Take out runes and sigils

Take out runes and sigils

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kormona.7156


I would like that when i put on runes and sigils on weapons, i could take them off the gear again, it could even be for a little fee. It’s ok that you can’t take out the runes that comes with the gear when you get it, but if i then craft 6 superior runes and then put them on the gear i want i should be able to take them out again without destroying the gear and have only 50% chance to get the rune back. It could even be a kit you could buy with gems that come with 10-20 charges.

Take out runes and sigils

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ravion Hawk.4736

Ravion Hawk.4736

Buy Master’s Salvage Kits instead of Fine Salvage Kits.

Head of the Order of the Iron Ravens [OoIR]
Lady Alexis Hawk – Main – Necromancer
Ravion Hawk – Warrior

Take out runes and sigils

in Suggestions

Posted by: Oldgrimm.8521


yeah we need an item to remove the runes from the armor

Without Destroying the current armor

i really want to extract my DIVINITY runes out of my T3 armor

Take out runes and sigils

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kal Spiro.9745

Kal Spiro.9745

How much would you pay in order to extract a rune or sigil without destroying its holder?

Now check the TP and check out the cost for a new one of that paticular rune/sigil.

I am curious about the results.

Tarnished Coast Kal Spiro – Ranger (80), LB/S-D, Eagle/Wolf, Signet, M/S/WS #SABorRiot

Take out runes and sigils

in Suggestions

Posted by: Oldgrimm.8521


i would personally pay 400 gems for 5 piece rune/sigil remover.

(to save the superior runes of divity and to save my t3 armor)

Take out runes and sigils

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kormona.7156


Buy Master’s Salvage Kits instead of Fine Salvage Kits.

Master’s salvage kit is not 100% chance to get the rune and it destroy the gear.

I’ll explain more.
Let’s say you buy a weapon for dungeon tokens, it comes with a superior sigil. Now i can’t just take out the sigil because that would drop the costs for sigils and runes alot, but i can still salvage it as the salvage system works right now.
But the sigil on that weapon is not what i want on my weapon so i buy or craft a new sigil and put it on the weapon replacing the one that’s on the weapon, this mean i have modified the weapon, and only on a modified weapon or gear i should be able to take out the rune/sigil without loosing the item and i should have 100% chance to take out the sigil/rune.

This will not affect the economy since i still have to buy the rune/sigil or craft it, and i can’t just find a item and take out the rune/sigil since it haven’t been modified so to get the sigil then i would have to salvage it.

What this would do is to allow more experienting with builds in pve/www since you can then reuse the sigils/runes you have either bought or crafted or salvaged. This could even give anet a chance to get more money since they could then sell some rune/sigil space that would give extra space in the bank for you to save all your runes/sigils.

@Kal Spiro
The price for taking out runes/sigils would only be for the gold sinc so i’m thinking about the same price as it costs to retrait, even cheaper since you would have to do it per item so let’s say 5s per item.

(edited by Kormona.7156)