switching crafting professions regularly can be pretty costly, its better to have a quick-list of people who have to profession you need already active.
3. Ports TO Lions Arch from anywhere in the world are free.
Also like. Its just a minor QoL this that prevents having to sit through two load screens to get back to LA through the mists.
4. Give Guardians the ability to use a Rifle for ranged attacks
Guardians don’t need rifles, they already possess more than enough CC and buffs to make up for the lack of range. Elementalists don’t need shields, Engineers don’t need weapon swaps, etc. You’re talking about adding somthing to a class that doesn’t actually need it because they have built-in class functionality that makes up for its absence.
5. Third weapon swap ability. This way someone can have a primary weapon up, have their secondary set of weapons for fighting, but can swap to the third set for abilities that are not often used (if in combat), such as speed boosting and such.
Again, this is completely unnecessary. The whole point of a two-weapon swap is that you have to be decisive about which two swaps. Adding a third just creates the potential for abusive and game breakingly long burst-chains on every class but thief, while giving thief a game-breaking selection of positioning and damage options.
6. Crafting Item stacks increased from 250 to 1000.
I don’t see the point. 250 of crafting items is enough to craft anything you need to. Tokens are a different story. Most token recipies require more than 250 of their respective tokens so it seems silly that they still stack to 250.
7. Black Lion Keys are guaranteed drop from each final boss in a dungeon
Unfairly advantages dungeon runners, seriously screws up the entire cash shop model. A better system would be the potential to acquire them through the new crowns system, since by buying the keys you’re forgoing other useful and desirable items.
8. Toughness/Vitality/Power sets should be craftable. Maybe with a 4th piece (Karka Shells X15) added to the crafting discovery pane?
I agree that all existing stat configurations should be craftable, even if the recipies for those pieces are somehow dropped and then tradable. People should not be forced to run specific content for a specific stat spread, although that content making getting certain spreads easier to get is fine. Specific content should, like GW1, only be rewarded uniquely by unique cosmetics.
9. Character Story events should be no more than 2 levels from the previous event. Doing a story quest chain up to lvl 45, then having to leave story quest to go grind in the world for 5-8 levels until your next story quest becomes available sucks, because by then you forgot the plot of the story. It’s nice when you get hooked into a story, and can do that non-stop.
I agree it is nice, but I think it’s also healthy to have some long stretches between “arcs” of the story. The points where you make the big-level breaks shouldn’t be in the middle of a plotline, but rather at the end of one story arc, and before the next.
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest
10. Give Jormag/Tequattl/Shatterer three different attack patterns. When we ALWAYS know what will happen next, it defeats the excitement of beating him. But if the dragons change tactics half way through a fight, it puts people on their guard and forces them to adapt to ever changing conditions.
I agree that the current world bosses are stupidly easy. Make them harder and it will feel a lot more natural to also increase the rewards for defeating them. Also, most of them don’t have a FAIL condition. There should absolutely be a way to fail these encounters, and failing should kick off a chain where their forces become much more pervasive throughout the zone, allowing the failing group of players to quell the anarchy throughout the zone and work their way back to another try at the encounter.
11. Auto-LOOT option, selecting loot once, automatically loots everything that the player killed
You mean one button to just vaccum up 20 corpses? Nah. The current auto-loot is good enough. Go to corpse and hit loot, get all loot. Your suggestion would result in HUGE loot overflow windows for full inventories.
12. Badges of Honor in WvW are automatically deposited into bags if you kill/help kill an enemy player. It is too dynamic, too many people moving around, too many effects being used to notice a little bag on the ground next to you.
Loot/Badges and WvW do need looking at. One suggestion I’ve seen is having the system track your kills/objectives and then letting you pick up all your loot bags at an NPC after the fight. I rather like that.
13. Guild Members have a different color icon on all maps, and will show you positions of every guild member on any map, or in WvW even if you’re not in a party with them, or even near them. Would be nice if I go into WvW and see two guildies on there as well, to form up a team.
I like this a lot, but it could be very problematic in large guilds. Should be an easy toggle button on the minimap for it at least.
14. WvW parties have the option of having a team “commanders Icon” that can only be seen by that team, but allows them to stay with the group. Icon is not visible to everyone on the map, just party members.
Groups already show in blue, and only have five people. I don’t see how it’s at all difficult to keep five people together.
15. Dungeon Waypoints are automatically unlocked when achieving the level required to attend it. I.e. If I get an email that says Hey come check out this dungeon, you’re now eligible. By reading that email, and viewing the attachment of where it is, should automatically unlock the waypoint for the dungeon.
Nah. The fact that you can’t simply “walk in to mordor” is actually one of the better PvE decisions in the game. Certain dungeons only make sense when you’ve actually got to fight your way in from time to time. However, the chains to access the dungeons should always be completable by a 5 person dungeon party. As awesome as the assault on Arah is, needing 10+ people to open up a five man dungeon is just bad design, and I’m glad they changed it.
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest
16. COF Dungeon – The Dungeon is contested too often. It will be available to enter for about 15 min, but will be contested for almost an hour. No other dungeon is ever contested. This either needs to be removed, so that the dungeon is always available, or the times are reversed. 1 hour it’s available, 15 min it’s contested.
Don’t reset the door, but reset the event chain. You shouldn’t be able to just reliably walk in to CoF. It’s the flame legion’s stronghold. You should however be able to fight your way in via event chain any time you bloody well please.
17. Token Vendors in Lions Arch clearly say what dungeons tokens are required to purchase items from them. I can’t tell which dungeon is required if I want a specific piece of gear. If you hover over the tokens, it doesn’t even say what token it is.
I remember some pre-release information that had the token vendors near the dungeon entrances. I’d like to see token vendors re-worked and explorable dungeons treated similar to FOTM wherin the first “room” of the instance is a lobby containing vendors specific to the dungeon, which the party is returned to after completing a path.
18. Turn down the brightness of the “White” color on the snow. It’s overly blinding in some of the Norn starting areas when the sun reflects off the snow. It makes it impossible to see certain ground items, and makes leveling in that area aggrivating on the eyes.
Postprocessing in certain areas could be adjusted a bit, yeah.
19. Event Helper, just like with the quest helper in the upper right hand corner of the screen, if we could have an Event Helper, that would show ALL active events currrently taking place on the map that you are on, it would make it easier for people to see what’s up and come and help.
Currently the map does show you important ones for the meta, but I think it would be nice if “completed” scouts would just furnish you with a map of all events in the zone. This would give scouts a reason to exist after you’re finished with their hearts.
20. Change the symbol of Elementalists or Engineers. The little waterdrop icon looks too similar, and are at times confusing when delegating responsibilities in dungeons, or forming teams.
I’ve never had problems with it, but I did always kinda find it odd that the engineer was a potion bottle rather than a wrench, considering they’re portrayed more as mechanics with a slight aptitude for elixers rather than the other way around.
21. The ability to purchase multiple items at once. I.e. If i want to buy 250 Ash Legion Spy kits, I don’t want to have to click “Buy” 250 times. Give me an option to select an amount to purchase.
Yes. So much yes. make it a right-click to open a dialog or something.
22. Hunter Pets should get stealthed when the player uses his Ash Legion Spy Kit. Because we can’t put them away in combat, they just end up dying because we can’t stealth them with our spy kit.
No. That spy kit is already borderline broken in terms of PvE. It does not need a buffs. Rangers do however need a way to stow their pets for multiple PvP and PvE reasons. Address the issue here, not its individual effects or you’ll be “fixing things around one class” for a long time.
23. When previewing an armor tem, give us the ability to adjust the dye colors on it during the preview so we can tell if it is something that might match a speciic color scheme.
Yeah, it seems like the way to do this is to drag dyes in to the preview pane, but because of the way dyes work nobody just has bottles of dye laying around. Just use the color interface from equipped gear.
24. Weapon Dyes or auras. If I want an Abyss Greatsword, I should be able to dye my Greatswords blade an Abyss Color.
I think the reason they said they removed this feature has something to do with making it easier/faster to add more weapons to the game. I’d like weapon dyes to come back, but not at the expense of having it slow down the rate at which new weapons make it in.
25. Weapon Previews need to actually show the weapons without having to remove leggings to see them. Adjust the preview to mimic what the character is doing, i.e. if I swing my weapon in game, it swings the weapon in the preview, so I we can see any graphics or auras associated with the weapon.
Just a button in the preview to switch in and out of combat mode would do the trick i think.
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest
10. Glint Dragon from Gw’s 1 changed it’s attack based on it’s health (Has nothing to do with gw’s 2 but a comparison for your idea)
16. no direct Comment but just on way point contested it should not stop you from teleporting you there just be a warning as to your teleporting into a hot zone and you could possibly be dead by the time your screen loads.
All the points I seen to get my attention. But from all the posts I have seen here I like the way they have been done to respond to the poster! No like just responses like that’s a bad idea you suck are you crazy! But they have been explained for there position good or bad and (insert a except able reason here) as of the time I posted this anyway.
(edited by Rei Hino.5961)
If there are reasons, what are these reasons?
1. If your reasoning is because it helps new players “learn” about purchasing stuff for their toons, I can understand that, but currently there is no instructions or quest to learn how to do this. So new players miss out on it.
5. Wouldn’t really matter what a player has slotted for their weapons, they’re skills sets are set for a specific type/playstyle. It would be nice to not have to open your inventory to switch to a warhorn just for the speed boost.
7. Show me one person that wastes money/gold on black lion keys. And if you say you do, you’re lieing for the sake of argument. The Black Lion keys are over priced and the rewards don’t justify the amount of gems for them.
8. You are correct, you failed to understand my logic as far as Crafting a set. I already know where to buy the stuff, and where to farm the stuff. I would ask that that specific set be craftable.
1. My reasoning is that it’s a gold sink.
5. My point is that it would cause some serious balance issues. We have a limited set of weapons and traits for a reason.
7. Considering all the complaints we see from their sales on BLCs and all the complaints about the keys, I bet we have a significant amount of people who do open them.
8. Why? Looking at http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Item_nomenclature#Triple_attribute, I see that there’s quite a few sets that you cannot craft at all. So why the specific one, especially when it’s the one you can actually get without dungeoning?
1. New characters automatically start with pick, axe & harvesting tool and four 4 slot bags.
5. Third weapon swap ability. This way someone can have a primary weapon up, have their secondary set of weapons for fighting, but can swap to the third set for abilities that are not often used (if in combat), such as speed boosting and such.
7. Black Lion Keys are guaranteed drop from each final boss in a dungeon
8. Toughness/Vitality/Power sets should be craftable. Maybe with a 4th piece (Karka Shells X15) added to the crafting discovery pane?
18. Turn down the brightness of the “White” color on the snow. It’s overly blinding in some of the Norn starting areas when the sun reflects off the snow. It makes it impossible to see certain ground items, and makes leveling in that area aggrivating on the eyes.1. But there’s NPCs that sell those bags for a reason.
5. No, no no. Would be absolutely broken. Can you imagine a Thief with D/D, P/P and Shortbow? Or a Warrior with Rifle, GS and Sword/Warhorn?
7. BL Keys are in the Gem Store for a reason.
8. You can already buy level 80 exotic Soldier’s stuff with Karma. For level 80 Rares, there’s Vigil for armors and Ebon Vanguard for weaponry.
18. That’s got more to do with your settings than anything else.
Good sir. Altho i agree on 1 and 5 the 7 is incorrect. The keys drop in game, OP is just suggesting the kitten bosses we kill give somethin usefull even tho a BLK isnt much.
As for number 8 those armors dont have max stats of exotics. They are missing 10 or so points per piece.
I would also like to add in:
26: “Shift-Clicking on an achievement, allows us to show our progress to specific chat channel.”
This way we can show guild members or party members our status of a certain achievement; or, make known the party of a specific achievement that they might not have known about.
I liked all the comments and critiques.